Believe me, I would love for him to be wrong here. The characters he's claimed do nothing for me, and the ones on the mural do everything for me.
Well, those are the two specific characters left that he's claimed. All the other ones have been included already. It's not like it just kicked off with these two.
Well yeah, I know that, lol. I've been following this thing over on /v/ since like E3. Anyway, if we go by the analysis of your previous post and assume we can take his claims at face value, the leak can still be legit and coincide with that he's provided iirc. Imo, it seems very likely Incineroar is the leakbait character, so everyone's gonna get that one wrong.. Whatever was provided to validate that info must have been very credible but probably fabricated. Ken's a no-brainer leak or no leak, I mean, I even I called that one months ago, and I'm no leaker. And the SE character is obviously Geno. Verg never said it was just those 3, and that's it iirc. Meanig the remaining 5 can still happen and correlate with (part) of his sources.
That's my take on it at least.
I've said it a million times now, but imo, there's no way the roster from the Grinch leak is fake. I really don't think the leak itself is fake either, but there's too many things coming together and confirming the same characters, it seems obvious to it's legit at this point. Don't mean to get your hopes up, lol.
To my memory the main point of contention we had was surrounding the X/Y spot.
Personally I draw a blank on the ESRB saga. I'm aware of the timeline that played out, and I was on board with it being real, but I think I was out to lunch or something until the videos started popping up, because I have no memory of being party to the arguments it must've created. Perhaps I was otherwise occupied at the time.
I vaguely remember parts of the ESRB leak. I do recall the sinking feeling of acceptance that that was really gonna be it, sometime before it was confirmed. I guess I must have been around on here when that leak dropped. Though my memory of it is on /v/, so I don't recall what discussion took place on here, but I must have been here for it, as I do distinctly remember watching the Invitational with you on here, and I think that happened afterwards... Honestly though, the whole of that is a big blurr, as the DLC and ballots made the Japan Time for Smash 4 last a lot longer than it normally would. So things just kinda blurr together. I have more memory of the ballots, and the Mafia Games in the Backroom than anything regarding speculation in the weeks leading up till launch.