Ohh... How would I change Zelda, well I think that’s difficult to decide but here’s what I would do.
First, kill off these two

Trust me it’ll make sense later.
Okay, so the Zelda cast should be focused around representing each of the core (basically console) titles that are important or are fan favorites. I’ll work with 7, one character above the original amount as some do believe we could be seeing a newcomer, that way my list is semi-consistent with Smash. So if I were to select characters, I’d pick ones from these titles; Ocarina (highest rated game of all time along with being a major step for the franchise), Link to The Past (What most fans consider to be the definitive 2D Zelda), BOTW (The biggest series change up in about two decades), Wind Waker (Fan Favorite and starts art style divide), Majora’s Mask (Fan Favorite), and spin offs. I’d skip Twilight and Skyward Sword as those two are filled with controversy, so it really isn’t worth the effort to give them characters when they can easily be represented by stages and assists like they already are.
To start off we’ll keep these 4 with no changes to their designs from Ultimate.

represents BOTW

represents Link to The Past

represents Ocarina of Time

represents Wind Waker + Toon series (4 swords, Phantom Hourglass, etc.)
Then for new characters I’d have...
Skull Kid (Majora’s Mask) - He’s the main villain of Majora’s Mask, so he’d represent that title. He’s also just an iconic villain in general, as Majora’s Mask and the Moon are some of Zelda’s strongest imagery at this point. Out of all one-shot villains, it seems Skull Kid left the biggest impact.
Impa (Hyrule Warriors) - Being that Impa is the 4th reoccurring character in Zelda, showing up in multiple entries, I think she deserves a spot on the roster. She is also a sheikah, so shouldn’t she represent their fighting style over Zelda in costume? She should be designed after her Hyrule Warriors look, as I’m sure that title is the reason why people want her in the first place, plus its a great design and highlights the Warriors spinoffs of the franchise, which are super popular.
Tingle (The Tingle Series) - Smash loves joke characters! Tingle is also the main character in 4 Zelda titles believe it or not, and is a fan favorite. Just like Impa represents Warriors, I think Tingle should represent his own games and be designed after them. Overall I feel like Tingle would complete this cast of 7 weirdly enough, he’s been in multiple entries and has definitely left an impact and has recognizability up there with Skull Kid.