I find the whole 3rd party debate to be really interesting. Some people want icons, others want their (insert 3rd party choice) here, while others want characters that aren't even video game characters.
You thought Bayonetta stood out?
Listen, everybody has their wants right? I freaking love Spider-Man, the Avengers, X-Men, all sorts of stuff. Hell, even Joe Biden might make an epic old-man fighter. But are we really looking for characters that aren't video game characters at their core? That's kinda sad, right? We know this to be true.
I have a friend who would sincerely love to see Goku in Smash (has even said he thinks there's a chance because Goku is a mascot of the upcoming Olympics*?), but every time I tell him it wouldn't make sense. There are tons of great characters out there that would be amazing 3rd party candidates. Crash is one of them (despite the fact that I'm not too sure of him happening!), and the fact that they're all passed over makes me incredibly sad.
To clarify, I'm totally in agreement that the roster should, at any given time, be largely Nintendo. I also don't think any 3rd party series should have more than one character. To me, that means no Tails, no Sephiroth (even though he'd be badass, my dudes), no Chun-Li, no Proto-Man. Nintendo should be the focus, but I don't think that means we need to decrease the 3rd parties we have. The ones we have (maybe not Bayonetta, but she's fun) are effectively legend status characters. No matter how you slice it, they're gaming powerhouses just like Mario, Pikachu or Link. We've gotten a handful of those. That, Smash fans, is something to be proud of.
Now, what I'm curious about is the future of 3rd parties. We've got the big names. If the contracts stay in place, it's even more epic. Now, adding to that, who's next in line?
I think it really depends on the direction Sakurai wants to take, what games he's played, what standards he abides by. He definitely views the 3rd parties as "a class of their own", which I believe he specifically said about Mega Man, but I can imagine would apply to Ryu, Pac-Man and Cloud. Bayonetta gets a pass here as the ballot winner. (Plz do not restart the futile debate about her actually winning the ballot. I really don't care, and it's irrelevant at this point anyway.)
There are quite a few gaming icons from 3rd party companies (as in, not Sony and Microsoft). You've got Rayman, Crash Bandicoot, Shovel Knight, even Lara Croft, or other characters that didn't/aren't planned to appear on Nintendo consoles like Tracer for Overwatch (freaking huge right now), and there is simply a wonderful array of characters to choose from.
We don't need Goku or Naruto, my dudes. (sorry, I just love saying my dudes...NOT TO MENTION IT'S STILL WEDNESDAY!)
I'm simply curious as to what would place future 3rd parties next to the ones we have. Obviously there's the possibility that we don't have the same 3rd party roster next time, and that would be a shame, but it's quite the guest roster to have. Thoughts?