Hello, everybody, I'm back from work again. Day 2 really had nothing interesting, I was again working in the hotel meeting rooms, and as everybody knows, there was no news about brawl. Apparently, no new news for anybody who was actually there, either. I have been checking IGN, G4TV.com and Gamespot, and it seems like all the news just kinda dried up. Everything on their sites is from yesterday.
Hideo Kojima doesn't like the new E3, and I think I agree with him.
on a better note...
I did hear from one of my coworkers, that apparently the reason why Nintendo of America's meeting room was clossed door, and guarded by rent-a-cops at all times, is that the high profile people, i.e. Shiggy, Iwata, Reggie, etc. were indeed in there for most of the day. Same coworker also said they actually saw Miyamoto walking around the lobby early this morning, surprisingly casually. I didn't see him myself though.
my experience was pretty much the same as yesterday, various press came by for private meetings, ranging from high profile media like gamespot, yahoo, and CNN, various international press, as well as smaller gaming journalism outlets.
The guys from Penny Arcade came by for a meeting- I thought that was pretty cool
The main blogger from Kotaku had a meeting yesterday, and was scheduled for one this morning, but didn't show up for his today.
Probably the thing that was most awesome was that I've been getting to talk to people from Blizzard. For those who don't know, aside from Smash Bros., World of Warcraft is my favorite game. I got to a tiny bit of their new patch, as well as some footage of Starcraft 2, even though it was the same footage that they showed in Korea, so nothing new there. It was still awesome however.
I didn't bother to go back to the hanger today, as I didn't want to wast 20 minutes bus ride there, and 20 minutes back. I had essentially seen/played everything thing there was to see/play yesterday. It was literally that much smaller.
anyway, that was day two. I really hope they go back to the old E3, or at the very least, make E for All pretty spectacular-
As somebody who had the opportunity to go to the E3 2006, "the last hurrah," and then comparing it to this year, I think most gamers, even if they had the chance to go, would be sorely disappointed.
The legendary E3 of every gamer's dreams, the one filled with lights, loud music, swag, and booth babes- is sadly but a memory. Now its just business. Hope the ESA realizes their mistake.
anyway, that was day 2, tomorrow is the last day, lets see if anything happens.
also, @Smashchu: I definately don't like how spaced out everything is, it does make it harder to get around, and it makes people, such as the journalists, not want to go out and cover everything, since they have to go so far between the hotels and the hanger. But overall, the games still got all the coverage that the companies wanted them to, as we still got coverage from all the major media outlets all the same. One thing this smaller format does have as an advantage is that it does allow companies to conduct business a bit better. Definitely less hectic than having meetings on the busy show floor like in past years. its easier to entertain people who have appointments when not being randomly mobbed by people asking for swag and random info.
With regards to the games, I don't think it was a matter of games getting adequate coverage or not: pretty much everything gets as much coverage as the company wanted it to: For example, Brawl got no coverage because Nintendo apparently wanted it that way.
I think it was just boring, because the announcements and titles announced this year were just plain not as exciting as last year, with only a few exceptions, (ie. Mario kart Wii, and Wii Fit.) Things like Halo 3, MGS 4, Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, and even the zapper peripheral, etc. for the most part, people already knew were coming in some way, shape or form. IMO, there was nothing so far that had that special "WTF" factor- the kind of thing that gets people on their feet, and cheering. Like last year when they revealed Brawl for the first time- especially upon seeing Snake make an appearance- it was something that took everybody by surprise. That sort of thing seemed like it was missing this year.