But Kira, I have beaten Larry this period.
We are 1-3 this period.
i said he beats you, not he's never lost to you.
It just seems that this panel takes results in too rigidly. Or the panel is inconsistent when it comes to looking into other factors.
For example, there is just way too much talk about who beat who, rather than the actual circumstances and related factors involved in those losses or victories.
Also, The panel seems inconsistent when it comes into looking at environmental factors as well. Like, the panel is ready to consider the negative effects of slightly laggy tv's at a tournament, but they are not prepared to consider the strength of a performance at a regional event as opposed to a small local. Yeah I was trying vs Kira and Fly @ Chatsworth, but there were roughly 14 people in attendance, and about 7 bucks on the line for 3rd place.
Therefore, the score of 2-2 between myself and Kira is misleading, but I don't think the panel looked into it any deeper. Not that my score with him would be the only factor, but it's just an example of the oversight I feel the panel may have had in this and other decisions.
I believe this point argued in the Brawl power rankings. If you were trying against me and Fly at Chatsworth, then what's to say that you were playing worse at that tournament than Active Gamers? Why couldn't I have played worse at Active because I was tired and sick and smashed out that weekend? There are so many "environmental factors" that it becomes REALLY difficult to determine which ones are legit and which ones aren't. It involves a LOT of personal opinion. This personal opinion about the relative feelings of each player is not a good criteria to base rankings on.
Or, for example, they are not prepared to look into the factors present in a 1st round winners match when compared to a winner's semis match.
There are no factors present that are worth mentioning. If you lost, you lost. All players understand this and play accordingly. Zhu didn't play as patient against Pnoy as he did against M2K, but does that mean Pnoy's win has no merit? Even if it does have less merit, to what degree do we give Pnoy's victory? How can you even determine that?
And the placement of Lovage below Connor makes no sense to me despite Connor's recent win. They both had similar performances, without taking into account Connor's purposeful losses this period. So would one win over Lovage really warrant a 4 spot drop to place connor above him?
No. As I've already said, Lovage had other poor losses that brought him down this period.
Rankings are a cumulative process, not a fresh start everytime a new period begins. By taking previous rankings into account, you are also taking history into account. Lovage did not deserve a 4 spot drop. Just a 3 spot drop below fly and Kira, because they both had clearly better performances, and appropriate histories to back up such rises in rank. Though I do not agree with Kira @ 5th.
I agree to an extent. However, recently Lovage hasn't performed very well at all other than his win over Zhu at Boss' tournament. Overall though, he's been really inconsistent and consistency is obviously very important. That's something everyone has agreed on ever since the first PR.
Please say WHY you don't agree with me at 5th. Nobody is going to change their mind if you don't give us any reasons.
yup, hugs' posts are almost always right
the PR reminds me of those NBA/MLB/NFL sports power rankings on SI.com and ESPN.com (john hollinger excluded)
it's a reactionary, emotional and illogical list that weights recent performances as everything without applying any common sense. the people making it just simply don't understand the game.
Mango, Atlus, and myself don't understand the game. You're really trying to tell me that? You want to appeal to authority but you think you have a more accurate picture than we do? Why don't we see how many people agree with your PR.
i.e. lovage can be 10% better than the six spots below him, but if he's 60% to win any set (versus 40% for theo ther) then he's still going to lose often. no one in socal except zhu -- that's right, not even lucky, although he's close -- is way better than anyone else, so simple math tells you upsets are going to be commonplace. you need a panel that has an understanding of this rather than saying, "oh, X has four bad losses and two good ones so he goes down three spots so Y goes up two since he had as many bad losses as good wins."
smash results aren't as random or reliant on percentages as much as basketball or football games. when do you ever see zhu lose to a random? The chances of that happening are effectively zero. Remember when Lucky lost to MacD the first time and we all thought it was a joke? Then McCain went on to beat Lunin twice. Smash results happen for a reason.
and that's not even factoring in style differences, importance of tourny, winners v losers bracket, etc.
until then the ranking is a joke
None of those things should really matter. Style differences are just johns. I've covered importance of tournaments above. Winners vs losers is highly subjective. Both people are in the same round, they will be trying equally hard. Falcomist lost to Blunted Object in 1st round winners at Genesis. If it was semi finals would he have done better? Sure, Falcomist might have tried harder, but so would Blunted; they both would increase their game as the rounds become more deciding.
Also, some people choke and some people play better with the pressure. Does that have to do with actual skill? Do we factor that in too? No, we simply state that a loss is a loss and a win is a win, regardless of how well each contestant plays under pressure, even if we KNOW one of them chokes. We attribute choking as part of the skill required to win. There are a lot of things like this, such as overall health or how much one slept before a tournament. If you didn't sleep beforehand, that's your own fault. Nobody is going to give you credit if you didn't sleep at Genesis and went 0-2. If you really cared to do well, you would make sure you got the required sleep. And so on with every other environmental factor.
Let me define "John" for you. A john is an excuse that effectively has no merit. You can john that you were playing bad, but that doesn't change the final result of the tournament. You can john that you didn't have your controller, and that may have merit for your friends or the people that know you, but that doesn't change the fact that you didn't advance in the bracket. You can john that Marth's chaingrabs on Fox are broken, you can john that you didn't eat, etc etc but the final result remains the same. Results should take ultimate precedence over any other factor.
If you are really, truly better than someone else, it will show. You shouldn't have to worry because you'll prove yourself within the next coming weeks.
honestly just let hugo and mango ONLY do it, more people = more margin for error
has anyone ever answered that anyway? why are there so many panelists? just appeal to authority here and let the combination of the two best and smartest players do it, especially since it makes it even easier to get people "online" to update it
Mango alone is going to defer to Hugo at every decision. That's not a good idea. The more people we have the more accurate the decisions will be.
How recent are we talking? Since the last update, I recall you beating me three times before Genesis (two of Connor's tourneys and the first AG one) and once after, at Boba's one. Excluding our sets at the tourney with the LCD tvs, I beat you at that one Festizzio tourney, which would make us 4-1 in the whole period and 1-1 since Genesis.
the period starts after the update. So recent would be this period, which would be all the tournaments from July 19th until now. People have this misconception that Genesis was a big marker in terms of ranking period. It wasn't.
I feel like I started playing better a few weeks after Genesis and the results before then aren't representative of my current skill level. Then again, I don't know exactly what criteria you're using to determine this PR in the first place, so if you want to take into account old victories that aren't very relevant to the present, by my guest.
By making the last victory the most important, you aren't giving any credit to history.
Rankings are a cumulative process, not a fresh start everytime a new period begins. By taking previous rankings into account, you are also taking history into account.
You haven't "proved" that you can beat me consistently, there's no reason to rank you higher at this moment. What if you were ranked higher than me and I beat you the next time we play? Then the rankings would instantly become inaccurate. As far as we know, I'm more consistent in our matches against each other, so while your win definitely has merit, it isn't enough to push you over the top.
I question what this list is actually supposed to represent. Is it supposed to rank Socal's players by their net performances since the last update, is it supposed to represent current estimations of our players' skills, or does it represent something else?
I believe it should be their performances, and their performances alone. Subjectivity will not carry a PR very far. If you can give me good reasons why it should be something other than that, please do so.
Your post is genius. And I agree with your sentiments completely.
And actually, your score this whole period would be 1-1 with Kira, since it began taking in results after genesis.
I said this above, but no, Genesis was not a cutoff of any sort, nor do I see any reason for it to be.
What this list represents has never been clear since Brawl's release and the beginnings of the new rankings. It's something the panel should really look into understanding and explaining.
I mean, Mango is ready to use me on a WC crew, but hesitant to rank me above those he wouldn't use just yet. So is this strictly a list to rank our talent based on this past period alone? Is this strictly a list to rank our talent based on skill? Is this strictly a list to rank performances based on a cumulative viewpoint where recent results hold more weight? Or is this list meant to be some random mix of all purposes.
Let me explain through a hypothetical example. Let's say in Socal, Zhu beats everybody consistently including you but excepting Mango. Let's also say you recently beat PC Chris, M2K, and DaShizWiz in an OoS tournament that Zhu didn't attend. Even though you have really good national merits, there is no reason to believe (no sufficient evidence) that Zhu would NOT be able to beat those players as well other than subjective opinion. As far as the evidence provides, Zhu could beat all of those players as well.
Mango was also willing to put Brandon on a WC crew, but that doesn't mean he was the right choice (sorry brandon, hate to bring it up but I needed an example).
Either way, this list fails on all those levels. The purpose I can see this list fulfilling best is one where we attempt to create a list based solely on who beat who, which would still partially fail because they didn't want to count the results involving laggy tv's. This particular purpose would be a ****ty thing to base our rankings on though. So hopefully that's not what we are aiming for.
The only reason we would count that tournament is if we decided laggy TV's are legit (tournament viable). I don't think anyone would ever agree that laggy TV's are legit. Armada lost to WhatisFear in Genesis pools 1st round, then complained and 2-0'd him after.
Well this was a chore but I'm somewhat appreciative of it now that everything has been written out just cause it helps clear up a lot of misconceptions.
u guys forgot tournaments so these rankings dont matter
Then were are the results? I've asked for them but neither of them have been sent to me by ANYONE. What do you want me to do about that? Send me the results and we'll change it, np.