So, now that it's been over a month since the game has come out, what are some character/s that you wanted to main, but aren't quite clicking with? Also, what characters have surprised you after you initially didn't give them much thought?
For me personally,

isn't really working out for me, meanwhile

constantly surprises me with how fun he seems to play and how he's actually a pretty solid character. I've been considering dropping Isabelle down into a more "For Funsies" kind of character, but I need to take her online first before I can really decide, I think. I don't know why she isn't clicking, TBH; I just can't figure out how to use her kit properly. Down-B and Side-B just seem so weird, and I'm struggling to come up with ideas of how to use them. Ridley is a different story, though: I love him! His air game feels great to me (which I'm a sucker for when it comes to Smash character), and he seems to have some pretty decent options available in his kit IMO.