This is the main theme of the game. Theme X is remixed is several tracks.
This is the title theme of the game. As you can tell, it remixed a bit of the Main Theme.
This is the theme of New Los Angles. It's the main town in the game and where most of your non exploration/combat gameplay happens.
This is the theme of the Ma-non Ship. The Ma-non are aliens that are friendly to humans. Eventually more friendly alien species start to live in the ship as its protected.
This is the normal battle theme. It plays whenever a non important battle is happening.
This is the people's favorite. This is the theme of tyrant battles or special optional enemies that are hard to take down. If you played the first Xenoblade Chronicles, you can compare this to You Will Know Our Names.
Of course, such a popular song has an instrumental version included as well.
This is a story important boss battle theme. This will play in boss battles that don't have their own themes.
This is the boss battle theme for sidequests. You'll honestly hear this one a lot more as there are a butt ton of sidequests.
This is the theme for one very important boss fight in the story. Saying who or what it is would be spoilers.
Yes the title is German. And yes those are attempts at German lyrics. This is the music that plays whenever you use Overdrive which is essentially your limit break. Those can last a long time, so the song's length is appropriate.
Yeah an instrumental version exists too. Unlike the Uncontrollable instrumental, this version replaces the vocals with synth. Sounds pretty neat.
This is the final boss theme. Fun Fact, this was played in an early trailer for the game.
This is the theme for Primordia. It's the game's first area and is a grassy but mountainous area.
This is the song that plays whenever you're in a cave or underground. There are a lot of caves.
This is the theme for Noctilum, the game's second area. It's an area that filled with dense rain forests and waterfalls.
This is the theme for the game's third area, Oblivia. It's a dry arid landscape that's mostly rock.
This is the song that plays when you're in Sylvalum, the fourth main area. It's a desert covered in crystals and mountains.
This is the theme for Cauldros. This is the game's final area and it is filled with lava, enemy bases and acid.
This is the theme that plays whenever you're flying in your skell. Skells are the mechas you can pilot in the game.
Tatsu's theme! Cause everyone loves Tatsu, amirite?