You also say that you do not necessarily want to go to tournaments, but you like the game – which means that you love the party aspect of it. As such, let me tell you the first thing here: Don’t overthink your choice. You want to get better, but only because (I assume) it would bring more fun to you and your friends when playing. So, focus on that: having fun in RL company. Which brings me to the second critical point: Don’t feel bad for switching around. Fun seems to be your top priority and if you feel you get bored with one char (MK?), just switch. You will not become a 10 leagues worse player overnight. In fact, I switched my main around in SSB4 at least 4 times. But all was fun, so what’s to lose? In fact, by investigating different styles in depth, you also become a better player – not on a mechanical level with your main, but in game experience and understanding.
With that out of the way, let me get to your characters:
You remind me a lot of myself. For Lucario, I had the 100% exact feelings: I love him as a character (Lucario & the mystery of Mew is to blame here) and I so wanted to learn him. However, the aura was too volatile for me, low-aura felt unimpactful, high-aura was too intense. After long considerations, I dropped him. Thus, I recommend that you do the same. I see too many similarities between us that I do not think you will be happy in the long run.
I re-read your post a few times while typing. I get the feeling that actually Wolf might be your thing. You will understand that no character is flawless, so see it as a challenge to work around the bad recovery. People hate his blaster? You play with friends with the ultimate goal to have fun, right? Challenge yourself (or even make it public) and play some matches without blaster. Getting too hard? Ask your friends for a bo3 match in which both of you give 110% and no Johns after the match. Also this can be fun.
This is what I will close the post with:
I get the impression that ultimately, you look for fun. However, you seem to be restricting yourself to only look for fun in certain places. It looks to me like you do not necessarily need a main, you need to open up your mind for new tasks, challenges and ways to have fun. And if that means throwing in an all-Pokéball-match every now and then… so be it.
I always overthink everything all the time, so overthinking my main is inevitable. So thanks for just making me realizing I was doing that.
Also yes, I want to get better because I want to give my friends better fights. It's fun to watch tournament matches and it would be nice to have the same control over a character like that. One of my favorite things in games is to have an evenly matched fight, especially when both people are very skilled. Though even if I get someone that lives and breathes smash, I feel good because I can give it my all and learn things in the process and it's nice to lose every now and then because I'm used to winning in most video games. Losing every now and then makes those victories feel all the more satisfying and also so you know there's still more things to learn and it's fun to learn new things.
However, with that said, sometimes I feel like I don't have much to learn through just playing random matches. I do know I need to rewatch replays of myself a bit more, but more importantly I never spend time in the lab because it kinda kills my love for the game just doing the same mistakes over and over for hours on end in the white boxed training area with no fighting going on. That's one of the reasons why I thought I needed a main, so I can get mechanically good with one character, and hope that would significantly increase the speed that I get mechanically good with other characters. With that said perhaps Wolf would be be a good pick for that. Which is nice because it's also the character you suggested as well. It's one of the reasons why I was doubting

Meta Knight because sometimes when I play Meta Knight I feel like I'm just abusing his crazy good speed and offstage game to cheese my opponents. So I feel like I'm actually playing poorly and just getting carried by Meta Knight being so good. After all, due to Meta Knight's lowish jump and fast fall speed, he's usually fast enough to not have to bother with short hopping, whereas some other characters like

Lucario or

Samus it's basically mandatory to be able to short hop. So because of that I'm bad at short hopping, luckily the 2 jump button press for short hopping makes it a lot more accessible to me I just need to practice it. This is just one thing I realized because I used to never use tilts until I played

Samus and

Snake because their tilts are just so dang important as opposed to

Link's tilts which are basically slightly faster versions of his Smash attacks with slightly less endlag that only hit once. Also

Little Mac forcing me to get a better ground game because I like staying up in the air a bit too much with other characters but with Little Mac that will get you killed really quick.

Ike for forcing me to watch the opponent constantly because he's so bland and basic so you can't really mess up controlling him leading the mind to get bored unless you watch the opponent.

Wolf is probably the most well rounded and "normal" character of the top 6. Should make me get better at short hops, offstage game because he won't be so mindlessly easy like

Meta Knight is offstage, b-reverses and probably other general stuff.
As for

Lucario, yeah I love him because of the Lucario movie too. His little character arc reminded how I felt for a large chunk of my life when I was younger so there's a few quotes from him that hit me pretty hard when I saw the movie since they were things I once said. Also, being a badass ninja aura master helps as well. As for dropping Lucario, it's complicated but I will probably play him less since you said it's probably a good idea to drop him. I do have this mindset of "must master everything" because when I was younger I didn't have many games so I wanted to master everything in all games I had. So him being a bit difficult to use at first and loving his character so much gives me a tremendous amount of determination to get good with him and I might force myself to play him enough to the point where he feels perfect, which is exactly what happened with Meta Knight because Meta Knight didnt feel good to play with until 500 matches in with him. Also I've already gotten to the point where everything feels like it connects perfectly for a while with Lucario so I know that can be the case with Lucario. My opinion on aura has fluxuated a few times, and like I said before sometimes it feels underwhelming when low % and gimmicky when high %, and sometimes it feels like low % aura is the aggressive combo phase and high % is the more defensive damage dealing phase. I feel that with enough time with him I will stop changing how I feel about the aura and only love the aura. The only problem at that point is that I might not want to play him because of people complaining about his Aura mechanic, and it makes me not want to play the character because of that. That's what caused me to stop playing

ROB initially because people hated his projectiles (later on I hated being combod so much in Smash 4 and feeling helpless, later on I got over that mentality though). Of course, I know I shouldn't let other people being annoyed by fighting my character stop me from having fun with a character since that will happen with every character no matter who you pick. It's a mentality thing I gotta work on but it might hurt Lucario until that happens.... if it happens. It hurts Lucario more than other characters because of how divisive his aura is.
Edit: After making this post I realized something about Lucario. One of my biggest weaknesses is that I have a tendency to be underwhelmed by the opponent and it often leads to my downfall because I'm not taking them seriously. However with Lucario I always have to try 24/7 because at low to mid % I have to beat the opponent up constantly so I can be able to KO. At higher % any hit can KO me so I have to pay close attention to every movement the opponent makes. So if I played Lucario it would always make me try my best. Of course, it would probably be good better to remove that mentality to begin with but how exactly can you remove that kind of mentality?
I will absolutely try to do a blaster-less challenge. I used to do things like that all the time in games because many games are too easy and I wanted to change things up. Also it's always fun when people go "you are trying to do that? that's impossible get out of here" and then see their reactions when I do the best in the game by using that bizarrely weird gameplay style that no one uses. I've also definitely been relying on the blaster too much since it's so easy to bait people into attacking me and punishing with something else, or to just hit them in general, so I haven't fully understood how his attacks combine with each other because of that.
I have been experimenting with other modes a little just to say I've tried them. I'm surprised I like playing with spirits on, it's a bit more balanced than I thought it'd be. Still super unbalanced of course. Pokeball matches and similar item craziness is funny for a few matches but it gets boring really fast. Then it just kinda turns off my brain so I stop caring and makes it hard to want to keep playing Smash. I love the 1v1 stuff too much. If I want chaos I'll probably go 2v2s. Sometimes I feel that I should do 2v2s more because I'll probably more inclined to try my hardest when someone is counting on me to do my best because I don't want to let anyone down along with it sometimes feeling good to hear someone say "holy crap dude you're awesome". A major problem I have is trying my best when the opponent feels very underwhelming, and sometimes that causes me to lose matches.
I just want to say, I know I needed an outside opinion for a while, but I didn't know I needed it this bad. Just needed someone to pull me back for a minute to look at stuff. So now my mind feels much clearer on who to use. So thank a bunch for that!