No that I get. That's just called patience lol.
What I don't get is the anti-preorder movement acting like the games industry is conning them out of their money when no physical retailer I know of won't refund your money if you no longer want to pick up your game. All a preorder is is putting down five dollars to guarantee a copy will be held for you. It's convenient, it helps both sides of the transaction, and being asked to put down money for a reservation is not uncommon in other industries at all. When I worked in computers and now in furniture, we actually required a 25% nonrefundable deposit to reserve anything.
So if someone just says, "Eh, I don't need the game on release day," that's one thing. I'm talking about the people who don't preorder out of some sort of perceived moral high ground and get upset when the store doesn't have any copies left. I have a multitude of friends who work at or manage Gamestops in the area and that exact scenario happens a lot.