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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Master
Aug 4, 2009
That's the thing though, fake or real, this is career suicide. If this is "Eric", his LinkedIn profile shows that he's a trained and probably certified professional. This isn't some jack off who works the copy machine at Kinko's/Staples, this is somebody who actually went to school for this and dragged his employer into it. That's a big deal if true. If fake, it's slander to his company's reputation, if true, he willingly violated a NDA and will probably be blacklisted from the industry. There is no upside for "Eric." He's either a cross-eyed imbecile or a nihilist if he actually did this himself, part of the reason why I think the Snapchat video came from someone else.
I personally don't think Eric IS the leaker, someone else (who is still working at Marina) is impersonating him.


Jun 14, 2015
Unbeknownst to men
On mach rider's moveset, there could be a few things inspired by the series, but remember they do know how to make an original moveset. After all, they didn't have much to go off of with falcon, and made him a unique moveset.


Smash Master
Jun 7, 2016
I was kind of hoping that those arrogant enough to promote Verg (or whatever he goes by) as absolute fact would get knocked down a peg.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 30, 2018
Think of it this way. With all the big names in the base roster (Geno, Banjo, Isaac, K.Rool, Ridley), there's that much more of a chance for Skull Kid, Dee, Dixie, etc. to be DLC than ever before.

The leak is a real good roster for like 80% of people, even if it doesn't suit people like us perfectly. Adding Chorus Kids just seems like Sakurai implementing an idea he clearly thought about before but didn't include for some reason.
True, plus if the leak's real Shadow is in, and regardless Ridley's new and Mewtwo's back. If Skull Kid's not in base he'll probably be first in line for DLC, and if the mural's real and Skull Kid isn't in then at least I get my 2nd most wanted!

Still baffled about Chorus Kids and Skull Kid potentially not in despite all the Assist Trophy stuff and Mii costume hinting at him, but whatever. We'll see!

Real or fake, the Grinch leak has certainly livened up the boards.
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Smash Champion
Sep 16, 2014
This leak of Smash Ultimate is way more impressive than a very skilled edited video
If it's fake, it means someone had the idea to fake something inside an printer, using the name of someone on linked in, fake a grinch render and all...
The art editing is not as impressive as the Rayman leak for sure, but the way it's ''promoted'' is really genious if it turns out to be a fake
I'd go to lengths and even say the art part is almost as impressive, just in a different way. The leak shifts like 40 of the characters either slightly in an image we can barely see, creating tons of new artwork because half of these characters were hidden behind others. On top of that, 7 original renders were created for it, all of which we can barely see. All that work for a poor image seems weird to me.

Like all of this is super intricate, and for it to be fake, someone has to plan this out so carefully enough to make those that support it and come to that exact conclusion, not even including that the work place and background of the leaker is legit.

It's 150% Occams razor, and I think someone even with a 300 IQ would mess this up more if it was fake. If not, I am wowed by at what the mind of a human can achieve.


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
Question actually, can you download someone's snapchat videos? Cause if so, I think it's pretty damning as why would you take a screencap if you could download it?
Not sure, but I'm under the impression that you'd have to have enough foresight to know what the snap was beforehand to set up a screen recording app and record it, unless if you were some weirdo that's always at the ready to record every video snap ever


Smash Lord
Sep 2, 2018
Did you guys talk about the mural looking like it has Majora's Mask in it?

It's where Mach Rider is supposedly in the Mural. I admit it could just be the wheel of the bike but the shape and way it curves downward and in makes it look quite like Majora. The only thing is that he wasn't mentioned in the Chadadorf leak at all, which is making me very cautious about the whole thing.


Deleted member

You have heard about Nintendo Ninjas...

But now, prepare for the new trend this year... N I N T E N D O S E N T I N E L S.

Created to erradicate leaks, these robots have tried to kill Grinch's actions in the past in order to put the gaming comunity in the Kencineroar future...

A small resistance, the X-Smashers, are at the moment fighting to protect Grinch... And save the future of the gaming comunity from chaos.


Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2014
If the leak is fake and the final roster is in fact worse, that makes it more reason to quickly put down expectation before they get outrageous only to be quickly shot down at the day of the reveal.
Ok? But what is the relation with what I said? I said that being relieved if this leak turned out fake won't have any sense


Smash Cadet
Aug 30, 2018
Incoming rant from die hard Rhythm Heaven fan...

Are you telling me that Rhythm Heaven isn't worthy enough to get a character just because they aren't fan requested?
Sure, this time around, fan requests seem to be the big thing, but it isn't the be all end all. Sakurai probably wants some niche picks as well. Also, Chorus Kids seem to have been planned for Smash 4, but got cut probably due to technical limitations with the 3DS. With Sakurai bringing cut content back like Ditto and Sukapon, it makes sense that Chorus Kids would finally get their due.

As for not being worthy, despite not being as requested as much as other characters, they (along with Rhythm Heaven) have a pretty good history with Nintendo. RH is Nintendo's only real Rhythm Series (except for Elite Beat Agents (R.I.P. :()) and the series is still going to this day. If you ask me, Chorus Kids just make sense...
Lmao how many times you gonna use that video? #TwoChairs4Smash


Smash Apprentice
Jan 29, 2015
Question actually, can you download someone's snapchat videos? Cause if so, I think it's pretty damning as why would you take a screencap if you could download it?
i use snapchat regularly and there isnt any option to download a snapchat, not if the sender saves the snap and sends it to receiver. you can screenshot it ofc, but download? no


Smash Apprentice
Sep 5, 2014
The fact that even after a company has come out to speak against the leak, that has arguably only strengthened the leak, is insane. The staying power of this leak with no strong debunks (even after so much scrutinizing) and everything seemingly lining up perfectly. If this were to be fake it would have to be by someone who did an insane amount of research and had a wealth of resources at his disposal (graphic editing skills, access inside one of these buildings, knowledge of how these machines work, knowing people would look at the grinch and putting it in the background to analyze, the time to fake it, a name that lines up perfectly with a company, etc.). But the simplest answer to a question is usually the right one, and right now the simplest answer is a frenchman has learned not to use snapchat.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 30, 2018
Incoming rant from die hard Rhythm Heaven fan...

Are you telling me that Rhythm Heaven isn't worthy enough to get a character just because they aren't fan requested?
Sure, this time around, fan requests seem to be the big thing, but it isn't the be all end all. Sakurai probably wants some niche picks as well. Also, Chorus Kids seem to have been planned for Smash 4, but got cut probably due to technical limitations with the 3DS. With Sakurai bringing cut content back like Ditto and Sukapon, it makes sense that Chorus Kids would finally get their due.

As for not being worthy, despite not being as requested as much as other characters, they (along with Rhythm Heaven) have a pretty good history with Nintendo. RH is Nintendo's only real Rhythm Series (except for Elite Beat Agents (R.I.P. :()) and the series is still going to this day. If you ask me, Chorus Kids just make sense...
Fair point. I never played Smash 4 (heck I never had a Wii U), and Rhythm Heaven was never anything that I heard of. If they were planned for 4 though I can understand it, and it's nice for the RH fans.

I do wish we'd get a new Zelda rep as well even if it isn't Skull Kid, haven't had one for a while ago. Though on the plus side we already have a pretty impressive roster whether the leak is real or not.


Smash Champion
Sep 16, 2014
That's a fake render someone made after the fact. Ignoring the extra canines on the one chorus kid, you can very obviously see the photoshopping stretching and awkward ms paint line draws at the legs. Also the red line is supposed to be the conductor's tie, not whatever that is in the left, a hot dog? And honestly, if this was just copy paste official art, it would've been discovered long ago.
*Breathes a huge sigh of relief*

A little late to the party due to work but even I was about to sweat here, good to know


Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2018
I never imagined that each time I walk into this thread, I’d ask “does the grinch live?” :p

Seems like it’s still kicking


Smash Lord
Jul 19, 2014
Question actually, can you download someone's snapchat videos? Cause if so, I think it's pretty damning as why would you take a screencap if you could download it?
I haven't used Snapchat in a while, but I'm sure you couldn't. It's kind of the point of the app.
I think the only ways to record are to use outside screen recording apps, but they must've been recording before they opened the video, 'cause sent videos vanish after you watch them once. If the one with the original video posted it as their story, then it would've been a lot easier, since those stay for 24 hours.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Fake yet convincing image of a character that turns out to be real
Ah...for mere moments I thought he was saying something like “Palutena is really just cosplaying as all these characters leaked out just for the luls”
The fake Palutena leak that released before her reveal in 4.

Basically: fake, but still getting the deal.
Ah...for mere moments I-wait a minute, I can’t repeat myself...so you get this instead


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
I guess I should clarify a little bit on my other post since this page moves so quick there’s no point in editing it again...

I could see her side special being unique in that she has guns on her motorcycle unlike wario’s but can’t do massive damage wheelies like wario’s, also ramming the bike into people does less damage than wario’s.

Also just for lolz, both characters can use each other’s bikes if there’s one on stage, so if she gets knocked off wario could steal her motorcycle.

The rest of her moveset would be a pseudo mixture of falcon and zss, minus the whip and instead having a rifle she uses in some moves as well.
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