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So how bout them Metaknights? -Videos-


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2007
Arlington Heights, IL
So how about them, eh?

I'm sure like a lot of people here, Metaknight gives you a hard time :\

I did a set of 6 matches a few days ago with a friend of Ike vs. Metaknight. I usually steer clear of any sort of Ike vs. MK matches simply because I suck so hard vs. him. I wanted to do them since I haven't faced a MK in awhile and to see how Ike stacked up vs. him this time around.

I would LOVE to get some feedback from these, like what went right or what I did wrong or anything else that might be helpful. Watching these again, I've noticed some bad habits on my part. I want to know what you guys think too.









Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
I watched the first 3 that you posted:

Video 1: (this is as i'm watching chronologically):
-Don't spotdodge tornados lol
-You can KO with F-tilt if you add some more damage, so you don't have to resort to the easier-to-punish F-smash.
-Could have gone for a meteor after your AAA at 2:36, and it would have at least scared him a bit xD
-It looks like you're going for Side-B hits a bit much, especially in times where, if they did hit, it would just put him in an awkward position for you to try to KO.
-When MK juggles you, it's perfectly fine NOT to DI towards him. It looked like you were getting a bit too aggressive around 3:00, and diagonally under/in front of Ike isn't one of the fastest places for him to hit, though you could have used Eruption more: if you SAF'd, it would have countered, if he rolled, it would have stopped his current juggle, at least.
-When you were coming back on your last life, you kept using F-air instead of focusing on air-dodging or just plain recovery, which left you open to punishment and it lag-screwed you when you missed the ledge==> final suicide.

Video 2: Metaknight wasn't too aggressive =|
- Could have gone for a meteor scare at 1:19
- Definitely could have gone for meteor at 1:58

General things I noticed:
- I could tell when you were going to upsmash while running. Is that a bad thing? That's for you to decide - can your friend read Ike's moves?
-Just because he's under you doesn't mean you have to D-air. Example: Video 1, 2:00-2:30s.
You use alot of D-airs over ground, though personally, I'd use it for killing people off stage.
- Use Counter and Eruption once in a while. If you're not comfortable with them, practice then. Marth's counter is more reflexive while Ike's counter requires you to read ahead of your opponent's moves.

General tip when fighting other characters:
Use them. Get to know their moves and range a bit, know which moves they're more likely to use. When I played against my first player-controlled MK, he was alot more aggressive and generally had a more cruel game than your friend, and used things like Up-B to KO, and since I hadn't played against a MK user before, I was pretty much a sandbag with a sword. I was more prepared the next time we met each other because I had taken some time to learn a bit of MK and could read his attacks and finally got around to beating him.

good luck!


Smash Champion
Jun 8, 2007
Port Chester, New York
kirky kirk kirk. i wanna play some ike dittos with you. you live in new york right? i do too. anyways, when i watched you play i put myself in your position and everything you did i did 95% of it in my mind. only thing i could see was the way you held your QD's. im not patient enough to hold it. oh the one thing that you did that i never do was attack while you trying to come back with no jumps left. thats usually bad. anyways that metaknight you played, i thought, wasnt that good. ive seen alot better ones and i think my metaknight is better too. anyways if you get time PM me so we can play some dittos.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
kirky kirk kirk. i wanna play some ike dittos with you. you live in new york right? i do too. anyways, when i watched you play i put myself in your position and everything you did i did 95% of it in my mind. only thing i could see was the way you held your QD's. im not patient enough to hold it. oh the one thing that you did that i never do was attack while you trying to come back with no jumps left. thats usually bad. anyways that metaknight you played, i thought, wasnt that good. ive seen alot better ones and i think my metaknight is better too. anyways if you get time PM me so we can play some dittos.
Rochester is very far from PC. I go to SUNY purchase which is right down the road from PC and I'm from new ro if you ever want to play at all.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 18, 2008
California L.A.
Great vid and all but I thought that the MK you faced was kind of week, there were times where even I thought "Oh Come On even a three year old could catch that one" no offense to you I thought your game was pretty dam good. But the MK didnt know how to edge guard well if your afraid of getting hit by the attack just quickly tap down then quickly jump or up b to keep the invinsibility longer and then you roll onto the stage. But other than that I still can say that you are one of the best ikes that I have seen in a while good job although the noob in me wanted to see some more counters "sob" :(


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Bergen County
Kirk does that MK guy like the tornado b/c that was annoying as hell I have to admit and against the windmill in the last one. But that was very good spamming in my opinion but he did become a bit predictable. My advice to your superior Ike play is:
Use the f-air more, the time that you did use it a lot was bad b/c it just looked like mindless spamming. And besides Ike f-air is like bread-and-butter, so use it.
Also space better. Can't emphasize this enough there were times where you just got shield grabbed while doing aerials, and that shouldn't be happening w/ proper spacing. Granted sometimes you couldn't help it but still space better.
Stop using the d-air. I don't mean stop using it, but use it less, like WAY less. I don't know about your playstyle but I would say you like to use the d-air as an out-of-shield attack, a punisher for rollers, and a general approach attack against small characters. However, in this matchup you use d-air way too much. Like I even predicted when you were going to use it, and I wasn't even playng. :) But yeah, I'm only really criticizing your use of d-air, because it is so punishable. The landing lag is bad, and I don't know why but that MK didn't punish you enough. LOL maybe you just intimidated him enough so he didn't go for you.
Your punishing was amazing. I remember one time you pulled an f-smash after the MK missed w/ the sideB. Awesome Punishment. However sometimes you missed really good chances to punish, so I would say use less laggier moves and try and utilize f-tilt and u-smash more as a punisher.
General stragety against MK:
Depending on the stage you should choose whether to go for vertical/horizontal kills but generally you want to go for the vertical kill. MK is light and small since you can't match him in move speed on the ground/SH'ing level (b/c the b-air is pretty much eliminated from this matchup due to MK size) you need to go for the vertical kill. So in general you should take advantage of any lag he may have to launch him into the sky. Since MK has very little lag on most moves, you should use the grab more to punish for mistakes, then down throw. Utilize mindgames, scare tactics, whatever to land your launchers: u-air, u-smash, u-tilt, the b-air (I liked how you used your b-air to kill MK do it more), etc. Use the retreating f-air which I find very effective. Against MK use the d-smash more. Although it can't kill against heavier characters, against light characters its very effective, b/c of their weight. So in pressure situations against MK in high %'s pull out the d-smash. Very quick out of shield and can kill light characters. Use sparingly b/c its very punishable. Also use the dash attack a bit more. Its a relatively quick move and many underestimate the range, so it can be used as a surprise against MK(anybody really) for a quick horizontal kill at higher%s.
What I loved:
The punishing, and your jab mixups were too good when you were playing pokemon stadium. I loved it. Your matches were just amazing. Anyway hope this helps although its coming from a player of less skill.

Edit: LOL srry for the wall of text :)
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