I know Spyro doesn't really fit the spirit of your question, but I feel like he is so wholly overshadowed by Crash in terms of discussion related to Smash that I'd throw him a bone.
And yeah I'm fully aware that my most wanted characters are largely not happening. Isaac and Bomberman being being assists and whatnot. I'm inclined to agree that spirits likely won't be in DLC round 1 but I remain unconvinced both that they will stop at 5 DLC fighters at all and that spirits will have any bearing beyond the initial round of DLC, assuming we get more. Either way though I don't know anything, I'm just hoping really.
Banjo I do think has a very decent chance to make it in the game with this inital round of DLC though, so here's hoping I guess!
Honestly, if it was for me I'd choose Ratchet over any other rep coming from a Sony land. So personally, Spyro and Crash float on the same level XD
Who does know? It's ok, we're all just hoping and speculating. It's not like we have a say on those DLCs anyway
The reason I say spirits do disprove characters is the way they're placed on Adventure mode.. and their specific challenges. They went to an extent to make those, they're not just random or arbitrary made up challenges, they're well thought out. So, it's apparent they did that to please, and also, for them going that far for a challenge it means it satisfies the need for that character. (at least that what I think they think).
Banjo getting in would be pure fan service by Spencer. Personally I think nothing else other than that is helping his chances. Unless they're working (or will) on a new game cooperating with Playtonic. Banjo is wearing the same shoes Geno's wearing.. although he's barefooted