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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
I'd argue Kirby could have shoved someone else on his wrap star with him like he has always done...

The moment when Sonic is more empathetic than Kirby.
Kirby doesn’t like to help others who don’t benefit him...especially if they’re an illiterate angel who stole his father or a cute yellow god who’ll steal all cuteness unintentionally
So... who's going to be the first character you try to unlock? I'm curious to see who everyone's most excited to play as first!

I'll be unlocking the rest of the original 12 first, then move on to newcomers like Inkling, K.rool and Simon afterwards.
Sonic likely...or someone random


Smash Master
Oct 24, 2018
racist boot state
So... who's going to be the first character you try to unlock? I'm curious to see who everyone's most excited to play as first!

I'll be unlocking the rest of the original 12 first, then move on to newcomers like Inkling, K.rool and Simon afterwards.
puff because I want to have muscle memory for her a week after release


Smash Apprentice
Nov 27, 2018
>first dlc character of fighter pass in february

why you must hurt me this way, I will prob die of waiting for reveal of first DLC character in such long time
it's okay you'll be playing ultimate during the wait, helps soothe the pain!


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
If they wern’t our fighters We would have ended up with Steve,slime,granblue,fe3h,and gen 8

It doesn’t look dissapointing at all to me
I'd like to know what makes this two specific options only ones.

The DanMan051

Banned via Warnings
Aug 18, 2018
"Nintendo knows there are games made after 2005, right?"
The fandom sometimes doesn't, and even when it does it's done with derision.

If they wern’t our fighters We would have ended up with Steve,slime,granblue,fe3h,and gen 8

It doesn’t look dissapointing at all to me
Replace Slime with basically any other non-mascot SE character and that would basically all be up my alley.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 2, 2018
floating in space
So... who's going to be the first character you try to unlock? I'm curious to see who everyone's most excited to play as first!

I'll be unlocking the rest of the original 12 first, then move on to newcomers like Inkling, K.rool and Simon afterwards.
My main seems to be one of the last characters you unlock through the VS matches method. I'm gonna play a few VS matches first so Ness will probably be the first character I unlock but I'm going straight to Classic Mode afterwards.

Deleted member

So... who's going to be the first character you try to unlock? I'm curious to see who everyone's most excited to play as first!

I'll be unlocking the rest of the original 12 first, then move on to newcomers like Inkling, K.rool and Simon afterwards.
:ultisabelle: Of course


Smash Apprentice
Sep 23, 2018
If they wern’t our fighters We would have ended up with Steve,slime,granblue,fe3h,and gen 8

It doesn’t look dissapointing at all to me
I'd be totally fine with this, if you changed Steve for Banjo it'd be truly amazing


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
No one asked for these characters so?.......

Nintendo knows what they’re doing

But I won’t judge your opinion
Yeah, I still remember the masses going to vote for Sylux, Adeleine and Poochy in the ball- wait a minute...

Deleted member

"basically any other non-mascot SE character"

Heck, I'd almost be down for Sephiroth.
That's what I was saying.
And I'd only be down for Sephiroth if he was introduced as a "why-is-this-even-an-echo" fighter (like:ultchrom: is for :ultroy:) for Cloud next game.

Deleted member

I’m extremely late on hopping onto this bandwagon, but here are my thoughts on Ultimate’s newcomers I guess.
:ultinkling:Completely expected, which kinda takes away from things a bit. The fact that they were announced first doesn’t help, because it means I constantly forget they exist. Moveset looks pretty cool though.
:ultdaisy:Was pretty surprising, but it’s nice to see her fans finally get her in I suppose. Not super interesting to me, but I do like her in the mario spin-offs
:ultridley:Really felt triumphant seeing him finally make it in. Moveset looks pretty interesting, and I love how vicious he’s presented as
:ultsimon:Leaks made him a bit expected, but his reveal trailer was awesome and his moveset is looking great. I love how they used the classic barbarian design too
:ultrichter:Hey, I actually knew he was when they announced him! (Come on, have some of you people never played SoTN, because you should). I’m always a sucker for more obscure characters and Richter fits the bill. Like the design they used too.
:ultchrom:Was funny seeing him actually be playable. Not super interested myself but I’m happy for his fans
:ultdarksamus:I love the way she animates. Really felt like a lot of care went into making her feel different, which I suppose make sum for her not being unique. Happy she’s in
:ultkrool:How did this not leak? Great reveal trailer, super popular character among the fans, interesting moveset. Definitely a highlight in this set of newcomers. I always liked him and it was nice to see the fans’ campaigning pay off in a way.
:ultisabelle:I see why people like her, and she certainly has tons of credentials, but I’m not a huge fan. Reveal trailer was pretty boring although fitting. Like how she uses the AC stuff Villager doesn’t use though.
:ultken:I mean, who didn’t see this coming? I’m really happy they went the extra mile to make his moveset different and accurate, and I’ve always been a fan of him
:ultincineroar:Not a big fan of the design, but moveset looks interesting and I’m glad we finally have a grappling character
:ultpiranha:Now this was a surprise. I laughed when he was revealed. His moveset looks pretty interesting and I like him, but I agree with others that the timing stung a bit, and I can certainly see why people don’t like him
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
If they wern’t our fighters We would have ended up with Steve,slime,granblue,fe3h,and gen 8

It doesn’t look dissapointing at all to me
I would 100% prefer those five to the five you initially posted, and that's even factoring in my distaste for having a Dragon Quest character.

Deleted member

Change Adeleine to Tibby and it would make a lot more sense I think. Adeleine is such a weird out of nowhere not-likely, super far stretching character for the Kirby series.
That would be cool.
Also, I like how your signature has all the characters in chronological order! That must've taken a bit more work than just putting them in the order they were introduced to Smash.

Deleted member

Seeing Adeline reminds me that if we do get a Kirby newcomer, I hope its a dream friend other than Bandana Dee. Imo, he’s easily the most boring dream friend moveset wise, especially considering how unique Daroach, Marx and Adeline are. Granted, he’s definitely the likeliest Kirby newcomer, but that’s just how I feel. Dark Matter would be cool too.

Jovahexeon Joranvexeon

Smash Champion
Apr 13, 2016
DLC fighter wise, if spirits deconfirm fighters, I'm shooting for Phoenix Wright, Sephiroth (if we're really getting a second Square rep), Master Chief (if we're really getting a Microsoft rep), Adeleine, and Rhythm/Tap Trial Girl from Rhythm Heaven.
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