TKD (fox)
Auto (is getting moved out of my pool, unfortunately. He's a pika.)
Kiraflax (Pit/ROB) Which do you think he will use? If ROB, I need advice, and I may go pika..
Dragoomba (no idea, help)
Jamnt0ast (ROB) Again, I need help vs ROB, a lot of help. I literally never play any...
TKD also has a pretty decent metaknight, keep that in mind
Automatic is legit dude and I hope he does well
Kir would go ROB against you if he knows you play ICs. Double blind him there too. He's ROB is GOOD at the ICs matchup. He beat me in tourney, although to be fair I Johned of the Ice Climber him AND I'm bad at the ROB matchup. I could beat his pit with ICs though
IDK who the other two are
ROB matchup:
Unless you're good at landing and out of shield desyncing options, you're going to want to play this matchup super synced. And even IF you can do those two, which IDK any other IC but me that uses those, it's still debatable if desyncing helps at all and probably would only hurt you.
Kir likes to Bair into your shield if it's low because I swear that move shield pokes every time. He also Dsmashes much less than any other ROB I have every played, and I've played an extensive list of ROBs, so if you're looking to capitalize on desperation dsmashes, you won't get them from him. Your best bet is to try to bait that bair into you and IPG it. That's how I got my grabs unless I was able to shield grab it.
If they laser or gyro, you should be able to counter that with a synced squall as long as you're not obvious every time. If you pick up gyro, keep it because a gyro on the ground blocks the entire IB game from occurring. Hold it, bait a laser, and then go into desync mode to force them above you.
Ftilt has stupidly good range, and so does dtilt while being fast.
If separated, ROB has that wall of pain, but most of the moves that hit you won't separate. The only moves that you really need to worry about being separated by is Dsmash and Nair. Fortunately you can see Nair coming a mile away, but it has kill potential and a weird hitbox. Dsmash is fast, usually comes after a landing or a spot dodge, but you can DI out of it up like a pikachu Dsmash only it's slightly harder.
Blizzarding them while they are on the ledge makes them run out of fuel or at least makes them commit to going far offstage and back to recover. ROB has a major blindspot beneath him, so it's uair city