Let's see...
Ocarina of Time
Wind Waker
Twilight Princess
Hyrule Warriors (and Legends)
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U
Close, but not quite. If anything, Sheik is more of a Smash character than a Zelda one (despite being Zelda's alter ego, ironically), since she's the one that's made more Smash appearances and is only seen in OoT and HW as far as the Zelda series is concerned.
Well, you are right. I even forgot about Hyrule Warriors for a second even though I bring it up all the time when discussing Impa!

Yay for me being a hypocrite! But yeah, his Smash roles are catching up to him. Maybe you could sort of count the remakes of the 3D Zelda games to- but nobody does.
Agree with you on Sheik fully. She's only there because she always was, and I think that's both good and bad. Good? Veteran status is respected, but we're stuck with a character we'll never see again in a mainstream Zelda game (her being in Hyrule Warriors is her saving grace however) and she never had any of her abilities in Ocarina of Time except for her Up B. She's gotten a whole lot of love which could and in my opinion, should've gone to other Nintendo characters. However, with so many 3rd party characters running around, I respect Sheik's presence more cause at least she's from Nintendo.
I was a strong advocate of Sheik's replacement in trade for Impa during the Smash 4 speculation era. You could even say I leaded / started the whole fiasco. Ask anyone here, they'll remember the days of what is often called "Impa propaganda". And just looking at what exactly happened in Smash 4, I actually think it would've been the better sollution.
First of all, Zelda and Sheik split up even though their main mechanic was 'Down B Transform'. They are current day still """"""""BALANCED"""""""" in this same regard: Zelda ; slow and """powerful""" (as in, has a F Air and B Air which have a sweet spot thing going on that takes 20 years to completely master, with frustration of course cause Zelda is terrible) and then there's Sheik; faster than lighting and thunder combined, designed to "rack up damage quickly" in order for Zelda to finish (you got that right, you should be playing Sheik over Zelda in all cases). Oh, did I mentoin best projectile in the game? She has that too!
Now they are split up, and the balance between the two was even WORSE! Now with Melee, Sheik was a Top Tier, and Zelda a Low Tier, pretty big difference but hey, it was their first go at it. Next, Brawl. The Sheik transformation was forced upon us yet again and Sakurai even felt the need of adding ANOTHER Down B Character Change Gimmick Character

- terrible choice in the end, cause the development time which it took could easily give us about 5 newcomer instead. Also, Squirtle and Ivysaur got axed the next game, despite being a 10.000 times more recognisable than Sheik.
So I guess because of that TP Sheik design, we are now stuck with the character cause I'm pretty damn sure Sheik would;ve been on the chopping block if they didn't. Maybe that would've mean Mewtwo could've been in Brawl, or Roy, or another Zelda character like Midna (I wanted Midna instead of Sheik during the Brawl days too!).
We should've just had Impa instead, and Zelda should've gotten a major overhaul in Brawl already with Sheik gone. Look at how many move set changes Sheik even got in Smash 4, is that really justified for a character that's forced upon us? She got about as much changed in her move set as the likes of Pit and Bowser! And Pit had a whole new game going for him, and Bowser is the most popular and well-known video game villain ever, plus had a disfunctional move set for two games. Sheik? Not so much, a inbetween power level of Melee and Brawl would've been just fine, meaning, buff Brawl Sheik with her new Down B and we already had a good High Tier character.
If it was up to me, I'd axe Sheik in an instant. But I've already stated, if she made it back for Smash 4 I would accept her being there, and so I guess I do. BotW's Impa also doesn't make for a good replacement, even though Skyward Sword Impa was just fine, PERFECT even. Now it's just the long wait for a HD remake of one of the least popular 3D Zelda games ever...

I just hope Nintendo does it, and according to this infortmation;
http://www.ign.com/articles/2016/06/14/zelda-producer-on-skyward-sword-hd-its-definitely-possible &
http://www.zeldainformer.com/skyward-sword-officially-listed-for-wii-u/ , we just might (take note, Skyward Sword will likely not be ported to Wii U but the Switch instead).
It's funny though, I had my hopes up on Breath of the Wild for so long. Since the announcement of that game, Sheikah symbols where everywhere. Yet, what role do the most famous Sheikahs (actually the only onces since BotW) get for roles? An old lady with ugly teeth and a funny hat, and the other one a costume. Way to go Nintendo!
Okay, this turned out to be quite a long rant. Yes I'm mad, I don't even hide it.
About Ganondorf though? And the rest of the Zelda cast? I just wish we could have Hyrule Warriors move sets and designs for them all. It's better than forcing a 3rd time of Twilight Princess characters. Yet I think that's the most likely scenario if we get a direct port.