People didn't except a damage ratio change. How are you going to convince people to use equipment that increases their defense and lowers their speed, making combos harder? It makes using SLer in the first place somewhat redundant.
Speed doesn't just effect grounded speed, it also effects jumps and all directions of aerial movement. Recovery would be harder across the board. It's another bother for anybody on the fence about the thing.
How would you ever convince a Little Mac main to use the equipment when it nerfs his already bad recovery and magnifies his lack of an air game? How would you convince Pit mains when all his aerials SHFF autocancel already? There are entire groups of players who don't want this to happen just so their characters don't fall.
I've tried the equipment, although not the specific one from the challenge. Even playing with equipment with little stat changes alters everything about a character. If Pit has too much speed, then a whiffed Sspecial offstage takes him off the bottom. Any speed difference whatsoever changes the timing of his aforementioned autocancels. Why should I bother with the equipment if I have to relearn my character for it, and he'll be weaker overall there? It's just another impediment driving people away.
If no effort is made, nothing will happen. I don't see people arguing for it outside of this very topic. I don't see any experienced players coming in here saying anything besides "lel not happening." You're kidding yourself if you think there's enough support to get this off the ground.
See the problem is that everyone that has be try so desperately to shoot ne down is talking to me like I have been researching the crap out of this topic already.
Yes, the SL brawn badge gives you +35/-35 on attack/defense.
This is why you add the standard agility badge as well as the protection badge.
This will put you at +22atk , -14 def, +7 speed.
This set up is the same on EVERY CHARACTER.
It makes the game slightly faster in speed and most characters die aroun 115-130% if they don't DI.
Tbh I dont really have any issues with switchin back and forth, Because the +7 speed isn't really enough to throw the game off.
How do you know for a fact this will ruin recovery and auto cancels if you haven't really tested it thoroughly?
No one is telling you that you have to re learn your character. If you don't wanna play this way then don't. It's annoying when I'm trying to show people that there is more to this game than what we perceive as the tournament standard try to pass of their skepticism as fact.
My whole point of this is not to say that SL is definitively better. I have never said that. I do however think it deserves a thorough testing to see what develops. It really has potential. I really wish I didn't have to keep repeating this statement to ever new person that doesn't read the previous posts XD
Its funny because anytime someone comes on here with that "lel not happening" it's because they don't even realize that we have addressed a lot of the problems that people had with it in the first place.
Tell you what. If people that have unlocked it tested it and come back with legitimate data on why this is bad along vids or anything, I'll listen. but in the meantime I don't have time for people who come on here just to tell me things I already know.
I will keep going on researching this and there's nothing you can do about it besides try to shoot me down with half baked attempts. I think we both know by now it's not working lol.