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So FAST results are in....


Smash Master
May 18, 2008
Cave of Olmec
I guess zoro wins this one lol.

Florida got owned at this tournament. The only noticable placing of anyone this tourney is Rx and Xyz getting 2nd in doubles, but no one cares about doubles so yeahhh.

In singles Florida got destroyed, the only decent placing was me at 4th, but who cares 4th is terribad. There is only 3 placings that matter, and thats 1st 2nd and 3rd, and no one cares about 3rd.

Our metaknights in florida are nothing compared to the ones from OOS. G Money and Rx- got pwnt by out of staters (Gmoney getting 2stocked by ike... /sigh and Rx losing to DJ Nintendo as bowser in pools). Neither Rx or Gmoney even do the things that m2k do (air guards with dairs, gimps with Dairs, metaknight has the easiest time gimping anyone ESPECIALLY SNAKE but neither of them would know this because they are to busy tornadoing).

I lost to M2k and Cort. Cort i think i can beat if i fight him again, i might might MAYBE go even with m2k with some practice. But still even then i guess i suck because i got owned.

So yeah...florida sucks.
Cant wait for CH4!
And Willvo


Smash Lord
Dec 3, 2007
Tallahassee, FL
I'm so glad you agree. FL got wrecked because we're too busy tornadoing. Afro should have gotten second but he has emotional johns. Most of our players should have placed higher but they're too busy riding their own ***** to worry about actually being good. Good **** to fearless and HRNut for being beast, but that's about it.


Smash Master
May 18, 2008
Cave of Olmec
I'm so glad you agree. FL got wrecked because we're too busy tornadoing. Afro should have gotten second but he has emotional johns. Most of our players should have placed higher but they're too busy riding their own ***** to worry about actually being good. Good **** to fearless and HRNut for being beast, but that's about it.
No johns cort owned me, I suck.
Florida sucks.
We need to improve.


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2008
Miami, FL
Meta Knight is a bad match up for Snake.
Hunter's called this since so long ago.
None of our Meta Knight's do what they could to **** Snake's day.
Thanks to that, when M2k did it to Afro, he didn't know what to do.
And Florida got wrecked.


Smash Master
May 18, 2008
Cave of Olmec
Meta Knight is a bad match up for Snake.
Hunter's called this since so long ago.
None of our Meta Knight's do what they could to **** Snake's day.
Thanks to that, when M2k did it to Afro, he didn't know what to do.
And Florida got wrecked.
No its not a bad matchup, its a 5/5 matchup. The mks in florida are all bad (like me) so i didnt know how to handle it.

No johns, Snake vs MK is even i just suck.


Smash Master
May 18, 2008
Cave of Olmec
Yeah but Snake destroys MK on the ground with a better camping game, and better follows with his grabs (free 30% with downthrow to Ftilt), and a easier time landing killing blows.

Only difference is you cant gimp MK and MK can gimp you.


Smash Master
May 18, 2008
Cave of Olmec
No any character is godly, atleast among the top tiers if you know how to play.
Im saying florida doesnt know how to play.
Dont twist my words.


Smash Master
May 18, 2008
Cave of Olmec
Everyone go to Willvo, and lets practice.
To Rx and Gmoney i hope you learned from M2k...i hope...

I remember saying i dont do any serious friendlies.
M2k just proved that this game takes practice. He told me that though he loves to play melee more, he still plays brawl regularly.

No one is going to beat him that doesnt practice this game. So yeah i'll be playing alot more often. This tourney taught me alot. Hopefully it teaches everyone else as well.


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
No any character is godly, atleast among the top tiers if you know how to play.
Im saying florida doesnt know how to play.
Dont twist my words.
Especially in brawl there are only a few godly characters

as for FL... well I didnt see many good placings

but 4th is by no means bad.

General rule of thumb is that if you made money, then it means alot.

If you made money for 4th, then be happy

if not, well... 4th place is still really good.


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
(air guards with dairs, gimps with Dairs, metaknight has the easiest time gimping anyone ESPECIALLY SNAKE but neither of them would know this because they are to busy tornadoing).


Florida ftw

Life After Death

Smash Champion
May 27, 2008
Bronx, NY
top 10 in melee is good as hell considering how many top players/pros entered. eggm shiz speedn colbol cort m2k chaddd xelic caveman ect..... in brawl the pros that are known are m2k and cort.

afro is SHIZ


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
I take back my words against afro
hes really good also his melee ganon impressed me
10 year olds can 4 stock me with ganon so i gotta give u an auto win

Fl did well
I didnt honestly know how bad or good we would do

I must say fl metaknights...stop tornado spamming
Tornado is effective just isnt the greatest thing to do the entire game
watch m2k vids and pick up his style in 5 seconds

I wasnt really wanting FL to lose I just wanted the gay repetitive tactics to fail
which 2 weeks ago we thought was unbeatable

brawl is a bit deeper than i thought it was (which still isnt very deep)
but its still boring as all hell lol.

If u you like it better than thats you and I wont try and force my opinions on anyone anymore.


Smash Master
May 18, 2008
Cave of Olmec
I take back my words against afro
hes really good also his melee ganon impressed me
10 year olds can 4 stock me with ganon so i gotta give u an auto win

Fl did well
I didnt honestly know how bad or good we would do

I must say fl metaknights...stop tornado spamming
Tornado is effective just isnt the greatest thing to do the entire game
watch m2k vids and pick up his style in 5 seconds

I wasnt really wanting FL to lose I just wanted the gay repetitive tactics to fail
which 2 weeks ago we thought was unbeatable

brawl is a bit deeper than i thought it was (which still isnt very deep)
but its still boring as all hell lol.

If u you like it better than thats you and I wont try and force my opinions on anyone anymore.
I agree with this post. Zoro see now we love each other lets have babies.
Honestly i want to see alot of improvement from people this tourney. Hopefully i'll see it.


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2008
Miami, FL
I take back my words against afro
hes really good also his melee ganon impressed me
10 year olds can 4 stock me with ganon so i gotta give u an auto win

Fl did well
I didnt honestly know how bad or good we would do

I must say fl metaknights...stop tornado spamming
Tornado is effective just isnt the greatest thing to do the entire game
watch m2k vids and pick up his style in 5 seconds

I wasnt really wanting FL to lose I just wanted the gay repetitive tactics to fail
which 2 weeks ago we thought was unbeatable

brawl is a bit deeper than i thought it was (which still isnt very deep)
but its still boring as all hell lol.

If u you like it better than thats you and I wont try and force my opinions on anyone anymore.
Alright, I can thoroughly respect this post. You got my seal of approval (ohgodsoimportant).


Smash Journeyman
Jan 5, 2008
Miami, Florida
Neither Rx or Gmoney even do the things that m2k do (air guards with dairs, gimps with Dairs, metaknight has the easiest time gimping anyone ESPECIALLY SNAKE but neither of them would know this because they are to busy tornadoing).
I wouldn't say the easiest because that is the most difficult time I have doing dairs to a snake, the rest of the roster is cake...now snake has always been a problem for me cause of this... unless theres something more to it that I don't know about. Idk about the other mks but gimping is definitely my game and should be pretty much every other MK's game.


Smash Master
May 18, 2008
Cave of Olmec
no videos, all i can say is that he did it.

Im picking up MK now as well.
No not because i believe MK is overpowered, but because i believe he will cover my weaknesses well.


Smash Master
Feb 9, 2008
Warner Robins, GA (Used to be Miami, FL)
Im picking up MK now as well.
No not because i believe MK is overpowered, but because i believe he will cover my weaknesses well.
you and everyone else in the entire world is picking up MK... I am too.... danny is too... so wtf is up with todays society nowadays....

first was everyone picking up snake, now it's mk... then comes wario at some point.... so what else?!


Smash Lord
Dec 3, 2007
Tallahassee, FL
no videos, all i can say is that he did it.

Im picking up MK now as well.
No not because i believe MK is overpowered, but because i believe he will cover my weaknesses well.
Yeah that's exactly why m2k uses marth and fox. It's pretty much the only unbeatable combination in the game.

Hai Im Fearless

Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2008
Orlando, FL
m2k was like here let me grab you at the ledge ( i was snake he was mk)

he released grabbed me and i jumped backwards and did up b and he's like no you can't do that no one good will do that at tournaments

im like wtf


Smash Master
May 18, 2008
Cave of Olmec
you and everyone else in the entire world is picking up MK... I am too.... danny is too... so wtf is up with todays society nowadays....

first was everyone picking up snake, now it's mk... then comes wario at some point.... so what else?!
im picking up MK to learn MK better, because i dont trust anyone well enough to teach me MK. Everyone started picking up snake for ACTUAL tourney use because they fvckin suck and dont know how to beat snake. I wont be using MK at a tourney, just in friendlies to understand him a bit more.
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