Figured I'd jump in on the opinions of the newcomers. From most liked to least:

I always found her adorable but seeing from her reveal trailer and her little 20 second video on the main site, I was skeptical about her playstyle since I can't stand Villagers but after seeing a showcase of her moves, I absolutely love her. That Gyroid mine is gonna give her so much stage control <3 kinda like Pac-Man's trampoline or Villager's custom sapling that caused tripping. She'll be able to camp behind it with her fair and bair and can reel people in with her fishing rod. Plus it'll be great for ledge pressure since she can then add dash attack for off stage pressure. I also like that her uair and dair are consistent and not randomized like Villager's


I like Ridley and Chrom equally but for different reasons. I've been a casual supporter for Ridley ever since I heard people wanted him back in the Brawl days. His design is cool as are his boss fights in the Metroid games and he has one of, if not, the longest support history of any character currently in Smash. Megaman might have him beat since I believe he placed well in a Japanese poll along with Sonic some time after Melee came out? As for Chrom, Roy is one of my favourite characters to use in Sm4sh and Chrom is just a variation of Roy. I'm both looking forward to and not looking forward to the balanced blade. Less potential comboability and kill power but more consistent damage and shield pressure. Plus Aether is a trash recovery unless he can ledge snap.

Was never a big supporter for him but he's cool looking and goofy too.

I don't mind Samus in Sm4sh so I might use Damus casually plus she looks cool.

****ing stupid and ridiculous and I love it. I'd probably be singing a different tune if I didn't get Wolf back or if I wanted some character that wasn't in but I'm satisifed.


Can't give much of an opinion on their playstyle until the game comes out and I never grew up with Castlevania, having only played and not even finished SotN but I'm happy for their inclusion just for the music alone.

Included her last on this list as I genuinely forgot she was even in. Don't care for her or for Peach's playstyle but she's up this high purely because my best bud had Peach as a secondary in both Brawl and Sm4sh so I like that she's in for giving him some extra variety.

Don't care for how they look, or their music and their playstyle doesn't look interesting but I'm willing to give them a try. Never played Splatoon although I might get Splatoon 2 for Christmas.

Could never get into Ryu in Sm4sh so I doubt I'll get into Ken but he's fine.

You could replace him with any gen 7 Pokemon and I'd still put them at the bottom. I don't like how shoehorned in a good amount of the Pokemon feel. Like, Jigglypuff, Pichu, Greninja, Incineroar and possibly even Lucario aren't in due to popularity and demand. 2 of them are in just to pad out the rosters of 64 and Melee and the others are just their for game advertising. Sure they happen to be popular but Smash makes characters popular as shown with Roy and they're frickin' Pokemon, the best selling media in the world. Damn near any of them would be popular inclusions.