Ever wanted to join the Smashboards writing team? If so, today’s your lucky day. We’re currently looking for new team members!
Some topics we want to highlight include:
- Smash 64
- Melee
- Brawl
- Smash Wii U & 3DS
- Ultimate
- Other Smash content (Mods, speculation, etc)
- Nickelodeon: All-Star Brawl 2
- Rivals of Aether 2
- Multiversus
- News on other games(Mostly focused on Nintendo IPs, platform fighters and traditional fighting games)
- General gaming industry news
- Tournament previews and results
- Interviews
- New (primarily Smash-related) content from various creators
- Event coverage
- Discussion pieces (e.g. “What is the future of competitive Smash?”)
- Editorials
- Informative pieces (e.g. “The history of Masahiro Sakurai”)
- Gaming news (Nintendo Directs, announcement of new titles, etc)
- Contributor - Someone who wants to write regular articles for the site
- Guest Contributor - Just one article every now and then
- Media Team - Helps with graphics and/or the site’s social media
Frequently asked questions:
What do I get out of it?:
Currently it is an unpaid position. What you do get though is a great opportunity to improve your craft, add resume experience, and the chance to write to a large audience. Many of our writers have broken into the entertainment industry or other jobs, thanks in part to their work on Smashboards.
I have no experience. Should I apply?:
Go for it! Everyone has to start somewhere.
Should I still apply even if I’ve been rejected before?:
Yes! Rejections are not personal here.
Do I HAVE to post monthly/weekly/etc?:
No. We understand that it’s a volunteer position and everyone gets busy. All we ask is that you communicate with us.
If you’re looking for a chance to join the largest Smash-centric publication on the web, please submit an application. We look forward to hearing from you!
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