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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
And yet you proved my point. People lost interest.

Thus it wish it could have the longevity of the Camelot sports spin-offs. But okay then.
Your post literally implied that it never had success to begin with. All I really did was counter the argument it never was popular. Your original post never mentioned longevity (and it's funny you'd mentioned that now as an argument seeing as the Camelot spin-offs declined in popularity with none of more recent Camelot spinoffs since 2014 doing anywhere near as well as the more popular titles in the past)
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Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Your post literally implied that it never had success to begin with. All I really did was counter the argument it never was popular. Your original post never mentioned longevity (and it's funny you'd mentioned that now as an argument seeing as the Camelot spin-offs declined in popularity with none of more recent Camelot spinoffs since 2014 doing anywhere near as well as the more popular titles in the past)
Implication is all on your reading skills friend. If I was gonna say ''Lol Isaac never was popular." I'd just say that. But I wouldn't because I was aware that was never the truth.

And there's a whole other subject as to why those last few sports spin-offs have decline in popularity. I mean Ultra Smash alone is a pretty good testament. They released a bare bones game for full price. Of course people aren't going to be into that.

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
Implication is all on your reading skills friend. If I was gonna say ''Lol Isaac never was popular." I'd just say that. But I wouldn't because I was aware that was never the truth.
Then why make a statement about how "his franchise wishes it had Mario sports sucess" if it wasn't to imply that it was always a small deal to begin with?

And there's a whole other subject as to why those last few sports spin-offs have decline in popularity. I mean Ultra Smash alone is a pretty good testament. They released a bare bones game for full price. Of course people aren't going to be into that.
Same deal with the Golden Sun franchise and Dark Dawn. But just like with GS, the circumstances surrounding the games don't really matter as much as the consequences of decreasing sales and interest. Or do you really believe that Dark Dawn sold badly because people suddenly dislike the first two games instead of, you know, being a game released late into the DS's lifespan in addition to Dark dawn being more poorly received because it was seen as inferior to the first two games?
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Smash Ace
Oct 3, 2013
Lorraine, France
Nah no one is expecting fully decloned characters, just some different moves and animation changes here and there
Best case scenario: they would be Luigified. I guess it could help them gaining the favours of many smashers (and if their consistant appearance in the 'who should we cut' discussion is to be believed, they really need to)
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Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
You know what's funny?
Everyone go in a presidential election campaign to defends their most favourites and most wanted characters ever and go on war to prove who have the biggest di- I mean, sales or relevance
Yet more than half of the time, none of the "big contenter" or usual "BIG CHANCE THIS TIME" made in beside some two or three obvious option.

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
You know what's funny?
Everyone go in a presidential election campaign to defends their most favourites and most wanted characters ever and go on war to prove who have the biggest di- I mean, sales or relevance
Yet more than half of the time, none of the "big contenter" or usual "BIG CHANCE THIS TIME" made in beside some two or three obvious option.
That's because we suck at newcomer predictions.:p


Smash Ace
Mar 27, 2018
You know what's funny?
Everyone go in a presidential election campaign to defends their most favourites and most wanted characters ever and go on war to prove who have the biggest di- I mean, sales or relevance
Yet more than half of the time, none of the "big contenter" or usual "BIG CHANCE THIS TIME" made in beside some two or three obvious option.
For smash 4 I wanted and predicted Palutena, Robin, Miis, Villager, and Little Mac
I feel more confident in my wanted characters than I normally would be :awesome:


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005

Mimikyu is a weaker, slower version of Pikachu. Until he transforms.


Disguise: Mimikyu tries to replicate Pikachu's moves. However, when an attack makes Mimikyu's percentage hit or exceed 35%, all knockback from the attack is canceled. Mimikyu generates a circular pushback force and enters Busted Mode.

Busted Mode is Mimikyu in a ruined costume. The head droops to the size reducing the vertical size of the fighter. Transforms moves to reflect an angry fairy spirit no longer attempting to hide its supernatural identity. Stats (jumping, speed, dodges, ect.) are the same.

B Shadow Claw: Similar to Thunder Jolt. Shoots out purple electricity shaped like a ghastly hand. Instead of hugging the stage completely as it goes forward, the Shadow Claw disappears into the stage only to reappear slightly further ahead and arch back into the stage repeating the pattern. Deals more damage, but little hitstun.

Down B Hidden Power:
Mimikyu's eyes flash purple. Then a flash of purple electricity surrounds the imposter fairy knocking enemies away. A purple bolt with an outstretched ghosthand jolts upwards and disappears into a vortex. Reverse thunderbolt essentially.

Side B Skull Bash: Similar to Pichu's skull bash, the move can charge for longer than Pikachu's move. Tentacles are seen flowing out of the ragdoll disguise as a means of propulsion.

Up B Feint Attack: Similar to Pikachu's Quick Attack except it only does damage at the junction where the second direction is inputted. Purple waves of energy radiate outwards from Mimikyu at this point.

A: Thrusts puppet head forward for a headbutt. Good pushaway move. Does not continue by holding A.
Forward Tilt: Uses psychic abilities to levitate and swing entire body like a bat
Up Tilt: Swings big puppet head upwards similar to Pichu's Up Smash
Down Tilt: Hunkered down, spins in place whacking with its wooden tail

Dash: Lunges forward like a battering ram similar to Pikachu

Forward Smash: Similar to Pikachu, Mimikyu creates a ball of purple electricity in front of him
Up Smash: Using psychic abilities, rotates upside down in a full circle whacking with its wooden tail
Down Smash: Spins low in place, purple electricity crackling around body

Neutral Aerial: Aerial Somersault similar to Pikachu
Forward Aerial: Corkscrew attack similar to Pikachu. One hit, shorter duration.
Back Aerial: One backwards rotation while horizontal to the floor similar to Pikachu. One hit, shorter duration.
Up Aerial: Flip hitting with arching tail similar to Pikachu
Down Aerial: Turns upside down and spins. One hit opposed to Pikachu's multi-hits.

Uses a pulse of psychic power (rings of energy in front of body) for a grab
Forward Throw: A pulse of purple electricity sends the enemy forwards. Same damage and knockback as Pikachu's throw
Back Throw: With psychic energy, rolls opponent backwards. Weaker than Pikachu's.
Up Throw: Same as Pikachu's
Down Throw: Same as Pikachu's


Down B Play Rough (Ground): Leaps forward, its disguise billowing outwards. Can land on opponents. If this happens, The shape of the character can be seen being jerked around underneath the sheet. At the end they are popped upwards.

Play Rough (Air): Sheet billows open, a threatening black hole inside. If you overlay on a character, both will pause in the air as Mimikyu's spins around and shoots the character downwards.

Up B Trick Room: Mimikyu folds space like origami and disappears. Reappears in the chosen direction. Does not go as far as Zelda's and does less damage. However, the original warp point remains visualized as a wavering heat mirage or if used on the ground, a shifting floor. Any other person that touches it warps to the exit point of the last used Up B move. Mimikyu using this Up B again erases the last entry point and creates a new one.

B Pain Split: Mimikyu jumps backwards leaving behind a ghastly, fiery, purple image behind for several seconds or until a new one is made. An opponent going through receives damage and is cursed. For a set period of time, in any instance that the cursed character does damage to another, they will incur a portion of that damage.

Side B Shadow Claw: Raises a shadow claw before shooting out an extended arm for a long ranged attack. Can be aimed. Will grab a projectile it touches (this includes the Pain Split illusion), bringing it along as it goes toward its destination where the projectile will fizzle away if the attack misses an opponent or connect along with the attack.

Forward Smash Dazzling Gleam: A purple circle travels forward along the floor as you charge (could travel up and down ledges). When the Smash is released a light beam travels upwards (like Palutena's Up Smash, yet not nearly as high) to do good damage and vertical knockback.

Down Smash Astonish: Rises upwards as black tentacles ooze out of the disguise and twirl around for multiple hits.

Up Smash Shadow Ball: Creates a spinning horizontal portal above him as he charges. When released a Shadow Ball will be shot upwards. Size and power depends on length of charge.

Neutral Aerial: Creates a circular wave of dark energy. Does damage, but no hitstun or knockback.
Forward Aerial: Slashes forward with two shadow claws
Down Aerial: Shadows arms both swing downward towards each other in a slashing motion. Slight meteor where claws meet each other.
Back Aerial: Turns around quickly, eyes behind the cloth cutout glowing a bright purple to create a flash of light (similar to Mewtwo's Disable). Short range, good knockback
Up Aerial: Turns upside down and pauses briefly before a purple explosion of electricity occurs at the opening of the sheet

A: Creates a purple flash of light with eyes
Tilt: Brings both claws down slapping the floor
Down tilt: Quickly swings broken head forward to the floor on one side and then the other
Up Tilt: An arching overhead swipe with a claw

Dash: A ghastly aura emanates from Mimikyu before he lunges forward. A few armored frames during end of move.

Shadow arms come out for a grab
Attack: Purple energy pulses through arms for damage
Up Throw: Lifts opponent up and dunks them into the floor, which ripples as it devours the enemy. The enemy reappears from a portal at a set distance above Mimikyu
Forward Throw: Arms stretch, pushing the opponent harshly against the floor before ending in a shove
Back Throw: Mixes up its grapple, holding the enemy by the head and feet in a horizontal pose before jump roping over them as they are swung underneath and backwards
Down Throw: Slams the opponent on the floor, before swinging the opponent to the other side of its body for another floor slam which pops up the foe

Deleted member

You know what's funny?
Everyone go in a presidential election campaign to defends their most favourites and most wanted characters ever and go on war to prove who have the biggest di- I mean, sales or relevance
Yet more than half of the time, none of the "big contenter" or usual "BIG CHANCE THIS TIME" made in beside some two or three obvious option.
Crossover rosters are hard to predict.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
You know what's funny?
Everyone go in a presidential election campaign to defends their most favourites and most wanted characters ever and go on war to prove who have the biggest di- I mean, sales or relevance
Yet more than half of the time, none of the "big contenter" or usual "BIG CHANCE THIS TIME" made in beside some two or three obvious option.
Makes me wish people would just simply say "I hate this character" instead of making long winded rants explaining why a character won't happen. Especially since the explanations have a habit of being contradictory or irrelevant.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014

Mimikyu is a weaker, slower version of Pikachu. Until he transforms.


Disguise: Mimikyu tries to replicate Pikachu's moves. However, when an attack makes Mimikyu's percentage hit or exceed 35%, all knockback from the attack is canceled. Mimikyu generates a circular pushback force and enters Busted Mode.

Busted Mode is Mimikyu in a ruined costume. The head droops to the size reducing the vertical size of the fighter. Transforms moves to reflect an angry fairy spirit no longer attempting to hide its supernatural identity. Stats (jumping, speed, dodges, ect.) are the same.

B Shadow Claw: Similar to Thunder Jolt. Shoots out purple electricity shaped like a ghastly hand. Instead of hugging the stage completely as it goes forward, the Shadow Claw disappears into the stage only to reappear slightly further ahead and arch back into the stage repeating the pattern. Deals more damage, but little hitstun.

Down B Hidden Power:
Mimikyu's eyes flash purple. Then a flash of purple electricity surrounds the imposter fairy knocking enemies away. A purple bolt with an outstretched ghosthand jolts upwards and disappears into a vortex. Reverse thunderbolt essentially.

Side B Skull Bash: Similar to Pichu's skull bash, the move can charge for longer than Pikachu's move. Tentacles are seen flowing out of the ragdoll disguise as a means of propulsion.

Up B Feint Attack: Similar to Pikachu's Quick Attack except it only does damage at the junction where the second direction is inputted. Purple waves of energy radiate outwards from Mimikyu at this point.

A: Thrusts puppet head forward for a headbutt. Good pushaway move. Does not continue by holding A.
Forward Tilt: Uses psychic abilities to levitate and swing entire body like a bat
Up Tilt: Swings big puppet head upwards similar to Pichu's Up Smash
Down Tilt: Hunkered down, spins in place whacking with its wooden tail

Dash: Lunges forward like a battering ram similar to Pikachu

Forward Smash: Similar to Pikachu, Mimikyu creates a ball of purple electricity in front of him
Up Smash: Using psychic abilities, rotates upside down in a full circle whacking with its wooden tail
Down Smash: Spins low in place, purple electricity crackling around body

Neutral Aerial: Aerial Somersault similar to Pikachu
Forward Aerial: Corkscrew attack similar to Pikachu. One hit, shorter duration.
Back Aerial: One backwards rotation while horizontal to the floor similar to Pikachu. One hit, shorter duration.
Up Aerial: Flip hitting with arching tail similar to Pikachu
Down Aerial: Turns upside down and spins. One hit opposed to Pikachu's multi-hits.

Uses a pulse of psychic power (rings of energy in front of body) for a grab
Forward Throw: A pulse of purple electricity sends the enemy forwards. Same damage and knockback as Pikachu's throw
Back Throw: With psychic energy, rolls opponent backwards. Weaker than Pikachu's.
Up Throw: Same as Pikachu's
Down Throw: Same as Pikachu's


Down B Play Rough (Ground): Leaps forward, its disguise billowing outwards. Can land on opponents. If this happens, The shape of the character can be seen being jerked around underneath the sheet. At the end they are popped upwards.

Play Rough (Air): Sheet billows open, a threatening black hole inside. If you overlay on a character, both will pause in the air as Mimikyu's spins around and shoots the character downwards.

Up B Trick Room: Mimikyu folds space like origami and disappears. Reappears in the chosen direction. Does not go as far as Zelda's and does less damage. However, the original warp point remains visualized as a wavering heat mirage or if used on the ground, a shifting floor. Any other person that touches it warps to the exit point of the last used Up B move. Mimikyu using this Up B again erases the last entry point and creates a new one.

B Pain Split: Mimikyu jumps backwards leaving behind a ghastly, fiery, purple image behind for several seconds or until a new one is made. An opponent going through receives damage and is cursed. For a set period of time, in any instance that the cursed character does damage to another, they will incur a portion of that damage.

Side B Shadow Claw: Raises a shadow claw before shooting out an extended arm for a long ranged attack. Can be aimed. Will grab a projectile it touches (this includes the Pain Split illusion), bringing it along as it goes toward its destination where the projectile will fizzle away if the attack misses an opponent or connect along with the attack.

Forward Smash Dazzling Gleam: A purple circle travels forward along the floor as you charge (could travel up and down ledges). When the Smash is released a light beam travels upwards (like Palutena's Up Smash, yet not nearly as high) to do good damage and vertical knockback.

Down Smash Astonish: Rises upwards as black tentacles ooze out of the disguise and twirl around for multiple hits.

Up Smash Shadow Ball: Creates a spinning horizontal portal above him as he charges. When released a Shadow Ball will be shot upwards. Size and power depends on length of charge.

Neutral Aerial: Creates a circular wave of dark energy. Does damage, but no hitstun or knockback.
Forward Aerial: Slashes forward with two shadow claws
Down Aerial: Shadows arms both swing downward towards each other in a slashing motion. Slight meteor where claws meet each other.
Back Aerial: Turns around quickly, eyes behind the cloth cutout glowing a bright purple to create a flash of light (similar to Mewtwo's Disable). Short range, good knockback
Up Aerial: Turns upside down and pauses briefly before a purple explosion of electricity occurs at the opening of the sheet

A: Creates a purple flash of light with eyes
Tilt: Brings both claws down slapping the floor
Down tilt: Quickly swings broken head forward to the floor on one side and then the other
Up Tilt: An arching overhead swipe with a claw

Dash: A ghastly aura emanates from Mimikyu before he lunges forward. A few armored frames during end of move.

Shadow arms come out for a grab
Attack: Purple energy pulses through arms for damage
Up Throw: Lifts opponent up and dunks them into the floor, which ripples as it devours the enemy. The enemy reappears from a portal at a set distance above Mimikyu
Forward Throw: Arms stretch, pushing the opponent harshly against the floor before ending in a shove
Back Throw: Mixes up its grapple, holding the enemy by the head and feet in a horizontal pose before jump roping over them as they are swung underneath and backwards
Down Throw: Slams the opponent on the floor, before swinging the opponent to the other side of its body for another floor slam which pops up the foe
I'm not sold on Mimikyu having two move-sets, especially only after having enough damage taken.
But I really like some of these move concepts such as Trick Room and Pain Split/Curse. In fact I really want to see a ghost pokemon use curse in this game whether it's Mimikyu, Decidueye or a pokeball pokemon.

Bradli Wartooth

Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2014
Makes me wish people would just simply say "I hate this character" instead of making long winded rants explaining why a character won't happen. Especially since the explanations have a habit of being contradictory or irrelevant.
I mean ideally people just won't chime in when a character comes up that they just don't like or have a general hatred for instead of showing up, saying something obnoxious or unproductive, and then starting an argument. When people talk about games I have no interest in discussing, I just keep my mouth shut. Its better for everyone. If you have a real reason against a character, sure, bring it up. A fine example of that being a situation like Golden Sun disappearing due to poor sales of its most recent title. But don't come in here and say a character is a waste of space/needs to be removed from future titles. There is absolutely no benefit to anyone when that conversation starts.
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Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2018
Alright, I'm looking at the calendar for April and we only have a little under 2 weeks left. All forms of Directs this year have been announced on Wednesdays and streamed on the day after. We only have one more Wednesday/Thursday in April which is this week, and I'd be surprised if they had nothing in April: a month where they usually have some big announcements.

While I doubt it would be Smash because it's just too perfect to not be revealed at the tournament/E3, I think we can all appreciate a Direct as it might give us insight to what could potentially be on the Smash roster if they are going to promote a new character from an upcoming game.

Do you guys think we will get any sort of Nintendo Direct this week? Would one in May be too close to E3 for anything worthwhile?

Bradli Wartooth

Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2014
Alright, I'm looking at the calendar for April and we only have a little under 2 weeks left. All forms of Directs this year have been announced on Wednesdays and streamed on the day after. We only have one more Wednesday/Thursday in April which is this week, and I'd be surprised if they had nothing in April: a month where they usually have some big announcements.

While I doubt it would be Smash because it's just too perfect to not be revealed at the tournament/E3, I think we can all appreciate a Direct as it might give us insight to what could potentially be on the Smash roster if they are going to promote a new character from an upcoming game.

Do you guys think we will get any sort of Nintendo Direct this week? Would one in May be too close to E3 for anything worthwhile?
Wasn't the announcement for the most recent full Direct announced several days in advance? Not that it really matters when it was announced, but there's still nothing stopping them from doing the Direct sometime in May. I certainly don't think its this month or bust.

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Lucina is popular enough to be Luigifed and honestly I think it'd make her fans outside of Smash Brothers even happier.

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
I wonder how this board will react if either a new Nintendo IP or another game in a long-dormant franchise like Starfy and Sin & Punishment ends up being revealed in an April Direct?


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2013
Do you guys think we will get any sort of Nintendo Direct this week? Would one in May be too close to E3 for anything worthwhile?
Nintendo has their investor/financial/earnings meeting or whatever on Thursday and I’ve been seeing a lot of whispers and hints and rumors surrounding it and the upcoming week so I guess it’s possible we get something... but always best to keep expectations low as well haha.


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2018
Wasn't the announcement for the most recent full Direct announced several days in advance? Not that it really matters when it was announced, but there's still nothing stopping them from doing the Direct sometime in May. I certainly don't think its this month or bust.
I remember seeing the NOA tweet about the March 8th Direct on a Wednesday and March 8th being a Thursday, so just a day before. I also remember the Mini Direct being confirmed on January 10th and it being on January 11h. I could be wrong though.

May could happen, but April is such a big month for Directs in the past: Smash 4, MK8, Splatoon 1/2, ARMS, etc. It would be very odd to not have anything this month.

Bradli Wartooth

Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2014
I remember seeing the NOA tweet about the March 8th Direct on a Wednesday and March 8th being a Thursday, so just a day before. I also remember the Mini Direct being confirmed on January 10th and it being on January 11h. I could be wrong though.

May could happen, but April is such a big month for Directs in the past: Smash 4, MK8, Splatoon 1/2, ARMS, etc. It would be very odd to not have anything this month.
Do we know if the investor meeting is Thursday Japan time or Thursday in the NA time zones? If the meeting is Thursday Japan time, we could get something Thursday evening/afternoon in the states, which would run at the same time as the March 8th Direct.
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Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2018
Do we know if the investor meeting is Thursday Japan time or Thursday in the NA time zones? If the meeting is Thursday Japan time, we could get something Thursday evening/afternoon in the states, which would run at the same time as the March 8th Direct.
This is the Japanese site and it says April 26th.

Have investor meeting had anything to do with announcements in the past? While I think we have a positive chance of getting a Direct this week I doubt it's because of the investor meeting.

Bradli Wartooth

Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2014
This is the Japanese site and it says April 26th.

Have investor meeting had anything to do with announcements in the past? While I think we have a positive chance of getting a Direct this week I doubt it's because of the investor meeting.
Well I would imagine they're showing their upcoming plans to investors so they know what they're giving their money to, which could be followed up by revealing some of that stuff to the public. I think I remember someone saying that Nintendo tends to reveal new stuff around the investor meetings, but I don't personally have anything to prove or disprove that.


Smash Master
Jul 16, 2014
Switch FC
I'll take any kind of new information even if it's just a screenshot of Wario's butt. Wait what did I just say?


Smash Rookie
Apr 22, 2018
I know that some people are rather depressed that Smash 3DS / Wii U has nothing else to offer, but it should be noted that even Sakurai has his limits, and trying to stay healthy is a higher priority than trying to make new games.
I know that some people are rather depressed that Smash 3DS / Wii U has nothing else to offer, but it should be noted that even Sakurai has his limits, and trying to stay healthy is a higher priority than trying to make new games.


Smash Rookie
Apr 22, 2018
Im gonna be disappointed if they dont put either Crash Bandicoot or Rayman in SSB5. But just saying, it would be badass to be able to play as decidueye.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2013
This is the Japanese site and it says April 26th.

Have investor meeting had anything to do with announcements in the past? While I think we have a positive chance of getting a Direct this week I doubt it's because of the investor meeting.
Nintendo has quarterly meetings which usually don't have much else but numbers, but this one is going to be the annual "fiscal year" meeting where they'll go over the whole of the past year. They may or may not go over stuff they're expecting for the upcoming year as well. Some previous announcements have been the likes of "Switch will be released worldwide in March 2017" or "BotW will be our only game at the next E3 (2016)" or "Our next mobile game is Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp". So not necessarily Direct-worthy stuff but could be something at least.

I personally do hope for a Direct before E3 though.


Smash Ace
Mar 27, 2018
I’m probably overthinking it, but to me it seems like there are a lot of opportunities to announce newcomers related to upcoming switch games or possible switch games
And unlike 4 there’s a precedent with inklings being announced after the splatoon 2 dlc
Metroid Prime 4 - Ridley
Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze (or new entry) - Dixie K. Rool
Mario Tennis Aces - Waluigi
New animal crossing(?) - Isabelle
Xenoblade 2 dlc - Rex/Pyra

Any other ideas?


chugga chugga
Mar 3, 2014
Moo Moo Meadows
Switch FC
I’m probably overthinking it, but to me it seems like there are a lot of opportunities to announce newcomers related to upcoming switch games or possible switch games
And unlike 4 there’s a precedent with inklings being announced after the splatoon 2 dlc
Metroid Prime 4 - Ridley
Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze (or new entry) - Dixie K. Rool
Mario Tennis Aces - Waluigi
New animal crossing(?) - Isabelle
Xenoblade 2 dlc - Rex/Pyra

Any other ideas?
Captain Toad for Captain Toad, of course. :joyful:

Mr. Game + Watch

Smash Apprentice
Jan 6, 2018
I wonder how this board will react if either a new Nintendo IP or another game in a long-dormant franchise like Starfy and Sin & Punishment ends up being revealed in an April Direct?
What if a new game for the game & watch series was announced ?

"Revive the game & watch series"


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Well the best way to make sure info isn't leaked from an investor meeting would be to announce it beforehand.

Not sure but desperate for something.
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