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SmashBoards Roster Creation Contest: Round 17: Swampasaur vs. Guybrush20X6

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Smash Ace
Aug 21, 2012
Chandy cut ice climbers, ROB, (both of which arent going anywhere) and has a roster that is a little smaller than most. He added in lloyd and the kalos trainer...

Pixel added in dark samus and waddle dee, both of which not the best choices.

Both share ghirahim, which is not going to happen.

Pixel wins


Smash Journeyman
Jul 1, 2013
Pixel wins my vote!
I might get to elaborate in the future.


Smash Ace
Aug 21, 2012
After this round, everyone has 2 days to resubmit their rosters reflecting the confirmation of Toon Link before round 6 starts.

This includes those who have already had their rosters featured in a round.
If you already have toon link in your roster, are you allowed to change other things around?


Smash Lord
Aug 4, 2013
Mintendo Noodle House
Alright, I like how this one was pretty even. Both rosters shared similar decisions like Ghirahim over Toon Link (lawl) and having Paper Mario.

However, like others, I'm going with PixelPasta. I don't like how it has so many more characters, but the cuts that Chandy made are, imo, not justified. Ice Climbers shouldn't be going anywhere, and cutting Nintendo characters while having Snake and Lloyd is something I'm not very partial to.
Aside from that, a very close match, and it took me a while to pick a winner. That is, until it was pointed out the Ice Climbers were missing. Completely overlooked that the first time.


Smash Lord
Jul 19, 2013
Here is my current roster, I only change Tingle with Toon Link and the form of the roster screen.



Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2007
I wouldn't want one-shot characters in my Smash! No sir. Nor 4 3rd parties. But I have to pick...

Chandy's roster has too many cuts, and in my opinion unlikely additions. More than Pasta's roster.

So Pasta wins my vote.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 22, 2008
Just been looking through the comments and thought I'd quote my justifications from when I posted it.

View attachment 2363

This looks like fun so I think I'll put mine in too, if there's still room. I'm gonna write a bit of an essay about the changes I've made to hopefully explain the choices I've made and make it more interesting :O. I've cut quite a lot of characters because I'd like the new smash to be a stand-alone game and not as little of a re-hash of brawl as possible. There are 24 starters, 16 unlockables and 4 DLC characters. The confirmed starters have green borders, other starters have blue, unlockables have red and the DLC characters have yellow. I know that if they do cut alot of characters then people are going to be upset but I feel like the size of the roster might be limited due to the 3DS version (hence why only 44) and I also feel the need for a fair few newcomers. The characters I cut were Shiek, Wolf, Lucas, Ike, Lucario, Kanto PKMN trainer, Toon link, Ice climbers and ROB.
ROB, I feel like many was not really necassary in brawl and takes up a character slot for somebody else
Sakurai has said that he was having trouble putting in the ICs due to 3ds limitations and for me although it is important to have retro characters and as cool as they were in the previous SSB installments, the Ice Climber game is not very significant to nintendo's history and as such they're characters which can be demoted to assist trophies.
I think it best not to have to many clone characters and toon link would fall under that category, sure he represents a part of the zelda franchise which the other characters don't but IMO he doesn't add too much to the game in terms of moveset which other zelda characters could and what he does add can be accomplished through new stages. I also saw that toon link was shown as a NPC in the spirit tracks stage and therefore think it unlikely he'll be playable also. Just buff Link up instead.
Kanto Pokemon Trainer was one of my favourite newcomers of brawl but I feel like pokemon is such a vast franchise with so many possible characters and as I already have 3 generation 1 characters, pokemon trainer was the least necassary of them and I removed him to give space for a newer generation of characters.
Lucario was a cool character for brawl but he represented the newest generation back then and the novelty of him has slightly worn off for me, I also feel that his representation in brawl, as cool as it was, was in no way accurate to the games, I don't see why he got stronger as he got more damage and there was nothing which showed his steel type and I didn't understand why he could talk either. Not that I disliked him as a character at all but I think Zoroark should be given the opportunity as he is from a newer generation and would be less similar to mewtwo anyway.
Ike represented 2 FE games which I don't think are as good as the newest installment FE awakening, I considered adding him as a third representative but was not really too sure that FE was a big enough series to merit 3 characters and also didn't like the idea of having 3 blue haired protagonists all being in the same game because of the lack of variety. I do think Ike was a unique character who it is a shame to drop however I can see or at least hope to see Ganondorf taking up the role of the heavy-hitting swordman with a revamped moveset which is more accurate to the LoZ games he is in.
Lucas was the representant of one game which I don't believe is very significant for Nintendo and I don't feel like Earthbound deserves two characters especially if trying to limit the size of the roster.
Star fox IMO is not such a huge series anymore and Wolf being arguably a clone character is not as significant as the other 2 representatives so if one had to go, it was Wolf. However I do think that Falco's moveset should be changed to be somewhat more like wolf's to make him more distinctive from Fox.
I think Shiek is awesome but she's (he?) not really relevant to the series atm and I see no reason why SS zelda would transform into shiek as that would be silly. The reason shiek was put in brawl as TP Zelda's transformation was because the team were already too far in development to drop her.

Ok, so I've explained why I dropped the characters I did and you'll also notice that Mewtwo is the only character returning from melee, I didn't include the others because Roy is from one FE game a long time ago, plus he's a clone, Young Link hasn't been in Zelda since Majora's mask which was like a decade ago (unless you include OoT 3d but that's a remake and is already being represented by a stage) plus he's a clone. Pichu and Doc Mario are not very significant to nintendo IMO and are also, you guessed it, clones so none of them have returned to my roster. Mewtwo, however, does return. He's one of the fan-favourites to be playable again, he was a very unique character and there is also the issue of his new mega-evolution which makes him a significant pokemon to the series even today. I would like him however to have some of his specials altered from the melee days because some were just not useful to be frank.

Now lets get to the newcomers; the characters I have added who have not already been confirmed are Paper Mario, King K Rool, Ghirahim, Palutena, Kalos Trainer, Ridley, Shulk, Little Mac, Takamaru and the DLC characters Zoroark, Isaac and Lloyd.
Firstly Paper Mario represents it's own separate successful franchise and could make for a pretty interesting character. TTYD is one of my favourite games and I would love this too happen, I preferred him over other mario characters like toad and bowser jr. because I feel like paper mario will add the most to smash bros in terms of what he represents.
King K Rool is my 3rd DK character which is IMO a franchise large enough to have 3 representatives. He is quite a fan-favourite and I prefer him to dixie kong because I think he'll be more unique as dixie'd be quite similar to diddy.
Now Ghirahim is the character that I really really really want to be in so so so badly more than any other Dx. He was a really eccentric villain who really spiced up skyward sword and he was very significant to the plot of that game. His moveset also will be pretty easy for the smash team to create seen as he uses all the moves you need to make a moveset in the various times you battle him. The argument that he is a character who will not return to the Zelda franchise is fair but other characters like Lucas and Roy were the same and were still represented and with the Zelda franchise needing a newcomer (who is not a Link clone please D=<), ghirahim would be the most unique fabulous one. It's true too that, zant and midna both weren't included in brawl but ghirahim was more significant to SS than Zant was to TP imo and ghirahim is also quite the fan-favourite to be added too. Please just put him in Sakurai D= *begs*.
Kid Icarus may well get a newcomer, given the newest game is Sakurai's own game and if there will be a new character then Palutena may well be the one given that she is also a female which will add to the roster in that aspect.
Chrom is a definite imo given the success of his latest game, for me it's a question of when he'll appear rather than if and I would be pretty disappointed in Sakurai if he wasn't in.
Now Kalos Trainer is one I wasn't too sure about but I think there'll be a representative from pokemons X and Y and atm before the games are released, he is the most obvious. If he were included I would have the female trainer as an alternate skin.
Metroid needs a new representative for sure and Ridley would be the best choice, size doesn't matter so much, just scale him down like Olimar is scaled up but he can still be a heavy character like charizard was.
Shulk and Little Mac are two characters who represent their own franchises and deserve to be in.
Takamaru is a retro character and I'm positive that there will be some new retro character to be added and he seems likely from what I've seen.

Then there's the DLC characters, I wasn't too sure whether to include them or not but I think since Sakurai isn't going to be giving us a subspace emissary, he should concentrate on making smash bros a truely epic online experience which brawl sadly failed at. I think putting in fDLC characters would be one way to add to the online features, instead of just making them downloadable, I would make them downloadable only when certain online achievements have been acquired which would encourage more and more people to take advantage of what I hope will be a great online game for both wii u and 3ds. Sure people who don't have online unfortunately will not be able to get these characters which is why I limited it to just 4 characters who will be unlocked this way.

Zoroark represents generation 5 pokemon which hasn't been represented in Smash bros yet and plus pokemon probably deserves 5 characters given it's success and Zoroark is a reasonably popular and interesting rep so can be a replacement for lucario.
Isaac represents his own franchise and would be a cool addition to the roster.
Lloyd is significant to Namco, who are helping in the development of the newest game, is a pretty great character in smash flash and would just be a cool character to have. He trumps Pacman IMO because all pacman does is eat and turn blue (No offense to any Pacman fanboys out there) and would not be a very interesting character as far as I'm concerned even if he's more popular. Sure pacman could have a moveset almost entirely made up for the new smash but I don't feel that would be true to the Pacman games and if they did that they would end up creating an almost entirely different character who wouldn't add much to the game. Just my opinion but I understand why people would want pacman instead.

So there you have it, that's my roster =3. I know that was a long read so cheers if you did read all of it. I'm not expecting to win the competition by any means given all the cuts I did but this definitely was pretty fun to join in with :O.

Edit: Just to clear it up, I have not dropped ZSS but she remains as the 3rd metroid rep and would be picked in the same way she was in brawl. I would also assign random to the press of a button on the controller as opposed to a whole character slot.
I know it's a long read but in it you'll see that I didn't drop the Ice Climbers because I thought that they were bad characters more like I think them unlikely considering the amount of work it would mean The smash team would have to put in to make it possible. When I posted, the relevance of the original starters to the 6th gen hadn't been announced hence why I dropped pokemon trainer for Kalos Trainer and if I could change that now considering they are relevant I would. However I do think it very likely that there will be some new Gen 6 newcomer which is why I put in Kalos Trainer. I also admit that I was probably wrong about Lloyd over Pacman as Pacman would probably bring in a wider audience which is probably the main reason for including 3rd party characters anyway. Not that it's very relevant considering he's not in Pasta's roster either but I'm pretty gutted about the Toon Link being there seen as I want Ghirahim to be in so badly and this probably lowers his chances. I still stand by my other cuts though but well done to Pasta anyway for winning as seems most likely now, I do like his roster myself.


Worlds Apart, But Still Together.
Jan 31, 2012
PixelPasta wins 14-7!

You guys have until the end of the weekend to make any edits that reflect the Toon Link reveal.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
I added Toon Link to my first roster post and updated everything. I changed the order to make the roster fit Brawl's order.


Worlds Apart, But Still Together.
Jan 31, 2012
aaaaaaaaaaand another two days for you guys to edit your rosters to reflect the sonic reveal.


Smash Master
Jun 12, 2013
Appleton, WI

COMPLETELY redid mine to 53 characters, cutting a few characters and just tweaking it to be more likely, even with the "high" amount of third-parties for a roster and the large amount of characters. If you notice, besides the third-party row, the outside characters are the 10 franchises introduced in Smash 64. Being fair, Mario, Zelda and Pokemon each have 5 reps, adding Toad, Tingle and Mewtwo respectively. The "retro" character this time is Sukapon, often requested. Based off popularity from Brawl, I added Geno (representing his own series), Ridley and Isaac. Other characters added are Dixie Kong (K. Rool not in due to Dixie being "more worthy" at this time, but I do want him badly.), Isaac, Goroh (We need more F-Zero representation), Porky (main villain of the series), Roy (c'mon, you know you want him), Palutena (a popular choice), Little Mac (almost a shoo-in) and the Miis, although Nikki from Swapnote almost took their spot. Pac-Man is the fourth and final third-party, not counting Geno. As for the "legendary" remark about third-parties, Pac-Man needs no explanation, and Geno is a "legendary figure" in many eyes (I'd also mention his game is "Legend of the Seven Stars", hinting something Sakurai? :troll:)


Smash Master
Jun 12, 2013
Appleton, WI
Swampy, Peachy, you guys have to update this now! I know you guys are both busy, but this is one of my favorite things on the boards, as well as many other people as well!


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2007
Swampy, Peachy, you guys have to update this now! I know you guys are both busy, but this is one of my favorite things on the boards, as well as many other people as well!

Nah.... it'll wait a bit, and then only 1 vote will be recorded for the next poll when no one's looking, and then go to the next round. Deja vu?

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I'm having a hard time with the roster maker. I downloaded 6.1 and opened it up but found it didn't have any of the non-E3 characters in it. Maybe I'm doing something wrong :/


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2007
I'm having a hard time with the roster maker. I downloaded 6.1 and opened it up but found it didn't have any of the non-E3 characters in it. Maybe I'm doing something wrong :/
Non-E3 characters? I don't really get what you mean. Maybe you could redownload and try again: by default you should have a giant list of characters on either side, anywhere from Video game to Anime to Disney movies :/


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
I'm having a hard time with the roster maker. I downloaded 6.1 and opened it up but found it didn't have any of the non-E3 characters in it. Maybe I'm doing something wrong :/
try looking at the images folder. there should be images of all the icons. if there aren't any, you should copy and paste the icons from 6.0.

When I download 6.1, I just copied 6.1 .exe and I think the .jar over to my 6.0 file, and copied over them.


Gibdo Knight
Jan 16, 2013
I'm having a hard time with the roster maker. I downloaded 6.1 and opened it up but found it didn't have any of the non-E3 characters in it. Maybe I'm doing something wrong :/
It just haven't had an update in a while and therefore lacks some characters.
Here's the ones not added yet.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
It has been updated I believe. Last time I used 6.0, it allowed me to include SSB4 Olimar and Luigi.

When I click, fill SSB Wii U/3DS roster, I only get the E3 revealed characters, not anyone Fter that.


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2010
It has been updated I believe. Last time I used 6.0, it allowed me to include SSB4 Olimar and Luigi.

When I click, fill SSB Wii U/3DS roster, I only get the E3 revealed characters, not anyone Fter that.
That's because only the characters revealed at E3 are in the Wii U/3DS roster when using the version 6.1. It was uploaded on June 30, while Olimar was only revealed in July.
That roster can be modified though, simply add the new icons from Gibdo Knight in the above post and you should be able to use them.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Ok, I gotcha. I thought something was strange. Thank you fit the info.


Worlds Apart, But Still Together.
Jan 31, 2012
I'm assuming Swamp has ACP99 and youngsora1's rosters because I can't find them ;_;.

Can both of you please send them to me?


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
Is it too late to enter....?

EDIT: Ah, I see it is. Never mind, just ignore my comment... (400 plus comments and still a newb...)


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2007
Contestants that do not qualify for a competition are usually... DISqualified...

I don't really care, also I'm next


Worlds Apart, But Still Together.
Jan 31, 2012
Well the thing is, they probably sent the roster to Swamp but not me.

And if they did then they shouldn't be disqualified.


Worlds Apart, But Still Together.
Jan 31, 2012
I've got ACP's, but I need youngsora's.

I'll give the thread a quick skim and if I see anyone who isn't in the contest who has posted a roster, I'll up them in sometime Tuesday night. We gotta get this thing going. Apologies for the delay.

Edit: If I don't get youngsora's roster, I will sub in Xigger.

Edit 2: Have both of their rosters. I must be like... wow I don't even know. His roster was in like post 4. >_>

This is YoungSora1's roster.

This is APC99's roster.

Please make a post with the creator of your preferred roster in bold, and an explanation.

Example vote format.

I picked it because it has geno in it
Let's get this show on the road.

Capybara Gaming

Just Vibing
Feb 5, 2013
Big Talking Volcano
This is terrible, because both are great (and I happen to be friends with both of them)

Ug.... Acp's is cleaner, has a non boring shape. And is much more likely.
But on the other hand...
Youngsora has Sora AND Riku, AND Bomberman AND Rayman. I also doubt he'll get many votes.

Sorry ACP. Hope ya can forgive me!

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