Thread lock hat trick? Socal too good!
Sometimes I'm like, man, the Norcal rankings thread would be more fun with a little bit of trash talk. Then I come to the Socal rankings thread and realize that no, it would not. You guys don't trash talk so much as sling **** like sexually frustrated chimps (which is still entertaining don't get me wrong), except for like HugS and maybe 2 or 3 others. Anyway I still love you Socal seriously. You owe Norcal a visit, I'll even house you.
Deep Norcal vs Deep Socal. I want it.
PS Snap is hella good. He's not ranked because he didn't want to be, but he's been in the top 10 before.
PPS Extra <3 to Superfriends, PDale, Rickety, Arash, anyone who plays Luigi.