Okay, can someone actually have a justifiable reason as to why Smash Ultimate's marketing has been "****ty" when all of you who say that whenever a Direct comes around then make a complete 180 and say "WOW, THAT WAS SPECTACULAR, THEY WERE SO ON POINT!!1" I see this so much and I'm done being silent about it when any of you try and say Smash Ultimate has terrible marketing yet do a 180. This has become the best hype cycle in Smash history, and you know that for a damn fact.
The Pic of the Days were ****ing terrible. They were only centralized on a social media platform exclusive to the Wii U - a dead console - and that was your only way of getting information. Half of the time? Needless information that NOBODY cared about. Some of the time? Veteran reveals. Some of the time, other kinda cool stuff.
The Smash Dojo!! was a great martyr of how to go about releasing Smash information in a good consistent manner, but it was mainly to give out little bits of new information. In this day and age with Nintendo giving Directs to release info, what use would a blog do? Smash Ultimate has this monacre of "EVERYONE IS HERE", so they're using the blog for that, and some new stuff like music here and there, and other tidbits. They're using it to celebrate the roster. Not to mention, they have to space out other game-related info too that isn't JUST Smash, so it becomes a juggling contest with a lot of things.
Literally, this is JUST like how Pokemon fans say the last game was ****, even though they loved all the hype surrounding it and the game, too. Happened with ORAS, X and Y, Sun and Moon, and no doubt will happen to Gen 8. So please, I want a logistical and justifiable list of reasons why Smash Ultimate's hype cycle has been trash, because most likely it's based on feelings.