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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Deleted member

Whats your "nightmare" scenario for your main in Ultimatr

Mine is that Shulk isn't as strong as everyine is saying and is still bottom of mid-tier

Deleted member

Explain that to their ratings and struggle to find a new identity.


The past few years they've struggled to have an actual audience and keep new viewers because the younger generation and even the older are tired of the Hollywood pat on the back to one another.

I mean I can find more articles if you like. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This doesn't really show that it's dying to the general public when it's still considered an authority in the industry.
Also, are those numbers international or US based? Because if the former? Then yeah. But the latter, then there's god knows how many viewers from other countries and unnofficial streams


Ask not the sparrow how the eagle soars
Jun 5, 2013
taco bell, probablyn't
Haha, okay.
(seriously though, were you originally talking about the LPS one? I won't be offended if that's the case.)
Oh yeah, definitely. Just clicking through them and slowly scrolling it was not what I expected following SMRPG and Rayman (though I knew who posted so I should have expected it)

Deleted member

Whats your "nightmare" scenario for your main in Ultimatr

Mine is that Shulk isn't as strong as everyine is saying and is still bottom of mid-tier
The Belmonts having better frame data than Shulk in all of their moves

Deleted member

Oh yeah, definitely. Just clicking through them and slowly scrolling it was not what I expected following SMRPG and Rayman (though I knew who posted so I should have expected it)
Yup! My top 3 characters are actually Geno at number 3, Rayman at number 2, and Zoe at number 1. :3


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
One thing that's really frustrating about the DLC in this game is that there's so much confusion as to who and what we'll get. Some people are saying the ballot will be a huge influence. Others say the opposite. Some people think the characters were all decided before 2016. Others still think Gen VIII and Three Houses have a shot. Some people are saying third-parties will dominate the DLC. Others say we're getting a blend of first and third-parties.

Honestly, what I want more than anything right now is clarification on how Sakurai is handling DLC. Showing off Sora, Geno, or some other SE character at the VGAs won't clear anything up.

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
This doesn't really show that it's dying to the general public when it's still considered an authority in the industry.
Also, are those numbers international or US based? Because if the former? Then yeah. But the latter, then there's god knows how many viewers from other countries and unnofficial streams
Did you really just bring up bootleg streams as if those viewers matter to the industry?

Oh, honey.

It is dying to the general public though. Being an authority in the industry means nothing if you can see the general audience legitimately rising up against the way the industry is built.

The viewership is not steady, people are just not caring to watch the ceremony, and you can even factor in the fact of how people are responding to critics now.

Critics tore apart Bohemian Rhaposdy and Venom. The general audience told them and the industry **** right off and made both those movies a success.

I mean sure one is about quite possibly the most successful inter-generational rock band ever formed and the other is a popular comic book character.

But your argument is that people look to the industry and it's system to tell them what is good no?

When the direct opposite is indeed happening.

To further people didn't get films like Mother! that the critics fricking loved.

There's a reason why they tossed around a ''Popular Film" category. There's a reason why they're adding all these younger faces into the Academy out of the gate like John Boyega and Genesis Rodriguez, etc, etc.

And it's not because of their talent. It's because they're trying to regain the trust of the general audience and in particular the general youth audience.

And this goes to literally every single awards show ceremony, it might be different to the VGAs sure, but if you're looking at the Oscars, Grammys, Emmys, etc.

This is what's happening. Just because you don't think so, doesn't erase it.
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Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
Whats your "nightmare" scenario for your main in Ultimatr

Mine is that Shulk isn't as strong as everyine is saying and is still bottom of mid-tier
That they aren't in the game at all.

Oh wait.

More seriously, the majority of characters I "main" are characters who would have to get super unlucky to not at least be "mediocre" (i.e. that's where :4drmario: and :4feroy: ended up). I don't even play the characters because they're good, I play them because I like them.


Hipster Heavyweight Champ
Jul 3, 2014
LeakyPandy has, like, the opposite of credibility, why do we even still bring up anything they say?

Amiibo Doctor

Smash Ace
Writing Team
May 30, 2014
That they aren't in the game at all.

Oh wait.

More seriously, the majority of characters I "main" are characters who would have to get super unlucky to not at least be "mediocre" (i.e. that's where :4drmario: and :4feroy: ended up). I don't even play the characters because they're good, I play them because I like them.
My main is Ganondorf, so my nightmare was Brawl and Sm4sh, so...
But seriously, my nightmare is that he starts out mid-tier, high-tier, and then gets nerfed. I want Ganondorf to be good so badly.

Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
Whats your "nightmare" scenario for your main in Ultimatr

Mine is that Shulk isn't as strong as everyine is saying and is still bottom of mid-tier
Corrin's counter and pin being super nerfed...
Oh wait... that last thing actually happened...


Hipster Heavyweight Champ
Jul 3, 2014
Whats your "nightmare" scenario for your main in Ultimatr

Mine is that Shulk isn't as strong as everyine is saying and is still bottom of mid-tier
:ultkingdedede: Down-tilt hitbox is still nonexistent right in front of him.

Deleted member

Did you really just bring up bootleg streams as if those viewers matter to the industry?

Oh, honey.

It is dying to the general public though. Being an authority in the industry means nothing if you can see the general audience legitimately rising up against the way the industry is built.

The viewership is not steady, people are just not caring to watch the ceremony, and you can even factor in the fact of how people are responding to critics now.

Critics tore apart Bohemian Rhaposdy and Venom. The general audience told them and the industry **** right off and made both those movies a success.

I mean sure one is about quite possibly the most successful inter-generational rock band ever formed and the other is a popular comic book character.

But your argument is that people look to the industry and it's system to tell them what is good no?

When the direct opposite is indeed happening.

To further people didn't get films like Mother! that the critics fricking loved.

There's a reason why they tossed around a ''Popular Film" category. There's a reason why they're adding all these younger faces into the Academy out of the gate like John Boyega and Genesis Rodriguez, etc, etc.

And it's not because of their talent. It's because they're trying to regain the trust of the general audience and in particular the general youth audience.

And this goes to literally every single awards show ceremony, it might be different to the VGAs sure, but if you're looking at the Oscars, Grammys, Emmys, etc.

This is what's happening. Just because you don't think so, doesn't erase it.
You didn't answer my question, this is just stuff that's happening in regards to a more "hardcore" audience, which is no different from what we on this forum are, and their dicontention with it. This is not to say it isn't valid but it's not a representation of the general public.
And people can disagree with the awards but that still watch and listen to it.
Also, unnofficial streams do matter because people are watching it. Maybe not to the industry itself but it doesn't change the influence it has.

King Sonnn DeDeDoo

Smash Champion
May 4, 2014
The basement of the Alamo
so with the speculation season wrapping up (atleast for base game) what was your favorite and least favorite parts of the speculation cycle of this game?

I think I preferred the speculation for this game over smash 4’s, mainly because “Everyone is Here!” made it so we didn’t have to argue over who is getting cut.


Smash Champion
Sep 21, 2018
over dere
Switch FC
Whats your "nightmare" scenario for your main in Ultimatr

Mine is that Shulk isn't as strong as everyine is saying and is still bottom of mid-tier
:ultrob: It ends up that his new down throw isn't that good
:ultolimar: He's so good that people complain and he's nerfed to hell
:ulttoonlink: Dunno. Ends up being worse, I guess?
:ultbowserjr:T H E N I G H T M A R E I S R E A L

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
I'm betting that it won't even be Smash at the VGAs, but an update on Metroid Prime 4 or Bayonetta 3.

It could be wrong, but if you had someone in a close enough to playable state that you could reveal them the day before release you'd most definitely have an in gamer render to show off like you did Mewtwo.

Which would bring me to the point? Why not show them with Piranha Plant.

Especially when Sakurai had already said ''Please trust on contents of this pass." That all goes away with this scenario because you just slap up Sora/Geno/whoever's render and say ''Yes. Blank will be the very first fighter in the pass. Please give us a little extra time to show you gameplay however."

Deleted member

Graizen Graizen You know what would be awesome, and would be a way for both of our most wanted Digimon to get in?
It would make sense since the Smash community is so divided over which Digimon should be in, right?
They would have Agumon, Renamon, and... uh, help me out here. Which other Digimon would be a good fit?


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014
Whats your "nightmare" scenario for your main in Ultimatr

Mine is that Shulk isn't as strong as everyine is saying and is still bottom of mid-tier
I haven't played as Ridley yet so I'm worried I won't like how he plays :(

Speaking of playing as Ridley, do BestBuys and GameStop's have the demo?! If so I am making it my goal to get to one this week, just to try out Ridley.

NVM apparently was an accident. But it does mean locations have the ability to play the demo so maybe something in the coming weeks?

I'm betting that it won't even be Smash at the VGAs, but an update on Metroid Prime 4 or Bayonetta 3.

It could be wrong, but if you had someone in a close enough to playable state that you could reveal them the day before release you'd most definitely have an in gamer render to show off like you did Mewtwo.

Which would bring me to the point? Why not show them with Piranha Plant.

Especially when Sakurai had already said ''Please trust on contents of this pass." That all goes away with this scenario because you just slap up Sora/Geno/whoever's render and say ''Yes. Blank will be the very first fighter in the pass. Please give us a little extra time to show you gameplay however."
While I disagree on the hardcore vs. casual discussion here, this is what is really important. I think it's way too early to reveal the next dlc character, like before PP is even released? They're going to overshadow PP then.

On the other hand for an American audience, this would be the best time to show a hype dlc character to convince anyone still on the fence right before the game releases. But I'm not expecting anything more than PP's release date.
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Smash Journeyman
Nov 21, 2015
Monterrey, México
Switch FC
so with the speculation season wrapping up (atleast for base game) what was your favorite and least favorite parts of the speculation cycle of this game?

I think I preferred the speculation for this game over smash 4’s, mainly because “Everyone is Here!” made it so we didn’t have to argue over who is getting cut.
Yeah, there was a time were I was afraid for falco being cut


Hipster Heavyweight Champ
Jul 3, 2014
I haven't played as Ridley yet so I'm worried I won't like how he plays :(

Speaking of playing as Ridley, do BestBuys and GameStop's have the demo?! If so I am making it my goal to get to one this week, just to try out Ridley.
I've played Ridley. If you like a very aerial-based character, I think you'll like Rids a lot.

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
The dreaded... LeakyPandy.
Oh my god, why do any of you people even give him the light of day?

Literally the only correct prediction ever made by him was the date of a direct in April. However, all the info about the contents of direct were false.

It’s such a textbook example of a guy who got one lucky guess. He’s made countless of “leaks” afterwards and literally zero turned out to be true.

Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
Graizen Graizen You know what would be awesome, and would be a way for both of our most wanted Digimon to get in?
It would make sense since the Smash community is so divided over which Digimon should be in, right?
They would have Agumon, Renamon, and... uh, help me out here. Which other Digimon would be a good fit?
Veemon, maybe?
so with the speculation season wrapping up (atleast for base game) what was your favorite and least favorite parts of the speculation cycle of this game?

I think I preferred the speculation for this game over smash 4’s, mainly because “Everyone is Here!” made it so we didn’t have to argue over who is getting cut.
My favorite part was that despite being very heavy on fan requested characters, we still managed to get some Sakurai Pick characters like Isabelle and Incineroar. Much to the pleasant surprise of me.
Some things never change
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Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
You didn't answer my question, this is just stuff that's happening in regards to a more "hardcore" audience, which is no different from what we on this forum are, and their dicontention with it. This is not to say it isn't valid but it's not a representation of the general public.
And people can disagree with the awards but that still watch and listen to it.
Also, unnofficial streams do matter because people are watching it. Maybe not to the industry itself but it doesn't change the influence it has.
Unofficial streams do not matter, because it is a direct opposite of what the industry wants. It wants you to have an official stream, sure some people can't afford it, live in countries that don't air it, etc, etc, but that doesn't change the fact that unofficial streams will never matter.

And it absolutely is a representation of the general public. The hardcore audience are not who I'm talking about and you know that, but I'm done with this conversation because you know it just appears to be going nowhere, because you think ''He's talking hardcore." when I quite obviously even said ''The general audience is doing this.."

I mean come on, if you're going to engage in conversation don't try to warp my points to fit your argument and at least try to read them as they were written.
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Hipster Heavyweight Champ
Jul 3, 2014
Oh my god, why do any of you people even give him the light of day?

Literally the only correct prediction ever made by him was the date of a direct in April. However, all the info about the contents of direct were false.

It’s such a textbook example of a guy who got one lucky guess. He’s made countless of “leaks” afterwards and literally zero turned out to be true.
Meanwhile Vergeben leaks 4/6 of the unique newcomers, and people say he just got lucky.
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