As someone who’s never played DK, when I Google Donkey Kong, all I see is a gorilla wearing a tie.
What is the hidden potential here?
I like this meme
As someone who's seen a Game & Watch, when I look at Mr. Game & Watch, all I see is some weird LCD guy.
What is the hidden potential here?
Me too
Then there's me. Disappointed in more third parties. Especially such Japan pandering ones.
Japan pandering ones?
While still popular in Japan, Metal Gear has always been targeted at the West as its main audience.
Sonic is more popular in West then in Japan.
Mega Man is popular worldwide about equally.
Pac-Man is popular worldwide about equally.
Street Fighter in general is more popular in America, this is why Capcom gave the rights to the series to Capcom USA
Cloud & Final Fantasy in general is more popular in the West then in Japan (seriously, some Japanese fans even called Cloud 'Foreigner Pandering' like they did with Little Mac)
Bayonetta is popular in both the West and Japan about equally.
Simon is more popular in the West while Richter is more popular in Japan..I'll call this one a tie..
Joker and Persona 5 is about equal in popularity in both Japan and the West.
There isn't any 'Japan Pandering' here, at least not consciously, its simply that all of the series and characters chosen so far are popular in both the West and Japan (even if some, such as Sonic, are more popular in the West then in Japan). Its simply down to what's popular in both the West and Japan, oddly enough, is usually Japanese in origin, likely due to more popular Western franchises being shooters or realistic games, which aren't as popular in Japan.
Why would they ever choose a 3rd Party representative that was solely or primarily popular only in one region when they can choose ones that would be popular worldwide and thus make them more money and gain more hype worldwide.
The only Western IPs I could see being popular in both Japan and the West that could be used are Banjo-Kazooie, Minecraft, and maybe Shantae, since she is a fairly popular indie even in Japan (sadly Shovel Knight wasn't near the same popularity got a lukewarm reception from what I've heard).
It's baffling, Doomguy just seems like the perfect Western pick. He's Western, people consider him as an icon who's "earned it", and he's stylistically and mechanically unique. And after playing the first segments of DOOM or even just DOOM 1, he shows more "personality" than most of the roster. I think the community's gotten to a state where if it's something they don't want, they'll scramble for a reason to disavow it (anime, swords, character quality, Playstation Character, didn't "deserve" being in, etc.)
For me, its primarly the fact that Doomguy, and DOOM in general, is more popular in the West and not really that popular in Japan, so the series and character aren't really iconic or big names there..partially due to the Famicom absolutely dominating the PC in Japan around the time Doom was released and also due to Japan having much less interest in shooters and much higher restrictions on violence, gore, etc, especially at that point in time.
Due that, I doubt Doom was even on Nintendo's radar, especially Nintendo of Japan's, when they were picking DLC characters as options for Sakurai to choose from when they would much more likely choose Japanese titles due to many having about equal popularity in the West and Japan as well as being much easier to negotiate and communicate character representation when everyone involved fluently speaks the same language
That said, I'd be down for Doomguy...if only for this song to be in the game.