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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
Basically completing Classic Mode with a character unlocks someone. Each character is tied to a specific Classic Mode, but there's a priority list. Say I use Yoshi, finish Classic, and get Lucario. But now let's say I already have Lucario. Instead Yoshi would unlock the next character on his own priority list, which, from what I've read, is Chrom.

That's a lot easier than going the non-repeating route, which is Get Marth in WoL > Marth Classic > Ryu or Lucina Classic (Marth Classic twice if you unlock Ryu before Lucina) > Ridley Classic > Chrom.
How did they decide who unlocks who? Cause Yoshi unlocking Lucario seems pretty out there lol


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2018
Here's a pro-tip:

Unless I or another say it's a leak, IT'S NOT A LEAK

While I appreciate the efforts of insiders providing us with information, I feel like it would've been better to just keep things to themselves, because they're riled up the fanbase and now everyone's asking about leaks that haven't even happened.
Thanks for answering none of my questions.

Also, when did I say the Sega/Capcom thing was a leak? I was just asking since you were talking about the current DLC meta, and I haven't seen anything about either of those two things in recent discussion.


I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
idk, talking about this is bringing up bad memories. I'd rather not talk more, thanks
I have a few friends who have had very similar lives for similar reasons, and they've all become all the stronger for it.

For what it's worth, I admire that kind of strength to embrace who you are and turn your back on who doesn't.


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2018
Alaska, Germany
Switch FC
not all of us geno fans are like this. I know full well some have went a bit off the deep end convincing themselves he’s guaranteed, and I’ve been telling the boards for awhile to keep that shred of doubt open, but some simply aren’t gonna do that, so yes it’s gonna be more devastating to them if he doesn’t make it, I’ve learned to never let myself get to that point again as i did during the brawl and 4 days.

At the same time though you gotta realize that it IS the support board for geno fans. Anyone going in there basically saying something like “his chances aren’t good, sora’s are better” or “he’s not relevant and only appeared in one game” aren’t gonna be received too well there, which is true for many boards honestly.

Also some folks have been pretty harsh on geno fans lately, you gotta expect some to snap back. I Also think plenty are annoyed at how his critics never take into account the more practical reasons for why he does still stand a chance compared to other se characters like a dq rep or sora, both of which would be copyright nightmares to get, as it would involve far more than just square, whereas geno only requires Square-Enix approval.
True. I was only going off of Vergeben's word on Geno though and how he doesn't think he's likely. I was trying to be as objective as possible, but naturally I should've known it wouldn't work out well

Deleted member

Hahahahahahahha! You won't last 5 seconds on this board with that kind of avatar.
yeah, there's zero way a user could talk about how much they want to **** a cartoon dog and have their entire account dedicated to said dog and not get banned in 0.3 seconds!


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2015
I wanted the main villain (or secondary villain) to be Dante. Kamiya has talked about it before and I feel like they could be great rivals. Just have Dante accidentally end up in Bayo’s world for a bit while riding his motorcycle back from Hell, and have him get roped in with the Angels sense, you know, he hunts demons and have the two clash.
Dante and bayo are already in the same universe. Its not a stretch to happen.


Apr 9, 2014
Here's a pro-tip:

Unless I or another say it's a leak, IT'S NOT A LEAK

While I appreciate the efforts of insiders providing us with information, I feel like it would've been better to just keep things to themselves, because they're riled up the fanbase and now everyone's asking about leaks that haven't even happened.

Don't speak at all in the Geno thread if you have a differing opinion.

I went there to suggest that the SE and insider speculation be moved to another thread so, you know, the Geno thread could actually be the Geno thread, and I got absolutely flamed for it. There's no point in trying to convince them otherwise of their opinions.
I wish the mods would say take leaks to here, and not the Geno thread, especially since he isn't getting in

Deleted member

I have a few friends who have had very similar lives for similar reasons, and they've all become all the stronger for it.

For what it's worth, I admire that kind of strength to embrace who you are and turn your back on who doesn't.
Thanks for the love, man. Appreciate it


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2018
  • Square Enix is getting another character, but no one knows who it is
    • The majority consensus seems to be Erdrick, however
  • Lloyd or Yuri Lowell from the Tales Of series seem likely
  • Steve still exists
  • Rayman is likely underestimated
  • As is Ryu Hayabusa
  • People actually want promotional shill first-party picks
  • DOOM Slayer might actually have a chance
  • A third Capcom or Sega Rep could definitely happen
That's kinda it.
I would love it if Rayman and Doomguy got in. I really wasn't counting on the former anymore


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2015
Houston, Texas
I went there to suggest that the SE and insider speculation be moved to another thread so, you know, the Geno thread could actually be the Geno thread, and I got absolutely flamed for it. There's no point in trying to convince them otherwise of their opinions.[/QUOTE]

I don't see how that's something to be flamed over, actually why hasn't a thread of for the Square Enix character for a general discussion? Though, its probably bit too late for it now, it really should've been made months back ago when we first heard about it. I think that's a great idea, cause the Geno thread at this point almost has become nothing but the Square Enix character thread in general, its barely been talking about just Geno anymore. Honestlly, it would give that thread in particular some breathing room, because man that thread been a mess since that list came out.

Deleted member

I haven’t heard much about that.

I only saw a tweet from the official Doom Twitter account answering to a request of Doomguy in Smash with “Ask Reggie”.... But that’s about it.

I don’t take it as a teaser either.

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
Fanart. Should've been obvious, given how bad said art is.
Dude, Rice is an amazing artist. I'm pretty sure no one in this thread could come close to their work. This is a really disrespectful comment.

No need to swear man.

Tbh my brother just showed it so me and said it was real, he must’ve been mistaken.
I feel pretty stupid now lol
Woman* :")
Last edited:

Deleted member

Here's a pro-tip:

Unless I or another say it's a leak, IT'S NOT A LEAK

While I appreciate the efforts of insiders providing us with information, I feel like it would've been better to just keep things to themselves, because they're riled up the fanbase and now everyone's asking about leaks that haven't even happened.
Or unless it's The Clique. You know the one. :nifty:

Deleted member

If Sakurai ever retires in the near-future, who do you think would be his successor in terms of Smash?
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