Well I'm going to give my reaction to this I guess as I have some experience with some of theses guys
Joker: Okay I lied I don't know a thing about this stylish lad. However he has STANDS and his entourage of honeys are on point. I hope he gets a Futaba's guidance also
Erdrick: Never played 3 but I LOVE 8 and 9 11 looks good but I'm sorry Lyn just can't beat Jessica. So yeah I'm down mostly.
Ryu: YEA YEA YEA Ninja Gaiden is the ****!
Rip and tear: Characters like him and say Scorpion or even BJ and Master Chief make sense they are front runners of a genre just not in Smash. Also DOOM though.
Steve: I love Minecraft but what has me perplexed is that if he was say 'early' then there should be some code referencing him in the game already so... yeah odd. Otherwise well if you dislike Minecraft I'm sorry but this thing shook up everybody from Mario to Fallout. Everyone has to have for better or worse a 'building' game because of Minecraft. Just like say with games like FNAF or Undertale the hustle a single man has to go through with games without giving up or the thing not to just be hot garbage is monumental. So for Minecraft to even be a thing is amazing.
Now does it look bad? Oh yeah its poo, but like fam I don't know
is just a flat man so eh?
god if steve gets in i can't wait to see how they handle minecraft's music
There's some creppy ass track of a man running down a hall