hey guys, I'm back from my first day at E3. Sorry, they kept me working until early this evening.
anyway, since there was no news about Brawl that you already haven't heard, I'll give my impressions about other games at E3 and the "new" E3 itself.
First of all, I was in the hotel meeting rooms area most of the time.
this is where I was, this is who I'm currently working for. I'm sure at least a few of you have heard of them before =)
as I said, Nintendo indeed is on the same floor.
interesting thing, while the meeting rooms I was working has open doors pretty much all the time, Nintendo of America's meeting room was always closed. In addition, there were two rent-a-cops stationed outside the door at all times.
I also got to see the hanger:
this is the only photo I got to take in there, as, as soon as I took it, I was told by a guy in a suit that there was no photography. Actually, there is no photography unless you are someone important, like from IGN or G4...
anyway, nevertheless, I did get a chance to play some of the games. The show floor was obviously much smaller, and less flashy; actually I think many of you might be dissapointed if you did get to go. Its a far cry from the the Old E3 of legend, the light-filled extravaganza that every gamer dreams of going to. Having gone to the last real E3, this time around did seem kinda meh, to me. That was also the concensus of some of the gaming journalists that I overheard on the shuttle over there (its quite a ways away from the hotels)
anyway, first I went and looked at Nintendo's booth. They had playable Super Mario Galaxy. It looks awesome, it will be awesome. Just as Reggie said, it is the first worthy successor to Super Mario 64. They also had a demo of Phantom Hourglass. Also awesome, just as everyone expected. They also has a playable demo of Wii Fit. The balance mats were there. While the idea seems like it might be boring, its alot more fun that it initially sounds.
They also had Brain Age 2, which I didn't spend much time looking at today.
Also, for the person that asked about European release date for Brawl, I asked the Nintendo Rep at the booth, and he didn't know.
close to Nintendo's booth was Capcom. They had Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles. Yes, the zapper was there, and it was a playable demo. This thing is awesome. Unbrella Chronicles like alot like a House of the Dead game. Except harder. And yes, you still have to watch your ammo, not cause it runs out, but it takes time to reload.
they also had Devil May Cry 4. Looks absolutely amazing. Especialy on those plasma TVs
Namco Bandai had some cool stuff. I'm a fan of them, they had a demo movie of soul calibur legends, I liked what I saw.
And they had Ace Combat 6. I played it. ZOMG. It looks beautiful, absolutely beautiful.
Both Sony and Microsoft had some very sharp looking titles, and they all looked sweet graphically, but I dunno about the game play. Out of the ones I saw, I was interested in:
Sony- Lair, Heavenly Sword
MS- PGR4, Age of Empires 3
and then of course, Sierra Entertainment showed Timeshift, a new F.E.A.R game, and World in Conflict. All of those look awesome. I have to vouch, since I'm working for the publisher.
other than that, there wasn't too much else to see.
also, the level that the ballrooms were on in the hotel has an exhibition of some excellent digital video game artwork, being showcased in the lobby. They were all amazing, but here are two that people on this board might especially like:
anyway, so that was my day at E3, day 1. Hope to update you with more info, if I hear any.