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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
If I recall, in a general tweet he mentioned that he was pretty sure on Geno, but then when PMing someone he said it was Chorus Kids, Shadow, Incineroar, Ken, Isaac he was pretty sure on and said it was no mistake that he did not say he was sure on Geno this time.
He said all of those characters, but I don't remember him not saying he wasn't sure on Geno. He mentioned everyone but the Chorus Kids on his twitter thread, and told IntelliHealth Chorus Kids, Isaac, and Ken in a message, but he didn't say he wasn't sure about anyone from what I remember.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 15, 2018
No one, which is one of the reasons I'm on team fake. The initial Gematsu leak had the Wii Fit Trainer, who was so out of left field that no one even though of her as an option. ESRB had Dr. Mario returning and the Duck Hunt dog, two characters no one predicted. The first Vergeben made a ton of absurd claims, like literally every single character coming back and the addition of a character who was deemed impossible by Sakurai himself. The Grinch leak, on the other hand, is nothing but heavily requested and expected characters. Even the retro rep is someone who was already planned for a previous game. It's really suspicious to me that nothing here is out of left field.
I'd say Mach Rider is out of left field, especially for those outside of the speculation part of Smash

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
64: Yoshi
Melee: Zelda, Roy, Mewtwo, Mr. Game and Watch
Brawl: Meta Knight, Diddy, Lucas, Olimar
SSB4: Rosalina, Little Mac, Palutena, Robin, Bayonetta

Come to think of it, of the few characters left to be put on the blog, a few of them we still don't know about their new Final Smashes, given the new cinematic approach to them in general.

They might be being held back for the next Direct, where we'll see the new ones. Diddy, Yoshi, Robin, Rosalina.


Connery, Sean
Jun 27, 2013
Switch FC
64: Yoshi
Melee: Zelda, Roy, Mewtwo, Mr. Game and Watch
Brawl: Meta Knight, Diddy, Lucas, Olimar
SSB4: Rosalina, Little Mac, Palutena, Robin, Bayonetta

Come to think of it, of the few characters left to be put on the blog, a few of them we still don't know about their new Final Smashes, given the new cinematic approach to them in general.

They might be being held back for the next Direct, where we'll see the new ones. Diddy, Yoshi, Robin, Rosalina.
Got Palutena last week, but yes that is possible. I fear Dixie in Diddy's final smash to be honest.

Deleted member

Okay, at this point it's practically confirmed.



Smash Apprentice
Oct 29, 2018
Sounds like Incineroar was shuffled off the table for someone else on the banner to me, honestly. It matches up with Gamefreak's abandonment of Gen 7 for Gen 8/Lets Go Pikachu and Eveee.


Sep 26, 2013
64: Yoshi
Melee: Zelda, Roy, Mewtwo, Mr. Game and Watch
Brawl: Meta Knight, Diddy, Lucas, Olimar
SSB4: Rosalina, Little Mac, Palutena, Robin, Bayonetta

Come to think of it, of the few characters left to be put on the blog, a few of them we still don't know about their new Final Smashes, given the new cinematic approach to them in general.

They might be being held back for the next Direct, where we'll see the new ones. Diddy, Yoshi, Robin, Rosalina.
We've seen Rosalina's FS afaik. Still the same, ****ty Power Star.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Oh man, I didn't even realize a General Direct is likelier than a Smash one at this point, all they really need is a dedicated 10-minute Smash section to reveal and talk about Spirits+Kencineroar
Eh, I dunno, even if we only get Incineroar + Ken and Spirits is so disappointingly shallow that it can be covered in 5 minutes, there's still Online, Stadium, Events, All-Star, and whatever smaller new quirks they've come up with. Furthermore it feels a little early for another General Direct.


Sep 26, 2013
Sounds like Incineroar was shuffled off the table for someone else on the banner to me, honestly. It matches up with Gamefreak's abandonment of Gen 7 for Gen 8/Lets Go Pikachu and Eveee.
I mean, LGPE is still a Gen7 game. Meltan/Melmetal is a Gen7 Pokemon.


Sep 27, 2018
Florida, United States
Switch FC
Can you give an example of who would be an "absurd" or "out of left field" Nintendo character for Smash Ultimate? With WTF, Rob and Duck Hunt already in, I can't imagine any other that would be such a big quirky surprise like that. Maybe Poochy? I don't know...
This guy obviously


Smash Cadet
Sep 23, 2018
Can you give an example of who would be an "absurd" or "out of left field" Nintendo character for Smash Ultimate? With WTF, Rob and Duck Hunt already in, I can't imagine any other that would be such a big quirky surprise like that. Maybe Poochy? I don't know...
I’d say someone you really wouldn’t expect like (and I’m just giving examples) Joker from persona 5 or Squall from Final Fantasy 8 or even E.Gad from Luigi’s mansion


Smash Cadet
Jun 5, 2010
Can you give an example of who would be an "absurd" or "out of left field" Nintendo character for Smash Ultimate? With WTF, Rob and Duck Hunt already in, I can't imagine any other that would be such a big quirky surprise like that. Maybe Poochy? I don't know...
Laharl from Disgaea, my most out of left field pick (also Running Fire would be an amazing smash song.)
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Smash Lord
Sep 20, 2018
the Lucina Gang
There's so much meme potential with this banner to have fun BSing about. I highly doubt we went through all that meme potential in a few days before the in-fighting got ahead.

It involves the ****ing Grinch.

This guy.
I freaking love this Grinch, he looks so smug. It reminds me of ArtsyOmni revealing he made the Rayman leak. XD


Smash Lord
Sep 2, 2018
64: Yoshi
Melee: Zelda, Roy, Mewtwo, Mr. Game and Watch
Brawl: Meta Knight, Diddy, Lucas, Olimar
SSB4: Rosalina, Little Mac, Palutena, Robin, Bayonetta

Come to think of it, of the few characters left to be put on the blog, a few of them we still don't know about their new Final Smashes, given the new cinematic approach to them in general.

They might be being held back for the next Direct, where we'll see the new ones. Diddy, Yoshi, Robin, Rosalina.
Robin, Diddy, Yoshi, Young Link are all INCREDIBLY suspicious. Would not be surprised if they make a big deal out of them in the new direct.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 29, 2018
I mean, LGPE is still a Gen7 game. Meltan/Melmetal is a Gen7 Pokemon.
It's treated as a tease for a Gen 8 game, and it originates from that game, but otherwise you are right.

That being said, then Gamefreak's "Gen 7" representative would just be Pokemon Trainer coming back from the dead.

Jovahexeon Joranvexeon

Smash Champion
Apr 13, 2016
Box Theory never really died though, everyone just assumes that the Grinch leak is real over it because they like that it has more characters.
Not the case. It's more so because of what insiders have been saying about other fighting characters, lately that it appears that the box theory is thankfully dead, unless those insiders have been fed misinformation.
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Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
64: Yoshi
Melee: Zelda, Roy, Mewtwo, Mr. Game and Watch
Brawl: Meta Knight, Diddy, Lucas, Olimar
SSB4: Rosalina, Little Mac, Palutena, Robin, Bayonetta

Come to think of it, of the few characters left to be put on the blog, a few of them we still don't know about their new Final Smashes, given the new cinematic approach to them in general.

They might be being held back for the next Direct, where we'll see the new ones. Diddy, Yoshi, Robin, Rosalina.
I'd hope so, especially if a non-E3 demo build comes out sometime this month, they'd probably want to highlight those new aspects of veterans prior to it being played.

Also, dem doin' your boi dirty, Zinith Zinith

(or maybe saving the best OG for last)


Smash Apprentice
Mar 28, 2018
From a PR standpoint, if the leak was fake, why wouldn't Nintendo just come out and say so? Genuinely curious, I'm no specialist in PR, but to my naive mind this seems like the right thing to do when misinformation spreads like the plague and may jeopardise their publicity. Especially considering the fact that fans may end up disappointed for no reason afterwards due to a fake leak that has been allowed to spread.
I am no expert either, but I guess it´s:
1) Because they can´t respond to all the leaks and theories out there, there are just too many.
2) If they would respond to all popular leaks that are fake, and then a big leak appears that is true, we would know for sure a few days later, if Nintendo doesn´t respond to that leak and say it is fake. (I mean they could lie, but that would also end up with a lot of Backlash and People not trusting Nintendo anymore).


Smash Champion
Sep 16, 2014
I will say that if this leak is fake, it will be a tragedy for gamers of all types. Not that I wouldn't be okay myself, nor can i speak for all of the characters, but the missed opportunity of a Golden Sun rep (a severely overlook franchise, partially why it stopped) and N64s final mascot is pretty heartbreaking. Not that Chorus Kids, Geno and the rest aren't amazing, but as a person who grew up on Banjo and Kazooie and GS, people are missing out on extremely awesome characters and franchises.


Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
I think the problem was the "team aspect"--it's fun as a joke, but when taken seriously, just leads to more in-fighting. People thinking they know better than others and practically demanding everyone believe the same as them. :facepalm:

Hopefully, once the Direct comes the anxieties will subside and we can get hyped for what's in store.
I don't even know when the change happened. It was originally all fun and for laughs and then some time yesterday evening things got weirdly angry and heated and snipey. But I still am having a great time thanks to folks like Pyra Pyra and ButterGeek ButterGeek making me laugh and in general the speculation period has been a blast. Can't wait to have all my predictions be completely wrong when they confirm, I don't know, Foreman Spike or something.


Agent of Phaaze
Jun 16, 2018
Agon Wastes
@papagenos believes Incineroar was originally planned but that Sakurai got the rights to Banjo during a conference at E3 and rushed back to start on him and scrap Incineroar or save him for DLC.
I just want to say that I find this scenario extremely unlikely. While different companies and developers do interact with each other at E3 (we know that Bethesda was shown the Switch behind closed doors at one E3, which led to them supporting the system as they have), but there's no way that Nintendo and Microsoft made the deal for Banjo during E3 2018. The game's been in development since 2016, so if Sakurai wanted the character, the talks would have happened then, not when the game is almost finished.

Incineroar wouldn't be saved for DLC because he'd already be done. By now the game is almost complete, and it's just in the polishing and bugfixing phase. They're not adding new content at this stage of development.

The only time something like that happened is when Sonic was added, but that was because SEGA declined at first and changed their minds last minute, and it was for Sonic, and there was no DLC back then. That caused the whole game to be delayed and for Sonic to not have as good of a moveset as he could have. I highly doubt Sakurai would let the same thing happen again, and the game hasn't been delayed, so I don't think they're scrambling to add a new character in the last 4-5 months of development.

If there was indeed some meeting at E3 this year where Microsoft and Nintendo discussed adding Microsoft content, then it's more likely that that content would be DLC, rather than have them scrap content that's already mostly finished with content that they haven't even started. Which is what I've been predicting all along, since it's already a hassle for Sakurai and Nintendo to work with all the licensing deals for all the third party content in the game already, so by doing third-party stuff as DLC, they get to handle those licenses separately.


Smash Cadet
Oct 24, 2018
What if we get a week of smash
Everyday, in an specific Time, we get a new trailer for a new character
That would be hype


Smash Ace
Jul 28, 2007
In my secret laboratory.
Honestly I'm pretty sure all the insiders who think it's fake are only doing so because of Incineroar (who was probably just shafted for DLC) and probably Mach Rider (who again, was possibly disguised as an AT or the source simply assumed she was an AT).

No one has actually seen the real banner, and we know from previous titles that plans change all the time.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
The site is really glitched. Why is this the first post in the thread now?
Because it's a magical Tuesday...on a Monday.

(Get it? The user's name is Magical Tuesday.)

We've seen Rosalina's FS afaik. Still the same, ****ty Power Star.
Rosalina's FS is actually a whole lot better now that it draws in opponents. Definitely more useful.

If you want to talk about a bad FS, look at Villager and Isabelle.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 27, 2014

The arrogance annoys me
“Give me a reason why it’s real”
It’s almost as if nothing happened the past few days.

I personally want this leak to be real because the ego’s coming out of these insiders who want to brush off any criticism as “STOP ATTACKING ME” needs to be taken down their high horse.


Smash Rookie
Oct 28, 2018
On the bright side, they game will officially be in our hands in about a month. A little over a month.

The arrogance annoys me
“Give me a reason why it’s real”
It’s almost as if nothing happened the past few days.

I personally want this leak to be real because the ego’s coming out of these insiders who want to brush off any criticism as “STOP ATTACKING ME” needs to be taken down their high horse.
this is a meme lol


Smash Ace
Aug 29, 2018
I just want to say that I find this scenario extremely unlikely. While different companies and developers do interact with each other at E3 (we know that Bethesda was shown the Switch behind closed doors at one E3, which led to them supporting the system as they have), but there's no way that Nintendo and Microsoft made the deal for Banjo during E3 2018. The game's been in development since 2016, so if Sakurai wanted the character, the talks would have happened then, not when the game is almost finished.

Incineroar wouldn't be saved for DLC because he'd already be done. By now the game is almost complete, and it's just in the polishing and bugfixing phase. They're not adding new content at this stage of development.

The only time something like that happened is when Sonic was added, but that was because SEGA declined at first and changed their minds last minute, and it was for Sonic, and there was no DLC back then. That caused the whole game to be delayed and for Sonic to not have as good of a moveset as he could have. I highly doubt Sakurai would let the same thing happen again, and the game hasn't been delayed, so I don't think they're scrambling to add a new character in the last 4-5 months of development.

If there was indeed some meeting at E3 this year where Microsoft and Nintendo discussed adding Microsoft content, then it's more likely that that content would be DLC, rather than have them scrap content that's already mostly finished with content that they haven't even started. Which is what I've been predicting all along, since it's already a hassle for Sakurai and Nintendo to work with all the licensing deals for all the third party content in the game already, so by doing third-party stuff as DLC, they get to handle those licenses separately.
Saved for DLC is odd, but what about as a character given free to those who buy online?


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2012
A fun fact about OTTERS:

There are 13 species of Otters in the World.

Inkling, Ridley, Simon, K.Rool, Isabelle
Geno, Isaac, M.Rider, Banjo, C.Kids

Maybe we will get 3 more unique characters?

It's just a dumb theory...
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Smash Apprentice
Oct 29, 2018
Honestly I'm pretty sure all the insiders who think it's fake are only doing so because of Incineroar (who was probably just shafted for DLC) and probably Mach Rider (who again, was possibly disguised as an AT or the source simply assumed she was an AT).

No one has actually seen the real banner, and we know from previous titles that plans change all the time.
My personal hypothesis is that insiders saw a clip of Incineroar running around and interacting with some kind of Minecraft thing. Be it a creeper, a Minecraft stage, a Minecraft cat as part of his trailer, whatever. That's where Verg got their "Incineroar and Minecraft representation" information.

A lot of people saw this video, so they are dead certain that Incineroar is in the game and his absence on the banner means it's fake. However, it doesn't match up with the current "climate" of Ultimate in my honest opinion: while Incineroar is one of the more popular pokemon from that generation, it's not a "meme pick" like most of the roster has been so far which caters to hardcore fans. I can absolutely see Incineroar either being an AT that people thought was a character, a really developed Pokeball summon, or just an originally planned character that got shuffled to DLC (because they know enough people will buy any Pokemon character.)

I'm almost 99% sure that people are putting their reputation on the line over the wrestle cat because they saw him in action.
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