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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something

Deleted member

I agree this is reason enough to take him at least a bit seriously, but again - has he been wrong in the past about rumors? Just posting a correct track record by itself could be cherrypicking if he was right 6... out of, say, 12 times.
It depends on how he got his sources, met with them and how he corroborates and collaborates with them. I don't even know to be honest, but isn't it weird how all of a sudden he became the most reliable info broker just in this year and in the recent months has been on a streak? I want to know whats up, too.


Worlds Apart, But Still Together.
Jan 31, 2012
I'm sorry but not even Spawnwave can disprove this in a complete or concise way. You can argue about blurry art and the source of the Grinch images all you want, but the place where the Snapchat leaker works and his background has already been proven. In order to disprove it, you'd have to prove that said French leaker made a fake leak using his job as a source, which whom he doesn't even work for anymore.

Tl;dr: unless spawnwave somehow has gotten a direct quote from the French leaker that it's fake, not taking his words as gospel.
This is honestly where I'm at too.

I think the story of this leak is much more important than the characters in it.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 16, 2008
a streetcar named desire
I have a feeling that Nintendo has gone full on damage control and started giving instructions to as many publications as possible to dismiss the leak as fake, because if the leak is true they're saving face, and if the leak is fake they're trying to prevent mass disappointment before it spreads too far.

What scares me is Nintendo removing some of these characters from the base game and relegating them to DLC just so they'd still be able to create some hype surrounding them when the time comes, after the initial disappointment of them not being in the base game (thus proving the leak wrong and making people stop being sure of their inclusion).


Smash Journeyman
Aug 25, 2018
Austin, TX
Wait which design for the Grinch are they using? I could see them pushing for the new design, but Sakurai used the old Design for Pacman instead of his newest one so they could do it here, or they could even use the Jim Carrey Grinch.

Deleted member

Who is Spawn Wave and why does he matter?

This is like the third time I've asked this question in the past 25 minutes... ;<
You, and everyone else who have asked in the last 50+ pages, also been answered an equal amount of times. He's been predicting/giving rumors for games all year and has been 100% right; the most recent of which was an announcement of Trine 4. There are detailed retellings of all theyve gotten right in this thread as well.


Sep 12, 2014
So yeah I had the whole day to think about this at work and i'm still 50-50. With this many newcomers, I think the "I hope you're not expecting too many new challengers" comment seems null. With an addition 4-5 original newcomers bringing the total original newcomers to 8-9, that doesn't warrant a comment like that although I guess it's still smaller than Brawl/Smash 4's.

The drawings still get to me because those have been faked before like the Bomberman fake. Hell there's even a guy on Twitter who does commissions to draw characters in the style of Ultimate's character background. I don't see that as undeniable evidence.

All that being said, i'm hoping it's real even with my doubts.
First Z25 Z25 and now you, NintenZone squad in full force here. :p


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
So any progress or have we dissolved into ager and/or memes?


Smash Cadet
Sep 19, 2018
Can someone who actually uses or has Snapchat help me out with a question? In the leak image we see information in the top left in the two images that looks to have been written over with a black marker in order to block out the info however it isn't solid black, instead it has some bleedthrough as though it was written over with an actual marker. Reports say this image came from Snapchat so does Snapchat have a marker feature that would work like an actual marker? I don't use it but I would have thought that it would just be a solid black color? If it doesn't can anyone explain why it might be the way it is? The only thing I could think is that someone printed out the image took a marker over the info and then scanned/took a photo of that page and uploaded it.

Majora's Visage

Smash Journeyman
Aug 18, 2018
Sup guys. The Grinch leak hasn't been disproved yet right? Still trying to catch up...

Wanted Skull Kid, and then Incineroar when Ken and Incineroar were supposedly the last characters. But I'm glad Isaac is getting in, though I voted for Felix in the ballot :)

Deleted member

Team Comcast is where it's at. Smash leaks are irrelevant, but whoever leaked that Grinch art is GOING TO PAY.

Captain Fun

Smash Lord
Apr 10, 2014
I don't really know about this guy's track record. At the very least, he was not the first to report on the rumors of Catherine or NSMBU getting remasters. Not sure about the other stuff, but yeah.

Interesting rumor. I don't really have much to say about it other than "it sounds too good to be true." Granted, that's not really an argument against it, but I don't want to get my hopes up.


Smash Champion
Nov 7, 2015
Realm 75731
Looks like Virginben's henchmen are on full damage control mode now
yeah this whole thing is Photoshopped because a guy did a Bomberman pic once.

give me a ****ing break


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2015
the deepest darkest part of my heart
If all of these insiders supposedly exist, how have we not heard more about characters in this game? Like, I still don't believe the new leak, but if there are insiders who know more, how hasn't the information leaked in any way? I just don't think people are that good at keeping quiet sort of thing. Especially when Smash characters shouldn't be all that hard to leak. Unless we really just have the goddamned Ken and Incineroar left, which is by far the worst timeline.
i'm pretty sure our base final newcomer count is incineroar+ken+the SE rep with maybe another unique/echo character that no one's leaked.


Star Platinum
Nov 15, 2013
Switch FC
50 new pages popped up since I was last on here discussing and analysing the leak. I read them all and 15 more pages popped up during. The User and Guest count has been insane the whole time I was here last night and this morning and based on people's posts, the entire time I was asleep.

If anything, this has been wildly entertaining.

Ol' Boyo

Smash Rookie
Sep 17, 2018
Couldn't the fact the the "insiders" say it's fake just be them covering for Nintendo?... If they're "insiders" and this leak was real wouldn't Nintendo try and quell the swell.


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
You know what, forget these "insiders."

We'll know if the leak is real from Ken's painting in the next direct alone; we'll see if it matches the leak's mural painting.
Last edited:


Smash Ace
Jun 12, 2018
Dawn of the Tiberian Future
Switch FC
I'll say it again: Show me the receipts.

Unless they show us something damning I have no reason to believe this is anything more than them stumping for "our guy." I've seen insider circles get utterly flustered that they didn't come across the info first and they aren't privvy to it. It's a territorialism I've seen over and over in other fandoms and it's dumb.

Is it possible someone blew up their job over snapchat for a few internet chuckles in an elaborate and highly detailed fake? Yeah.

Is it more likely that "our guy" has some bad info? I'd say so.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
So you're suggesting he has sources?
Oh no, I'm not suggesting it. It's a fact that he have sources.

Talking about sources, here is a great way to explain why insiders keep it silent, and how it works, and why Smash related is really not common.


I think it depends, right? Like, sometimes you get told stuff by people you absolutely know will be telling the truth, like a PR giving you a heads up as to what announcement might be coming soon, or what DLC plans are, or whatever. That depends on the company too, of course - like, if we're just talking in the pantheon of fighting games, it was a lot easier to find out who the Dissidia DLC was, or who was in the SC6 launch cast than to find anything out about Smash definitively, because Nintendo runs a very, very tight ship. With that said...

I don't always think it's easy to get something right. Like, when I first heard the name Simon being thrown around it was way before anyone even thought Snake could realistically be coming back. It was the sort of thing where when I heard it my response was to smirk and say "Okay then, we'll see," half writing it off. And that aside, I want to stress this: context is everything when it comes to leaks and 'insider information'. Hypothetically, if somebody comes up and says "I hear character A and B are in Smash", that's one thing, but usually somebody worth their salt will then also provide other corroborating information on other things - possibly not even stuff connected to that game. This sort of stuff might cement their status in your mind as a trustworthy source (so say, for instance, that the person who provided that information provided a bunch of more obtuse, less interesting stuff that did pan out at E3), but the more of that context is revealed publicly the easier it potentially is for somebody revealing this stuff to be tracked down and punished, so that's where the water gets really muddy.

This is where imo the reader needs to come in. Like, only you can really judge who among the youtube/press/influencer 'insiders' you trust, and whose hints and tips and nods you're more likely to believe. If anything, a job of an insider or influencer in this sense is to gather as much information as they can from as many cases as they can and then disseminate only the stuff they think actually has a chance of being true. I personally would never just believe someone fresh off the bat without rock solid, incontrovertible proof... unless that person has a track record and I know they've been solid in the past. Even then, people get stuff wrong. Plans change, dates move, and people get their wires crossed and misunderstand things.

This comes back to what I said in some other posts in this thread too, about the difference between journalistic reporting and just people shooting the **** on twitter or Era, or people posting in a more fast-and-loose way on YouTube or whatever. People with proper journalism training will generally only want to report on stuff if they can get two verifiable, trustworthy, unconnected sources to report the same thing without any prompting or cross-contamination. When you see places like Kotaku or Eurogamer file large reports, they're doing it in this style, and this is proper and correct. A lot of the people rolling around with insider info about character rosters don't worry about this sort of thing, though, so the buck is passed to the reader: it turns to the individual and the community to figure out who you trust and who you don't.

Which is why threads like this are good. Sometimes the hysteria goes to people's heads, I admit, but I think whenever this stuff is posted it's interesting to discuss and hash it out and try to separate the wheat from the chaff. I think over time you can really figure out who the reliable people are. Like, there's a bunch of leakers in the Street Fighter community, but only a few have emerged as the guys who get stuff like upcoming DLC right, and as such the things they reveal are treated with the appropriate level of skepticism. I think with Smash people just lose their heads easier, though.


Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
I'm sorry but not even Spawnwave can disprove this in a complete or concise way. You can argue about blurry art and the source of the Grinch images all you want, but the place where the Snapchat leaker works and his background has already been proven. In order to disprove it, you'd have to prove that said French leaker made a fake leak using his job as a source, which whom he doesn't even work for anymore.

Tl;dr: unless spawnwave somehow has gotten a direct quote from the French leaker that it's fake, not taking his words as gospel.
This in so many levels

It’s like the little Mac photoshopped shulk thing all over again for what ever he saids


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014
If all of these insiders supposedly exist, how have we not heard more about characters in this game? Like, I still don't believe the new leak, but if there are insiders who know more, how hasn't the information leaked in any way? I just don't think people are that good at keeping quiet sort of thing. Especially when Smash characters shouldn't be all that hard to leak. Unless we really just have the goddamned Ken and Incineroar left, which is by far the worst timeline.
This is my problem.

And here's my guess. All the insiders haven't heard of all these characters being in, just some (Ken and maybe Shadow? Geno? Who know?) Instead they have heard of some that are missing (Probably Incineroar, maybe some surprise too).

Now they can't flat out say they don't believe it because so and so isn't in it. So instead they're just saying they don't think it's likely and such. Makes sense to me.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
First Z25 Z25 and now you, NintenZone squad in full force here. :p
I always lurk here tho lol. I occasionally post here from time to time but I get bored in times of drought.

These are going to be an interesting couple of weeks I tell ya. That's for sure.


You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
Zerp Zerp Who's the most likely person to use Bandana Dee's spear and why is it Banjo?

Personally, I think Waddle Dee is very likely to use Kazooie. You know, kind-of a lovers quarrel or something.
It's obviously Togetic.

I'm absolutely going to put words in his mouth because you know that's his answer.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
And the Vergeben
with his grinch-men
ice-cold in the snow,
Stood puzzling and puzzling:
"How could it be so?

It came without Incineroar!
It came without Steve!"
"It came without Rex, Pyra, or Mythra!"

And he puzzled three hours, till his puzzler was sore.
Then the Vergeben thought of something he hadn't before!
"Maybe leaks", he thought, "didn't come from a textpost."
"Maybe leaks... perhaps... mean just a little bit more!"
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