Maybe I should clarify...first of all, i’m by no means saying you can’t support Daisy. If she is your most wanted, go ahead and support her.
However, when I say “moveset” I don’t just mean the aesthetic of it. How does the moveset function? Do flowers just follow her like when she dives in Mario Tennis? If so, that doesn’t tell me anything about how she plays in-game. If she’s a grappler, a trap-setter, a combo setter, or something else then that’s different. But I haven’t seen that yet. I’m, frankly, turned off by the idea because I’ve heard the same stuff with Daisy since pre-Brawl.
I need more than that to be convinced she’s a good idea. Believe me, i’m an incredibly open minded person. I’m a teacher after all, I am shown different points of view daily, and I learn something new everyday. Well, at least that’s what good teachers do.
Having played many games with Daisy in them, and wanting something more out of characters rather than them simply being a “rep” (I HATE the concept of “reps” by the way, just the connotation of it). Don’t give me a representative of a subset of game, give me something interesting that a character can do, that no other characters can do better than the one you’re suggesting.
That’s my inherent problem with Daisy. Anytime I see her brought up, it’s like “She’s another Mario character”. Toad is a pretty iconic/important Mario character in his own right? Toad also isn’t in Smash, but Rosalina and Bowser Jr., two characters with something no other character can do, are in the game and are pretty fun.