Grmo I love you. Best tournament so far that you've held. I expect at least 1 more before Brawl. Too bad we didn't get to play much.
Vwins: You owned me in crews. It was an honour to finally play you again. Crazy Mewtwo…….horrible Y.Link….lol. We should definetly play again.
Bam: Two Chris and two Foooooords. Maybe you don’t remember that joke, you were high as hell. My Marth did good! You like eh? Lol man sick matches we had on that sickkk couch. FOLLOW THE TECH CHASE. WHY FORD WHY? Good times, good times.
Chet: YOU ROBBED ME TWICE. Last match in the MM, and last match in winners semis. GOD CHET. I could’ve been in winners finals if I hadn’t missed the crucial BAAAAAIR. You’re too good man, I’m always paying attention to the way you play for a bit more insight on how to play my own Fox. GGs man.
Jarc: FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORD. Epic winners quarters battle. You owned my Marth on Dreamland I must say. It felt horrible L GGs man…my bad I didn’t toke up wit you guys. Didn’t feel like it at the time I guess?
Noah: We ***** **** up in teams. Like you said though, Ghey+Gheyer have been teaming for a long a$$ time. I'll come over for more team practice and stuff. You also did really well against Chet in the friendlies I watched. Take it easy mann.
Nate: TV! Thats sick as hell. I called like 15 people to come and give you mental support when you got Vwins' Sheik down to one stock. That was EPIC AS HELL man. You're getting better everyday. Lets do this ish up at Noah's or Jake's in the near future. Too bad I didn't play ya thoughh.
Oh yeah and that teams match was TITE AS ****K.
Daniel: Your Fox got better, it showed in teams. Your shine-spiking also got better. >_>
We should play soon. Gj on your singles placing and for finally coming out.
Jake: ***** WTFFFFFF. I couldn't help but laugh when everyone was cheering. I was cheering too but its like. 50% to 80% was chainthrow...then all of a sudden. sh Nair! "YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" and everyone went crazy. We had Bam so freaking mad. I was telling Zen and Ambrose when you were playing on FD, that it would be funny as hell if you made a comeback. After you lost your 2nd last stock and we all saw BAm had 3, the people around me started saying that it was over. I thought so too. Then you pulled that dsmash **** that I hate so much. You almost took that match. TURNIP SPIKES FTW. MAd props. Much respect. Keep it black.
Ryan: BODMON. You took a match from Bam. DO IT FOR YFC. My bad we didn't team. Learn not to borderline shoot up tha place when you lose a match or get gayed. Gj in teams and singles man. Crazy teams matches too, before I forget.
Mike: I don’t think I played you…I like your hair.
David: Next time don’t super SD. About my Marth though, I went toe-to-toe with Bam and a lot of other good people with it. I also think that Mike is one of the top Marths…tied with a lot of the other good ones (IB, Ambrose, JL just to name a few.)
Ambrose: You impressed Chet I heard. Good stuff. I’m coming over Wednesday. =D
Marco: I love your house. Hurrah for random waving to the montrealers driving behind us. “**** AMBROSE IT’S A RED LIGHT”.
Eric: Thanks a bunch for ride there. Couldn’t have happened w/out you. Lets get some matches in next time man.
Steve: Good matches. I apologize for the numerous shine gays. Your Ics are becoming more and more of a threat to my poor Fox. Hope to smash soon man.
Adrian: I freaking love you and your sexy yellow car. Ty for the sick tracks and the ride home! Wasn’t it fun getting ***** by Vwins at 3-4am? I feel the same way -_-. Haha you’re the best, hope to chill soon and GGs.
Renato/Guy who looks like Isai: Didn’t play you, but heres a shout to you dudes.
Pman Rob: PMAN! I wanted to play your Jiggs so bad. As you said in your shout though, I somehow found a way NOT to get that done. I’m mad…your Jiggs looks awesome in the combo vid. I want to see some of that rest shiet in real time! Challenge me next time man.
Ken: You got sooooooooooooooooo much better. Sh*t. You got me down to 1 stock. I
was impressed.
I.B:Vwin’s Sheik was murder eh? I think we had some matches. Your Falcon did well against my Marth. Aren’t I the gimp champ? Lol.
D.B: I DIDN’T PLAY YOU. Dammit. Nex ttime man. Whats up with this halo team im hearing about?
Adnan: MADNAN. You didn’t make me gladnan because we didn’t play. Jake is a beast, ya? Lol he freaking owned in singles. Mad reppin’ for the GTA! See you at the biweekly dude.
Chris: Lol I couldn’t help but laugh cuz I knew the nair was coming after he chainthrow’dededed him to pwnage.
Matt: Didn’t play you. You’re cool though.
Jeffman: See above.
Phrozn: Didn’t play you enough. Wish I did :D
Fogel: FOOGEL! You were in Superbad. We should’ve played. L
Desh: Still having nightmares about my Fox dearest?
TmoC: How was Nuit Blanche? You make it alright? Great matches. That Link vs. ness was hours long but o-so-epic. GGs Greg. Come out more often!
Zen: Just play more often and you’ll catch up with us in no time. I duno how you will though with the lack of players. If its not too far for you, try coming down a bit more.
Witch King: Lol pick up a high tier. I like your bowser though. More practice is necessary.
Wigi: Sorry for owning you in pools. Watch Coolhat, he’s insaaaaaaaaaaane. GGs man.
Awesome tourney, can’t wait for the next installment.