School is legit just what you said. You place the subject in front of the students face. Then you interest them in it by teaching them about it.
And that's why people struggle with school. You sit them down in front of some **** they don't care about and shove it in their face.
Kind of like Skyward Sword.
Put R.O.B. on the front page of the character select unlocked. You get a person curious. They select him. They go to Wiki on their cellphone and look him up.
Maybe. But, some people might not care. If a little kid can choose between Mr. Game & Watch and Mario, they will probably pick Mario. It's when Mr. Game & Watch suddenly appears that they begin to notice him.
Kids have a short attention span and when you dangle a brand new toy in their face, they are unable to resist.
Boom. You've educated someone. Because that is how this world works now. When someone is curious about something? We whip out our phone and google or ask Siri about it.
That's assuming they care enough to google something in the first place. Just because knowledge is easy to obtain doesn't mean people will go out of their way to obtain it. A lot of times they will just dismiss it and just say "Don't know, don't care."
It's the game's job to keep you invested and teach you things without shoving tutorials down your throat or forcing you to use Google.
Earning something is the best way to learn something in a video game. Not having it handed to you like it's anything else.
If you gave someone every single item in Ocarina of Time from the start, it's going to overwhelm them with a bunch of crap they don't understand. The items are paced out and accompanied by opportunities to experiment with their capabilities.
Breath of The Wild is similar to Super Smash Bros for Wii U in that vain. Just like there are few unlockable characters in SSB4 and you earn them quickly, there are few rune items in Breath of The Wild, and you earn them quickly.
But, it's not all given to you at once. When you give the player everything from the start, they no longer have new toys to find. Chris O'Neill from Oneyplays described Super Mario Odyssey's capture ability in a similar vein that I really liked. He said that Nintendo needs to have games that give you more toys to play with.
And hey, isn't that what Super Smash Bros has been about since the beginning?