I hear so much talk about Sans getting in as the "Indie rep", but honestly it'd be shovel knight if anyone. He was ALL over the Smash ballot, like one of the most talked about/voted for characters at that time. Even if an Indie rep happened and it wasn't him, it'd be Shantae or Quote or someone who actually had fans pushing for them during the ballot.
I just cant imagine Undertale getting a rep out of no where, it seems like its only because undertale was in the last direct but thats an awful way to assume characters, its similar to why although i'd really like crash and think hes possible im not putting much weight into the fact he was simply part of the same direct as the smash reveal. he could get in but im not thinking of him as anymore likely than any other 3rd party character who has a game on switch.
Not trying to knock anyone for wanting Sans or anything, undertales cool, but I just do not see why I'm hearing people think he'll get revealed at this indie direct while I hear very few talk about Shovel Knight. I'm not expecting anyone but again if there was a smash reveal during an indie direct my bets are on Shovel Knight by a large margin.