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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
IF Sakurai were to add someone like Heihachi he wouldn't just even consider looking at All Stars Battle Royale
Right which is why I don't get that mode of thinking.

He like he always does would look at the source material in this case Tekken, and implement abilities and mechanics both canon and not and implement them into Heihachi. This is how its always been.

Dr. Jojo Phantasma

The Chessmaster
Mar 8, 2018
Heihachi is the most likely for a second Namco rep, but I definitely won't be excited for him. I hope there is a chance we could get Nightmare instead.


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2012
if heihachi gets in instead of any third party character i want (rayman, jibanyan, banjo) i'll genuinely be upset and it might be enough to ruin my hype for the game, even with k rool and ridley


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2014
Rock Hill, SC
Switch FC
Heihachi is the most likely for a second Namco rep, but I definitely won't be excited for him. I hope there is a chance we could get Nightmare instead.
I will say it be weird for the 3rd party newcomer to be a villain when so many of them are protagonists of their game. Ryu, Bayonetta, Sonic, Cloud, Shulk, Megaman, Pacman... Do I need to even continue? I really don't see Heihachi nor Nightmare getting in over Jin and... whoever the MC of Soul Calibur is...


Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2014
i just want a legitimate leak to happen so i don't have to be tortured by speculation anymore
Would you know if it is legitimate though? I mean Vergeben has been saying a lot of Smash stuff that has been proven real yet some of you are still in denial.
The only way to know if a leak is legitimate is after the game comes out and everything was on point, and yet you guys would still call it "lucky guesses" or "safe bets" lol.


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
Heihachi is the most likely for a second Namco rep, but I definitely won't be excited for him. I hope there is a chance we could get Nightmare instead.
Oh man if we got Nightmare - particularly if he had a 2p that was Siegfried like in SCII or SCVI, I would be so stoked. Ivy is my favorite choice, but this would be incredible.

Particularly since Nightmare in SCVI looks incredible. Hands down his best look. And I’m still annoyed that SCVI is not coming to Seitch since I want a Link rematch...this would serve that purpose...


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2012
Would you know if it is legitimate though? I mean Vergeben has been saying a lot of Smash stuff that has been proven real yet some of you are still in denial.
The only way to know if a leak is legitimate is after the game comes out and everything was on point, and yet you guys would still call it "lucky guesses" or "safe bets" lol.
i mean yeah but by legitimate i mean like Actual Proof like what happened with smash 4
and we'll still probably be in denial over it when it happens

Nonno Umby

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2014
Switch FC
SW 5218 5477 4500

If we get a double reveal trailer for Shantae & Skull Kid at the Nindies Direct?
I would die seeing Shantae in Smash. She has been my wishful thinking character for ages. She and Elma are my most wanted characters (Shantae in the "near impossible" and Elma in the "possible" category), so potentially having both of them AND Snake AND King K. Rool AND Simon...I wouldn't need any more Smash, this really is the Ultimate game. They could litteraly add all the characters I hate the most and the roster would still be a 11/10.

Skull Kid eh, I really liked Majora Mask as a game and he would be cool moveset wise. But it would be cool for its fans.


Smash Champion
Sep 16, 2014
Heihachi is the most likely for a second Namco rep, but I definitely won't be excited for him. I hope there is a chance we could get Nightmare instead.
I'd honestly be so satisfied with both. Nightmare would be ridiculous in this game tbh. And SoulCalibur has had a nintendo crossover years ago. Wouldn't be shocked if it was a character from there.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 18, 2018
Switch FC
SW 6766 2698 9475
I could be wrong, but wasn't august 2014 when the smash 4 roster got leaked?

Deleted member

i mean yeah but by legitimate i mean like Actual Proof like what happened with smash 4
and we'll still probably be in denial over it when it happens
You mean like a photo or any kind of leak that isnt entirely text based?

Honestly, I'd settle for just a general statement from Nintendo on when to expect Directs that will feature Smash Ultimate news lol.


Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2013
Heaven, as of december 7th
Switch FC
SW 0383 4539 4118
I will say it be weird for the 3rd party newcomer to be a villain when so many of them are protagonists of their game. Ryu, Bayonetta, Sonic, Cloud, Shulk, Megaman, Pacman... Do I need to even continue? I really don't see Heihachi nor Nightmare getting in over Jin and... whoever the MC of Soul Calibur is...
You shouldn't look at him as the villain of Tekken.

You should look at him as the face of Tekken.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
I could be wrong, but wasn't august 2014 when the smash 4 roster got leaked?
Yes, via the ESRB leak on the 3DS version, but Nintendo’s certainly not gonna repeat the same mistake twice lmao

If Loz’s source getting smoked out is anything to go by, it’s pretty much confirmed that Sakurai is giving fake info to leakers alongside legit info to expose them.


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
I really don't see Heihachi nor Nightmare getting in over Jin and... whoever the MC of Soul Calibur is...
Thing is...with Tekken and Calibur, the villains are the main characters.

I can’t speak much for Tekken, but Heihachi’s undeniably the face of the franchise. But for SC, Nightmare and Soul Edge are the logo of Project Soul. The ‘good guy’ would be his alter-ego Siegfried, I guess. Even so, SCVI used Mitsurugi and Sophitia as the first reveals, and they’re important, but not considered the center of the conflict.


Smash Champion
Sep 16, 2014
Would you know if it is legitimate though? I mean Vergeben has been saying a lot of Smash stuff that has been proven real yet some of you are still in denial.
The only way to know if a leak is legitimate is after the game comes out and everything was on point, and yet you guys would still call it "lucky guesses" or "safe bets" lol.
People just want to know the entire roster and be done with it. Even Vergeben can't go that far. So far he has essentially leaked 2 uniques (assuming the square character is entirely new) and 2 echoes, but that could be far from what's actually in the game.

I personally just want a decent leak to come out with reliable proof so we can all just get to the point of anticipating the game, rather than being nervous if your favorite character finally makes the roster.


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2012
i dont like arguing about which characters SHOULD be in, i just want to know what characters ARE in so we can start speculating on how they play and such, the stuff thats actually fun about smash


Smash Apprentice
Nov 21, 2008
I would love for Heihachi to be in smash. Hell Sweeps and Electric Wind God Fists galore pls :3

Heihachi was always the good noodle :3....kinda


Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
I really don't see Heihachi nor Nightmare getting in over Jin and... whoever the MC of Soul Calibur is...
I can see Nightmare and Siegfried getting in at the same time, one as an echo of the other seeing as Sieg used to be Nightmare.
The same with Heihachi and Jin. They both use the Mishima style, though Jin's is a bit more advanced and mixes in other styles.


Omega Tyrant

Smash Champion
Nov 13, 2009
Schenectady, New York
I'm certain that the only thing keeping Dr. Mario from being an echo is his status as a Melee veteran. After what we saw with Chrom there's no other explanation.
People have to stop overrating how different Chrom is, all we saw different with him was a balanced blade like Lucina, taking his up-b from another clone-compatible character (that most people also thought he was going to be Echo'd from to begin with), and possibly u-tilt being from another clone-compatible character (we don't know yet if Roy took Marcina's u-tilt back or not). We have no idea how Chrom and Roy compare in most facets, Chrom could very well have the exact same movement/physics specs and frame data, and have all his other moves being the exact same to Roy's except for a balanced blade, which would make him less different from Roy than Dr. Mario is from Mario. At best you can call Chrom an Echo with some slight hybridization, not a "semi-Echo" as I've seen some people claiming.

The reveal that got me the most hype was King K. Rool's reveal.
I was sadly not there for the Ridley scene, so that is why.

Also did King K. Rool tear down Dixie Kong's chances a bit or not?
I think Dixie's chances of being a real newcomer are slim, but I think she is very likely as an Echo; even when overshadowed by K. Rool she still had a respectable support base and was certainly a much more popular demand than any of the Echoes we currently have, while being a prominent character in her own right who even got a relevancy boost, plus she was planned for some playable capacity back in Brawl. If she doesn't make it in the base roster, I think it could be because she was intentionally held off to be given the full newcomer treatment in DLC.

Exactly. Sakurai wanted several characters, but not everyone is going to make the cut. Takamaru has been considered since Melee, yet he is still an AT, for example. Ayumi was wanted by Sakurai in Melee, but still didn't make it.
Don't mix up a character being considered as being "wanted" or "planned"; Ayumi was never "wanted" and was just a mere consideration that Sakurai passed over, and Takamaru wasn't even really considered in Melee (Sakurai was just responding to someone asking about Takamaru and dismissed it in a snide manner) while Takamaru was just another briefly considered character for Smash 4 that was quickly passed over. People thinking these two were ever "wanted" or "planned" really needs to reread Source Gaming's Definitive Unused Fighters article.

Geno is the only currently unplayable character we know of where Sakurai outright said he wanted to make the character playable in a past game.


Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2007
I don't think that we may be getting Shantae as a playable character. although is nice to see her and shovelknight doing so good on the 2015 polls.

I mean, she usually did slightly (underline sigthly) worse than shovel knight in the ballots... and shovel knight have established himself as the mario of the Indies. while shantae would be akin to a "samus" (not the second absolute most popular, not super known outside her circles, but with a very solid fanbase and strong following along decent popularity)
If anything it would be amazing to have her as an assists too.... but if she by any chance make in, well, it would still be awesome and have my blessings to continue the shovelknight dream. but serioulsy not seeing it happening.

Still, having ShovelKnight, Shantae and Quote at least as ATs would be amazing, and dunno, maybe a shovel knight mii costume for mii swordfigther, a shantae one for brawler and a Quote one for gunner? pretty please?


Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2010
I'm not exactly sure what you mean here?
I mean give the some basic moves, majority for "A" Button attacks.

Something similar from other fighting games.

Example: Diddy's Monkey Flip. It's not based on any source game I know, but it does fit Diddy character and skill, as well as looking lik a good move for actual combat.

Hell, Diddy should've had a 1-2 Punch for his Weak Attack combo and an uppercut for his Up Strong Attack instead of a slap.


Smash Champion
Feb 16, 2014
I can see Nightmare and Siegfried getting in at the same time, one as an echo of the other seeing as Sieg used to be Nightmare.
The same with Heihachi and Jin. They both use the Mishima style, though Jin's is a bit more advanced and mixes in other styles.

Jin abandoned the mishima style.
He adopts it back when he becomes devil jin.


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2012
it doesn't really feel like tekken has any good guys in it, everyone's kind of a jerk in some way


Smash Champion
Aug 10, 2018
So checking back how the directs went back in 2017… a Nindies happening this 28th is very similar to having one on the 30th last year… Early september direct should be happening even business wise they need to announce general games already, which is probably why they are getting away all the nindies now in two nindies direct before that happens. It's almost time for a general nintendo direct really.


Taco Cruise

Smash Journeyman
Jul 8, 2014
Anybody who is discounting Heihachi's chances must not remember the mii fighter Ryu faced off in his reveal trailer... Heihachi is probably amongst the most likely characters next to Isabelle, Ken, and Shadow. Geno, Issac, and Skull Kid are also pretty likely but not on the same level as Heihachi/Isabelle/Ken/Shadow


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
So let's see...

We've possibly got...
Skull Kid
Gen 7 Pokken that isn't Owliver Queen or Diamond Dog
Square Enix character
The three characters from that one leak that gets this thread into a frothing rage when it's mentioned (GardevoirGothitelleMario2)
Dante (unless DMC leaker is trolling Smash community)
Shantae (if that free DLC meant anything)
Another Xenoblade character (if that slip of the tounge meant anything)

Any I missed?

Deleted member

I think Dixie's chances of being a real newcomer are slim, but I think she is very likely as an Echo; even when overshadowed by K. Rool she still had a respectable support base and was certainly a much more popular demand than any of the Echoes we currently have, while being a prominent character in her own right who even got a relevancy boost, plus she was planned for some playable capacity back in Brawl. If she doesn't make it in the base roster, I think it could be because she was intentionally held off to be given the full newcomer treatment in DLC.
Echos count as newcomers though.

Also did King K. Rool slim her chances or not? Just curious. :p

Deleted member

mii costume doesn't instantly mean popular and playable dude
You are wrong.

Mii costumes might not mean they are automatically playable, but the costumes were made for highly requested characters besides the Heihachi outfit.


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2012
Echos count as newcomers though.
uh, no they don't??? we already know from things said by sakurai himself that echo characters are easy to develop and happen late in development, after all the other actual newcomers are developed. they're not even counted as separate characters on the website, the number everyone freaked out about specifically excluded them

they aren't real newcomers, this is undeniable

Deleted member

uh, no they don't??? we already know from things said by sakurai himself that echo characters are easy to develop and happen late in development, after all the other actual newcomers are developed. they're not even counted as separate characters on the website, the number everyone freaked out about specifically excluded them

they aren't real newcomers, this is undeniable
They are still new characters in Smash.
Echos are newcomers.

Deleted member

Don't mix up a character being considered as being "wanted" or "planned"; Ayumi was never "wanted" and was just a mere consideration that Sakurai passed over, and Takamaru wasn't even really considered in Melee (Sakurai was just responding to someone asking about Takamaru and dismissed it in a snide manner) while Takamaru was just another briefly considered character for Smash 4 that was quickly passed over. People thinking these two were ever "wanted" or "planned" really needs to reread Source Gaming's Definitive Unused Fighters article.

Geno is the only currently unplayable character we know of where Sakurai outright said he wanted to make the character playable in a past game.
Shush. I want to live in a world where an anime schoolgirl can beat up Ridley or Cloud.

I'd be quite surprised if she ever ended up playable.
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