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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Deleted member

Im on the other side, The spanish announcer voice doesnt fit for me in the Smash environment, sounds to.... weird and breaks the immersion for me, he doesnt sounds epic. As we say here in Mexico, "Tiene voz de pito" and the pronunciation of the name of the characters sounds funny and silly. You're like "Im gonna kick your *** with *chooses character* *the announcers talk* 'lit-le mac' or 'dac han'", it breaks the atmosphere lol.

And to make it worse, he tries to sound like a latinamerican person in the American version so it feels too unnatural. I don't know why they just dont hire a latinamerican to do the job at least, or maybe another spanish person with a deep voice and doing his real accent, and not faking a latinamerican one.

But well, in the Americas we grow with the english announcers, and Smash 4 was the first time that we got the game in Spanish, so we are more accustomed to play Smash in English.

But well,to each his own, I respect your opinion.
Thanks a lot.

As someone from Canarias, i usually like to hear the spanish dubs used in America and Spain anytime i can.
I am used to both dialects mostly because i saw a lot of movies with the American dub when i was younger, and the person who helped my parents at home was from Colombia,who i visited her family a lot of times with her (i remember a lot of good stuff from those moments, even celebrations).

Deleted member

Let's just say I'd be called out for adding too many Rhythm Heaven characters...
So... probably not
I'd get called out for:
  • Reducing the roster
  • Remvoing :ultdoc:, and :ultbowserjr:.
  • Replacing :ultsheik:with Impa and Removing :ultyounglink: and :ulttoonlink:.
  • Added Skull Kid and Sylux
  • Removing :ultpichu:,:ultjigglypuff:,:ultpokemontrainer:, and :ultgreninja:.
  • Reduce the Fire Emblem roster by removing :ultroy:,:ultike:/:ultrobin:,:ultlucina: ,:ultcorrin:, and :ultchrom:, leaving only :ultmarth: and :ultike:/:ultrobin: with Eldeguard being a newcomer ( staindgrey staindgrey trigger warning).
  • Adding Elma and Rex & Pyra.
  • Removing :ultpalutena: and :ultdarkpit: ( TMNTSSB4 TMNTSSB4 triggger warning).
  • Removing :ultrob:, :ultwiifittrainer:, and :ultduckhunt:.
  • Reducing 3rd Party cast to :ultsonic:,:ultbayonetta:,:ultmegaman:, :ultpacman:, :ultcloud:, and :ultsnake:/:ultsimon:.
  • Adding Dante, Ryu Hayabusa, and an SMT character as 3rd Party newcomers.
So, yeah. I'd take some serious heat from the community.
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Deleted member

Garlic and people

Better than :4fox: and :ultpokemontrainer: (Leaf sounds great though)
I think that Red has the same voice actor as Ash in Spain (or at least one who sounds similar, but after my experience with the dub of Spider-Man PS4, i feel like i shouldn’t discard any possibility).

Deleted member

I'd get called out for:
  • Reducing the roster
  • Remvoing :ultdoc:, :ultrosalina:, and :ultbowserjr:.
  • Replacing :ultsheik:with Impa and Removing :ultyounglink: and :ulttoonlink:.
  • Added Skull Kid and Sylux
  • Removing :ultpichu:,:ultmewtwo:,:ultpokemontrainer:, and :ultgreninja:.
  • Reduce the Fire Emblem roster by removing :ultroy:,:ultike:/:ultrobin:,:ultlucina: ,:ultcorrin:, and :ultchrom:, leaving only :ultmarth: and :ultike:/:ultrobin: with Eldeguard being a newcomer ( staindgrey staindgrey trigger warning).
  • Removing :ultshulk: and adding Elma and Rex & Pyra in his place (@Tougon trigger warning).
  • Removing :ultpalutena: and :ultdarkpit: ( TMNTSSB4 TMNTSSB4 triggger warning).
  • Removing :ultrob:, :ultwiifittrainer:, and :ultduckhunt:.
  • Reducing 3rd Party cast to :ultsonic:, :ultmegaman:, :ultpacman:, :ultcloud:, and :ultsnake:/:ultsimon:.
  • Adding Dante, Ryu Hayabusa, and an SMT character as 3rd Party newcomers.
So, yeah. I'd take some serious heat from the community.
I'd get called out for
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Deleted member

@Tougon, that's a pretty rad avatar... Nice to see Goku finally get his long overdue appearance in Smash
It'll only be for a little while, but I just have to celebrate Goku making it in.

Okay, I'd have no reason to buy any Smash game with a smaller roster and removing Shulk is whatever, I can just play Smash 4 or Ultimate, but why would you remove Mewtwo? For what purpose?
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Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2018
Alaska, Germany
Switch FC
I'd get called out for:
  • Reducing the roster
  • Remvoing :ultdoc:, :ultrosalina:, and :ultbowserjr:.
  • Replacing :ultsheik:with Impa and Removing :ultyounglink: and :ulttoonlink:.
  • Added Skull Kid and Sylux
  • Removing :ultpichu:,:ultmewtwo:,:ultpokemontrainer:, and :ultgreninja:.
  • Reduce the Fire Emblem roster by removing :ultroy:,:ultike:/:ultrobin:,:ultlucina: ,:ultcorrin:, and :ultchrom:, leaving only :ultmarth: and :ultike:/:ultrobin: with Eldeguard being a newcomer ( staindgrey staindgrey trigger warning).
  • Removing :ultshulk: and adding Elma and Rex & Pyra in his place (@Tougon trigger warning).
  • Removing :ultpalutena: and :ultdarkpit: ( TMNTSSB4 TMNTSSB4 triggger warning).
  • Removing :ultrob:, :ultwiifittrainer:, and :ultduckhunt:.
  • Reducing 3rd Party cast to :ultsonic:, :ultmegaman:, :ultpacman:, :ultcloud:, and :ultsnake:/:ultsimon:.
  • Adding Dante, Ryu Hayabusa, and an SMT character as 3rd Party newcomers.
So, yeah. I'd take some serious heat from the community.
Oh yeah, there'd be some salty people, especially after removing most of the female cast from Smash 4. lol

Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
I'd get called out for:
  • Reducing the roster
  • Remvoing :ultdoc:, :ultrosalina:, and :ultbowserjr:.
  • Replacing :ultsheik:with Impa and Removing :ultyounglink: and :ulttoonlink:.
  • Added Skull Kid and Sylux
  • Removing :ultpichu:,:ultmewtwo:,:ultpokemontrainer:, and :ultgreninja:.
  • Reduce the Fire Emblem roster by removing :ultroy:,:ultike:/:ultrobin:,:ultlucina: ,:ultcorrin:, and :ultchrom:, leaving only :ultmarth: and :ultike:/:ultrobin: with Eldeguard being a newcomer ( staindgrey staindgrey trigger warning).
  • Removing :ultshulk: and adding Elma and Rex & Pyra in his place (@Tougon trigger warning).
  • Removing :ultpalutena: and :ultdarkpit: ( TMNTSSB4 TMNTSSB4 triggger warning).
  • Removing :ultrob:, :ultwiifittrainer:, and :ultduckhunt:.
  • Reducing 3rd Party cast to :ultsonic:, :ultmegaman:, :ultpacman:, :ultcloud:, and :ultsnake:/:ultsimon:.
  • Adding Dante, Ryu Hayabusa, and an SMT character as 3rd Party newcomers.
So, yeah. I'd take some serious heat from the community.
You removing my 3 all time favorite Smash characters (:ultcorrin::ultrosalina::ultgreninja:) already triggers me...


Smash Master
Aug 4, 2009
Regarding the Ganondorf picture...

Looking at the Moon picture, there's VERY similar colouration going on when you spawn the Moon.

Deleted member

It'll only be for a little while, but I just have to celebrate Goku making it in.

Okay, I'd have no reason to buy any Smash game with a smaller roster and removing Shulk is whatever, I can just [lay Smash 4 or Ultimate, but why would you remove Mewtwo? For what purpose?
To cut down on Gen 1 Pokemon. In hindsight, :ultjigglypuff: is a better sacrafice.
Oh yeah, there'd be some salty people, especially after removing most of the female cast from Smash 4. lol
Oh. I didn't even notice that lol.

Deleted member

To clarify the thing about the spanish dub of Spider-Man PS4:

I love it a lot, but the voice actor for Spider-Man is the same one who dubs the character in the Tom Holland movies.

At first, it may sound awkward... But the voice actor has a huge talent dubbing.

In Homecoming he sounds like a 16-18 years old, as anyone could expect... But in the PS4 game he manages to sound like a 22-29 years old man, while feeling natural. It just blew my mind that he managed to play with his voice so well.

That’s why i am confused about who voices Red in Brawl: he sounds like the Ash voice actor but just a bit more mature, which could end up being a case similar to the Spider-Man one, with the voice actor being that great.

Deleted member

18 notifications when I come back from a meeting and then the gym? I sure must be popular!

Oh wait, I riled up the Geno fans. Oh boy.

Are they two different situations? Yes.
Do I have the same level of confidence in my claim given the different situations ? Yes.

Just like my claims with Incineroar, all will be proven with time.

I always love debating you too, but I'll be honest and say that I don't have much to add to the Geno debate at this point. Or I don't have the time or motivation to do more research to back up my claims.

I'll say this though: There's a reason I believed in Incineroar.

I highlighted and bolded the important part of your statement. You may have seen a lot of people who thought he was in, but many people doubted Incineroar up to his reveal, and it was mainly myself, @Noipoi, @GoldenYuiitusin, and a few others who supported him the whole time.

TPC as in The Pokémon Company, or TPC as in tehponycorn (as @Luigi The President sometimes calls me)? I'll assume the former.

Anyways, it comes down to the Smash fanbase doing what they do best: mental gymnastics to justify the inclusion of certain characters. That's why Incineroar was supposedly leak bait, or DLC, or was cut in favor of Banjo, because it made "sense" (I use air quotes because of course it didn't make sense) and allowed people to keep believing. Look how well that turned out.
Late because I just got back, but even though it’s anecdotal evidence, I was lurking quite a few different places with tons of users, and again everyone i saw thought incineroar was in. I know I can’t prove it because it’s strictly anecdotal and the smash community is very large, but you can’t exactly prove there were many people doubting incineroar was in either. Consider how popular box theory was, and how many trusted vergeben.
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Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2018
Alaska, Germany
Switch FC
Oh. I didn't even notice that lol.
That's what made Smash 4 so great, the addition of an actually decent female roster, instead of having only 5 female characters like in Brawl
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Smash Lord
Sep 21, 2018
Tallon IV
Yeah, my oppinion on Xander involves him...

I prefer the spanish announcer over Xander when playing Smash (This means that i like his voice in anything but the game itself).

It happened at my grandfather house: i had my 3DS with Smash on it, and i decided to try out the english voice to check if it was as good as people made it out to be...

At first, i actually found it neat and cute... But after some time it got annoying. The voice started to take out from me the attention and suspense of the fight, and it’s loudy way to speak started being boring and repetitive after some time.

In the end, i decided to go back with the spanish voice, who may be less excited, but at least keeps the neutrality on every match, feeling to me like something more quiet and straight for the gameplay.

Do anything, even prank my account for the third time in a row if you wish... I don’t care. I will keep playing with the spanish voice, while checking Xander just for the trailers and Directs. You won’t make me change this, because Xander just didn’t work for me.
Nothing to be ashamed of, it's just a personal preference of yours. Much as I love Xander there are still lines of his in Smash 4 that I didn't like.
If you were given the choice to be in charge of the next Smash Bros game, would you take it? I personally wouldn't.
Not as a solo job, probably would bring a buddy on. Of course sweeping changes would be made:

-cutting:ultjigglypuff::ultpichu::ultroy::ultchrom::ulttoonlink::ultyounglink: and turning :ultdoc::ultdarkpit: into costumes
-decloning :ultlucina::ultdarksamus:
-making:4corrinf:the default
-redesigning certain flawed characters like:ultganondorf::ultsamus:
-adding Shadow, KOS-MOS, Black Knight, Rex, Elma, Proto Man(E), Malos(E), Metal Sonic(E), and Saber
-cutting and adding various stages depending on how accurate and fun they are (some I think have really overstayed their welcome like 75m and Yoshi's Island Melee)
-trying to get as much Sonic music as possible
Most other stuff would be left minimally or completely unchanged probably.

Deleted member

I have to ask, that's not really Goku, is that a different Dragon Ball character?
It's a Nintendo character named Goku. I've secretly wanted him in just to mess with people who requested Goku, and I'm thrilled to see him in, even just as a spirit.

Fun fact: The game Goku comes from (Yuyuki) is, just like Dragon Ball, based on Journey to the West, and both Gokus are based on Sun Wukong. He's the closest thing we could ever get to Goku.

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
If you were given the choice to be in charge of the next Smash Bros game, would you take it? I personally wouldn't.
Sadly no. Not only is my brain not really suited for such things, and my bias would be known, but just knowing how dangerous and vile the Smash fanbase could be would be drastically stressful, no matter what you do, whether it's adding a character, not adding a character (I think we all know what this kinda thing creates), or taking a character out. I myself can't handle stress much as it is. We did hear Sakurai say about wondering if he'll ever catch a break on that last direct after all.
Honestly I wonder how stressed some of the developers are, working as hard as they can while the fanbase wants more, and more, and more, where one change can cause uproars.


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
It's a Nintendo character named Goku. I've secretly wanted him in just to mess with people who requested Goku, and I'm thrilled to see him in, even just as a spirit.

Fun fact: The game Goku comes from (Yuyuki) is, just like Dragon Ball, based on Journey to the West, and both Gokus are based on Sun Wukong. He's the closest thing we could ever get to Goku.
I have unironically wanted that Goku in since I found out about the character haha


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014
Regarding the Ganondorf picture...
View attachment 178739

Looking at the Moon picture, there's VERY similar colouration going on when you spawn the Moon.
Hmmm that explains the sky but not the fire & stage layout... I wonder if it's some kind of Spirit/Classic event where you need to defeat Ganondorf before the Moon crashes (and it goes way slower obviously).


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2018
Alaska, Germany
Switch FC
It's a Nintendo character named Goku. I've secretly wanted him in just to mess with people who requested Goku, and I'm thrilled to see him in, even just as a spirit.

Fun fact: The game Goku comes from (Yuyuki) is, just like Dragon Ball, based on Journey to the West, and both Gokus are based on Sun Wukong. He's the closest thing we could ever get to Goku.
Oh okay. I knew he looked familiar, I just didn't know what he was from. But as long as he's a videogame character, I have no complaints :)

Deleted member

My Smash game would be similar to Ultimate, but maybe with Sylux, Isaac, Crash, Banjo, Dixie, Bandana Dee and Waluigi added as fighters; Poké Floats, Planet Zebes, Pyrosphere, Mute City (Melee) and Rainbow Road back; and maybe a mode where you control Master Hand similar to Galactus in UMvC3.
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Deleted member

I have unironically wanted that Goku in since I found out about the character haha
He'd honestly be a really cool character even without the Goku trolling. If he has a spirit battle, I'm expecting it to be Diddy Kong, but it'd be hilarious if they used Lucario or orange Ryu instead.


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
He'd honestly be a really cool character even without the Goku trolling. If he has a spirit battle, I'm expecting it to be Diddy Kong, but it'd be hilarious if they used Lucario or orange Ryu instead.
aw ****
Orange Ryu would be hilarious


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2018
Alaska, Germany
Switch FC
So we all know anime and manga characters can't be playable, but have there ever been any trophies, stickers, spirits, music, or anything else represented in the game that is not from a videogame, aside from Sakurai's cat?


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2018
Wait Goku is a spirit and not the Goku from Dragonball Z? I gotta tell my friend he'll get a kick out of this lol

Deleted member

He'd honestly be a really cool character even without the Goku trolling. If he has a spirit battle, I'm expecting it to be Diddy Kong, but it'd be hilarious if they used Lucario or orange Ryu instead.
Wasn’t the Goku present as a Spirit the main inspiration for Goku?
Or the Goku from that old legend is a different character?

Deleted member

That's what made Smash 4 so great, the addition of an actually decent female roster, instead of having only 5 female characters in Brawl
Really? I thought is was the inclusion of Mega Man, Pac-Man, and Cloud.
Well, if it makes you feel any better, I'd add Impa, Ribbon Girl, Eldeguard, Elma, Pyra with Rex, and the Octoling from the Splatoon 2 DLC (Agent 7?), and maybe Jill from Resident Evil. And :ultrosalina: and :ultbayonetta: are coming back.
So you're looking at: :ultpeach:,:ultdaisy:,:ultrosalina:,:ultzelda:,(Impa),:ultinkling:(female alt),:ultsamus:,:ultzss:, :ultrobin:(female alt), :ultisabelle:, (Eldeguard), (Elma), (Pyra), (Ribbon Girl), (Octoling), :ultbayonetta:, (Jill Possibly) at least sixteen to seventeen female fighters.
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Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
Wasn’t the Goku present as a Spirit the main inspiration for Goku?
Or the Goku from that old legend is a different character?
It's more like both Gokus have the exact same source inspiration.

Son Goku is basically just the Japanese name for Sun Wukong

Deleted member

So we all know anime and manga characters can't be playable, but have there ever been any trophies, stickers, spirits, music, or anything else represented in the game that is not from a videogame, aside from Sakurai's cat?
The mines from Goldeneye, a Melee event that referenced King Kong vs Godzilla, the Advent Children alt for Cloud, the references to the Pokémon anime and maybe something else.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
If you were given the choice to be in charge of the next Smash Bros game, would you take it? I personally wouldn't.
Definitely not. I find that whenever I try making games, the scope tends to creep beyond anything I can possibly make (and that's when I'm using materials, like sprites and sounds, that already exist), and with a fanbase as large and diverse as Smash Bros., it would be impossible to please most of it.


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2018
Alaska, Germany
Switch FC
Really? I thought is was the inclusion of Mega Man, Pac-Man, and Cloud.
Well, if it makes you feel any better, I'd add Impa, Ribbon Girl, Eldeguard, Elma, Pyra with Rex, and the Octoling from the Splatoon 2 DLC (Agent 7?), and maybe Jill from Resident Evil. And :ultrosalina: and :ultbayonetta: are coming back.
So you're looking at: :ultpeach:,:ultdaisy:,:ultrosalina:,:ultzelda:,(Impa),:ultinkling:(female alt),:ultsamus:,:ultzss:, :ultrobin:(female alt), :ultisabelle:, (Eldeguard), (Elma), (Pyra), (Ribbon Girl), (Octoling), :ultbayonetta:, (Jill Possibly) at least 17 females.
Would Pyra fight independently or just be in the background while Rex fought?

Deleted member

So we all know anime and manga characters can't be playable, but have there ever been any trophies, stickers, spirits, music, or anything else represented in the game that is not from a videogame, aside from Sakurai's cat?
Misty's anime design is used for her trophy in Melee. I'm also not positive that Ai No Uta is ever used in its original form in a Pikmin game, but the song's in Brawl.
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