I really don’t care if the banner is real or not. As long as the characters are I’m happy.
I was literally just about to say the same thing.
"I don't care if the Grinch leak is real or fake, as long as I get Isaac I'm solid."
Every time the possibility comes that could prove Isaac is in (i.e. the Sprout from the other day) I feel a great rush of happiness, and usually I'm pretty mellow. I try not to let it colour my perception of the facts (which is why I believe that the banner glitches talked about a few hours ago are just that, glitches).
While watching the last few directs, I've been... interested, but nothing character-wise has really, truly hyped me since E3 (Daisy and Snake's Revenge). I smiled at Inkling, Ridley, Simon/Richter, Chrom, Dark Samus, K. Rool and Isabelle, but it was more a meta-happiness (as in, I was happy for the people who wanted them and not strictly happy about the characters themselves). If Isaac is confirmed, I might just Etika out.