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SMASHPOCALYPSE:: SPOC IX in February? Link to SPOC VIII results in OP


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
onett done deal

if anything should be off random it should be battlefield. theres already a shortage of small stages so I would keep FoD even tho I dislike it
Pokemon Stadium is way worse than Battlefield. Like, I'm a spacie player and am crazy in love with Pokemon Stadium, and I'll still agree that if you're trying to limit the randomness on game 1, PS is the one that would have to go. (not that I think any of them should go, I just think Rainbow cruise or KJ 64 should be added when doing the alternating strikes to determine stage for game 1).

Nothing is random about battlefield and it's size is very average in all ways. It has gay edges. Get over it. It's pretty much as close as you can get to a balanced stage.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2007
Yeah but, taking out FOD? thats going a little too far. I hate fod, and still i believe it is needed. And if YS gets taking out I quit life... We need to leave some small stages in the random order. Not all characters do well on wide open levels, not all characters do well on small levels. So leave em both. The way things are now is we have PS and FD as the large open levels, FOD and YS as the small ones, and BF as the half and half. Its perfect as is.

And as for Magus... ... ... stop coming up with such sexy combos lol You need to become active again, I want to train with you man. Need to learn some of those Ganon trix


Smash Apprentice
Nov 30, 2006
Bayonne, NJ
Taking BF off the neutrals is utter insanity. It's one of the most neutral neutrals. If anything I would vote PS being taken off neutrals since it's technically the most random out of all legal stages - but that's only if a neutral had to be removed at all.

Speaking of which, is Pocky's alternating stage strike rule the reason we are discussing this? Because I actually dig that rule a lot, and it makes the most sense for creating a set with the greatest possible agreement between the two players. But if we had to just make an odd number of stages to enable this rule, I always vote to add Kongo Jungle 64. My question is, if you use this rule on the West Coast, what are your neutrals that you have an odd number of them??

Either way, if we aren't using the alternating stage strike rule, then this discussion is pointless. Each neutral has their purpose, and taking out any of them at this point would just cause problems.


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
When we do it for melee, we remove Yoshi's Story

But the main issue here is that it doesn't matter... no stage is "needed" at all. If we're operating under the assumption that 4/6 'neutrals' would be 'fair' for any matchup (since each side only gets one ban normally) the fact that this system, regardless of whether you add another stage or take away an existing stage, allows you to narrow that set of "fair" stages down even further is good.

Under this system, only just over half the stages in the starter set need to be deemed "fair" for a fair match to take place, whereas in the traditional way, you only allow leeway for one "unfair" stage (which would be banned by the player it's unfair to)

Like I said, even if you make flatzone the 7th stage, no match would ever be played on it unless both players somehow decide that it's in the top half of 'fair' stages for their matchup

as far as who strikes a stage first, we generally either do RPS or go by controller slot

I personally usually just do all my strikes at the same time and let the other player take their pick from the remaining stages, just to save time, especially when they don't know the system


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2006
Wilmington, DE
does anyone else pronounce "onett" as "won-ett"? (i.e. the way it SHOULD be pronounced, none of this "oh-net" garbage)
It's pronounced just like it's written. It was taken from Earthbound and each town was labeled in the name the order that you arrived in them.





Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
It's pronounced just like it's written. It was taken from Earthbound and each town was labeled in the name the order that you arrived in them.



um, right, that's his point.

edit, that's not really how anyone would pronounce it as it's written outside of the context of knowing the other town names.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
But given that there are two towns from the game included in smash... hm?

People are just silly.
I never put onett and fourside together as part of a collective group of towns and I'm a genius, so it's clearly not at all obvious. It's hard to think outside of the stuff that you already know, so it must seem silly to you as someone who has some frame of reference on the topic, but I'd say I'm well within the majority here of people who don't see onett and fourside and assume that they must be part of some wacky counting-based town naming system from earthbound.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
:laugh: Clearly

It's ok, genius doesn't denote good at pronounciations. No Johns
I'm very good at pronunciations. To even imply that onett should be pronounced "won-ett" out of the context of knowing the other towns is laughable. Even if you notice "one" at the beginning of "onett," it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to pronounce it "won-ett" as that's just arbitrarily adding an "e" sound in there. "Wont" is a more logical pronunciation in that case, but still doesn't make a whole lot of sense with the double 't's there. In the context of having a progression of towns that start with "one," "two," and "three," "won-ett" makes some sense, but lacking the supporting information, one can only really conclude that it should be pronounced phonetically ("oh-net" or "on-net").

Can anyone tell that I'm bored at work?


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2006
Wilmington, DE
I'm very good at pronunciations. To even imply that onett should be pronounced "won-ett" out of the context of knowing the other towns is laughable. Even if you notice "one" at the beginning of "onett," it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to pronounce it "won-ett" as that's just arbitrarily adding an "e" sound in there. "Wont" is a more logical pronunciation in that case, but still doesn't make a whole lot of sense with the double 't's there. In the context of having a progression of towns that start with "one," "two," and "three," "won-ett" makes some sense, but lacking the supporting information, one can only really conclude that it should be pronounced phonetically ("oh-net" or "on-net").
LOLWUT? :laugh:


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
LMAO @ Scar..

instead of an all Ness / Mario tournament, we should have an all fox tournament. there should probably be no items. and for stages.. umm Final Destination??


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2006
To point something out, I proposed this exact same ban setup to scar at his house one time awhile back and he argued against me with it. I've always thought it was the best set up and if I wasn't lazy and ran my own tourney would undoubtedly what I used.

I skipped though most of these last post to comment on some people talking about this is the game you should learn the stages.

First of all yeah you should and more importantly that's why they're neutral stages cause they have been regarded by countless people as being more "fair" to any random over match up.

There are exceptions

Hence why you get a strike so you don't fall into one of those exceptions playing a puff on Dreamland for instance. Although if you strike Dreamland Opponent can still CP it which you should be okay with cause you probably banned mute city or something. By okay with it I mean you should have enough experience on it where you know what to ****ing do.

Now say your fighting a Marth I don't know to many Marths that pick non-neutrals so that's probably why you would sacrifice your strike to ban a neutral simply because Marth is really good on them. like say (using scar cause hes easy) a C. Falcon most of them don't like playing on FOD Scar especially, on top of that Marth is good on that stage IMO and would probably be my ban too.

Second of all yeah you should know CPs as well but theres enough of them plus they obviously favor certain characters over others that you should be able to ban one.

On a side note you should hold a poll maybe two to see how many people are in favor of striking stages till one remains for the neutral and a second poll maybe to see what stage gets removed in order to make that happen *cough*fod*cough*

Regardless the rules are much better this way and I don't see them favoring anyone character.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
On a side note you should hold a poll maybe two to see how many people are in favor of striking stages till one remains for the neutral
That sounds interesting, but I feel that hinders lower tiers even more.

swift vs DK1337hax

I obviously ban FD and DL64. seriously a no brainer. Whats DK do now? Whats left is decent but DK is already behind the 8 ball matchup wise why completely wipe out 2 of his best stages for the matchup? and unless DK truly has some uber1337hax he aint winning game 3 if he lost game 1.

a counter-idea:

having ppl choose a stage to ban or having them choose a stage that CANNOT be banned


MLG ruleset modification:

-resets on random

-game 2 bans get re-allocated

-game 3 bans get re-allocated


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2006
Good luck Mario
That sounds interesting, but I feel that hinders lower tiers even more.

swift vs DK1337hax

I obviously ban FD and DL64. seriously a no brainer. Whats DK do now? Whats left is decent but DK is already behind the 8 ball matchup wise why completely wipe out 2 of his best stages for the matchup? and unless DK truly has some uber1337hax he aint winning game 3 if he lost game 1.
I agree, not top characters get hurt badly by stage striking.

a counter-idea:

having ppl choose a stage to ban or having them choose a stage that CANNOT be banned


MLG ruleset modification:

-resets on random

-game 2 bans get re-allocated

-game 3 bans get re-allocated
I LOVE this idea though I think you should be able to ban on R1. I mean....what bans are being re-allocated game 2 if you can only use a rest R1? :bee:
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