This is my 3,333.
Once upon a time there was a giraffe born in Giraffe County. And the mother said, "Oh my, his neck is much too short" And the giraffes said, “Oh that's sad”. So then he lived like a quarter of his life and as he lived his life, everyone laughed at the giraffe saying, "You have a short neck, you'll never fit in!" So the giraffe went off in search of a way or place for him to fit in.
So he went to the bottom of a mountain and there was an old man who lived there and the old man said, “Come here; I will help you with your problem!” And so the little short necked giraffe went into the house and he said, "Oh man, what can you do for me?" "Go to the basement where I keep my kids, they can be your friends!" so the giraffe said, "This is creepy but I guess I will!" So he went down the stairs -plunk plunk plunk- and once he got to the bottom, he opened the door and realized that he could not fit in the basement because his neck was too tall for the basement! He still had a short neck comparatively, but he got new confidence. "If I don't fit in the basement, then maybe I am not that bad of a giraffe!" So he went back to his village where everyone mocked him until he died but he lived knowing that he did NOT fit in a basement.
Meanwhile, back in the bottom of the basement, the two little children were SO SAD saying, "Oh boogerbutts! I almost had a friend." The little boy said, “Don't be sad, I can make you happy. Let’s think about the day where we got out of this basement. We’ll have all sorts of friends!" And the little girl said, "But we'll NEVER get out!" And the boy said, "Think as if we do! I know what will cheer you up! Here's some material. Let's make coats and pretend we're in the wilderness! And they'll have to keep us warm!" And the girl said, "Ok!" And so the boy made two coats, one pink and one blue. Then put the coats on and the girl said, "Something's missing! It's not warm enough! If we were really in the wilderness, this would not really protect us." The boy said, "You're right! What should we do?" The girl said, "Let’s find white fluffy stuff." And they went searching but all they could find was mold and mildew and termites. They could not find any fluffy stuff!
And then the old man, trying to be mean, said, "I'll give you some fluffy stuff!" And then threw down a bunch of cotton balls, thinking it would make them sneeze because he hated his little children. But the little children were so happy because they had cotton balls. So they took the cotton balls and sew them onto the coats! And now they had pink and blue fluffy coats! The little girl so loved them; they'd pretend they're outside all the time! They would beat up squirrels, and climb mountains, but all in their imagination because they were, after all, in a mildewy basement.
And they had so much fun that all the termites had begun to grow jealous! They said, "Little children, how can we ever have as much fun as you and go on as many adventures?" The little boy said, "You can go on adventures if you help us get out of here." So the termites dug and they ate and they dug and they ate and they kept on digging until they made it back out into fresh air. And the girl said, "Oh boy! I smell it!" And then they got out and they just loved it so much. They didn't want to go down, ever again!
So they began to climb up and up and up the mountain. They just kept on climbing. And together, they felt like they could do anything! They kept going up and up and up and then they reached the top of the mountain. You see, this is where the problem is. Because once you're at the top, where do you go? Surely not down, for the little children would never go down. Their spirits had gone up so they must go as high as they can until they can find their spirits. But they never will because their spirits are so high.
So they're at the top of the mountain, looking at the stars, trying to figure out what they were supposed to. They couldn't go down any way, and they could not go up. All they could go was three feet to the right. And three feet to the right was a bunch of sticks. And the boy said, "Let's make hammers!” And the girl very exasperatedly said, "Boys always resort to hammers! That's not going to help us!" The boy said, "Just trust me!" So they went three feet to the right, picked up the sticks, and made hammers. And of course, the boy, always being wrong, made the hammers way too big. So now they have two giant hammers and they don’t know what to do.
They’re still at the top of the mountain and they were getting hungry. They wanted fresh air, they needed to keep climbing. So what did they do? In frustration, they picked up their hammers and smashed them on the ground. BAM!!!!!!!!. All the dinosaurs in the world died. The mountain shot up all around them. And all a sudden they realized they can climb forever and ever! So they kept climbing and climbing and whenever they got to the top, BAM. More mountains would appear. While they climbed, they helped everyone! They would beat people up with their hammers and would climb. They were the best little climbers in the world! They became known as the Ice Climbers, and people had them help fight their Nintendo battles everyday!
This is the story of the Ice Climbers. It's true.