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Smasher's Digest for Youtube Vids- Match 1 Rough Draft Finished!


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
alameda, ca

Recently I've been paying more attention to smash videos, backing them up, studying them, trying to figure out what was going through the players' heads, and why they did the moves they did. Just about every good player has done this; they watch videos more on the level of a textbook, gleaning information from the ground up, instead of watching it like a movie or mindless entertainment. Mango and Dr Peepee are two that come to mind, but studying replays is basically an integral part of any smasher's improvement.

In the greater interest of the melee community, I was thinking about starting up a sort of Reader's Digest for smash videos--basically, doing write-ups about the situations, moves, etc, that happen in important smash videos. Basically, I'd be trying to "make sense" out of a video, or analyze the chain of events that happens in popular matches, with an eye towards spacing, reaction and reads, and random vs planned events.

Basically I'd be choosing the sets that I wanted to do write-ups on. In the interest of length, I'll probably stay away from grand finals, doc vs peach, 3 full sets with 5 games each. That would be mad boring to talk about, I'd run out of steam, and would be saying the same things over and over, most likely. I was thinking something 5-12 minutes, high-profile (so the gameplay's really good), and matchups that fall more or less in my area of expertise.

But yeah, everyone can use this thread to suggest good matches or sets, do votes, provide input, or argue about my interpretation of the events. I'll try to keep it up to date and keep a lively discussion going :)

So, thoughts? If this all goes through, I'll probably start in about 2 or 3 days with the "Don't Go Down There Jeff!" videos. I want to analyze the hell out of grand finals for my own personal gain, as well >=]. But post whatever you think about the idea.

Smasher's Digest #1
Jman vs Lucky, Don't Go Down There Jeff! GFs

Match 1
Rough Draft


Smash Grimer
Aug 16, 2005
Ann Arbor, MI


Smash Champion
Mar 31, 2004
150km north of nowhere, Canada
this is how I became good in 04/05
I picked apart the Ken vs Azen vids from Game over.

I swear I watched those like 300 times.

lots of stuff in those vids that I learned would still even be applicable today for many new players.

In other words, this is a great idea


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
alameda, ca
haha awesome, glad to hear that people like the idea

i'm searching for a new laptop right now, because my desktop died, so i'll start once i get the new computer :)

(as it is right now i can't spend much time on smashboards because my roommate lets me use his computer when he's gone lol)


Smash Journeyman
Jan 24, 2009
Seaside, CA
I have about 3-4gbs of smash videos on my hard drive in small file size, clear qualties, and different charecters and players, for a while I've been thinking about making a torrent file of all of them that peeps could download, lemme know what you guys think.


Smash Lord
May 22, 2006
Sacramento, CA
I have about 3-4gbs of smash videos on my hard drive in small file size, clear qualties, and different charecters and players, for a while I've been thinking about making a torrent file of all of them that peeps could download, lemme know what you guys think.
Yes, please (to both the topic and this).


Smash Journeyman
Jan 24, 2009
Seaside, CA
Alright, I'll make a torrent and upload it somewhere. (mediafire?)
I'm not sure when I'll get back from school next, but I'll try and leave my comp on all night to seed the files, and I'll prolly sort them too. (somehow)

Gimie ways to sort them by lol.


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2007
yeah sort by tourney/date if you can.

also the digest thing could be cool. i'd be interested in reading that.


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
alameda, ca
Yeah, I'll do it, don't worry.

I've actually been thinking about this kind of a lot, I'm thinking of aiming random people to get their input on specific character matchups and things like that. For example, I wouldn't have as much background in Hax vs Armada, but I could talk with someone about the set while I'm analyzing it and doing the write-up.

If there's anything with a fox in it, I'll probably have that under control, but it'd still be cool to talk with people about it. After all, sharing ideas about the game is what it's all about anyways, right? :p (I see you PP, and I'll definitely IM you to get your advice about some matchup in the near future)

Basically, there's a tournament tomorrow, and my computer's still broken (on roommate's right now lol), but tomorrow I'm gonna borrow a graphics card and get my **** in order again. Then, depending on homework, I'll do the write-up :)

I was thinking about:
mango vs jman (fox vs marth at dgdtj)
mango vs jman from pound 4, fox vs falco
hax vs armada, since it seems like a popular one (or armada vs ss)
mango vs hbox or lucky vs hbox from dgdtj
jman vs lucky, fox dittos from dgdtj



Smash Master
Dec 4, 2008
I might as well start downloading some sets to watch right now

Good **** Joe =D


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
alameda, ca
oh ****, now i really gotta get on it =P

i have an assignment i need to do by tomorrow, so perhaps i'll do the first one tomorrow night?



Smash Journeyman
Nov 9, 2005
Brilliant idea. I try to do this from time to time with videos I'm interested in, but because I'm not very skilled, it is pretty hard. I would watch/read all videos in this project.


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
alameda, ca
startin this **** right now :D

got my coffee and some music to start writing to
be up... later tonight? i wanna talk to one of the players on aim before posting it :)


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
alameda, ca
i'm gonna do lucky vs jman, from dgdtj

that set is absolutely amazing

i guess the main thing y'all can help out with is input. what format would you like to see me post it up in?

right now i'm going through the matches (well, the first match still) and covering everything that happens. right now i'm at about 15 seconds, and i have a full page in MS word. a 13:48 set is 828 seconds, so doing this for the whole set would take about 60 pages of MS word text.

i seriously doubt that anyone would want to read that much smash, and my endurance might now be that long either.

i'm probably going to quit analyzing EVERYTHING that happens, following every move, and focus on the important trades, if you guys wanna see the whole set written up. i figure that by analyzing the way that either player punishes/gets out of situations, and what their habits seem to be, i can still put together a pretty good profile of either player, and extrapolate to what the average smasher should be doing in a fox ditto.

alternately, (i actually kind of want to do this), i'd analyze the last match in super-close detail like i've been doing. it's honestly a fantastic match, and joey and jman are super on-point, and it would be a joy to pick their brains.

if you guys wanted to wait for like an extra day or two, i could try to do a transcript for the whole set, and put it under the *code* spoiler system or whatever, but either way, it would be a more condensed version of what i'm doing now, which is following every move that happens and generalizing about it.

SOO, i basically need input. what do you think would be the most important things to focus on, the most interesting things to read about, and the most helpful things that happen in the match that i should highlight? :)

thanks again for all the support, i really appreciate it, and hopefully i'm helping you guys out too by doing all this :D


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
Well we definitely dont want you to over work yourself. But Ill let u know that ANYTHING that you post Ill read.

Also if its for the avg smasher you probably need only moderate detail and general concepts. If **** is those smashers who are pretty good, but they tryna be great-that lil bit of detail might be the kind of insight to push them over the top.

Id say since this is the first one, why dont you try the middle of the road and go the whole set but with moderate detail, and maybe for the next one you do try the other way and just kinda feel em out.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2005
Might as well get a couple people on board to increase the output.

Also, I don't think you should avoid grand finals, but instead you should probably focus on them.

Grand/Winners/losers/semi/quarter finals should most definitely be a priority. That's basically highest level game play. Meanwhile, other hype-bracket matches should also be used.

Get at me on AIM if you have it, or PM me if you're looking for any assistance.

Dark Hart

Rejected by Azua
Mar 25, 2008
Death Row, North Carolina
I'd say try not to analyze every single action, so much as turning points in momentum or why some options worked over others or the prediction/"mindgames" behind some of there options.

Just my two cents

As for what Brookman said: That would be very helpful, even if it's the same matches. One person my interpret something differently or see something another missed.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2005
I'm going to recommend that you start off with pen and paper. Note times and use single words to cue your memory/thoughts as you watch. Then you can go back over again and write more in depths.

just a suggestion. Compartmentalize the process.

If you've ever seen my crit thread in the fox forum, this is kinda my thing XD


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
alameda, ca
alright, yeah. I definitely agree with getting other people on board, LOL.

It's been like an hour and a half and i'm about 40 seconds in to the first match.

I have this big section about the beginning of the first match, but it could be pretty well summed up by something like "Both players try to put things together, but since they're at low percent none of the moves they throw out lead into anything else."

there are a few parts in there that are cool, dealing with shield pressure and edgeguards, and a few interesting strategies that don't quite work out. overall, i guess i'll stop with the play-by-play (and leave it to the viewer to see which way they tech, and what they try to follow up with, for example), and focus on the major trades and what they say about either player.


getting other people on board sounds like a really, really good idea. Brookman, do you want in on this? gimme your aim, son. Kevin Nanney, do you want to help contribute, too? :)

I figure that we could get like different "guest stars" for each set, especially pertaining to the characters that are playing. (I would know close to nothing about a lot of peach's matchups, for example, so i'd get a peach player in on it.) If you guys could take match 2 and match 3, and I'd get the 1st one since I'm already doing it, and the last one because I really want to LOL, that would be friggin amazing.

Also I sent joey a text message earlier, but i'm pretty sure he's asleep hahaha, but either way I'll get his input too if he gets on aim.

edit: b-man, get on aim son!!


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2005
LA, CA near Santa Monica
Yeah, I've had this idea before and I'd think it would be fantastic. Heres a tip though: do it in video form. It will be very hard to follow in text. Get a mic (cheap) and commentate over a match. It will be like live commentary but more planned out. Plus, you can pause, rewind, and edit to illustrate points. Kinda like what this guy does for basketball but instead with smash matches.

If you could do something like that, with decent presentation, I guarantee it would be an instant hit and it would help the community in general...


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
alameda, ca
Hmm, ok. Well I'm gonna do this one in text for now, just because I don't really have the equipment to do it in video form. That's a pretty good idea though, I feel like watching it and talking would better follow the pace of the match, and make it easier to watch.

Dark Hart-
I'm about halfway finished with the first match, and I will probably post up my rough draft in the *code* spoilers so you can get the full unedited Joe. LMAO

My plan right now is to finish up the first match, post it, and maybe do the last match tomorrow morning. I'll edit it for readability and pacing, and all that, and get rid of all the crap and/or words/situations that don't really matter.

On the upside, I think that it's turning out really, really well so far, and I'm getting pretty into it hahaha.
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