I was bringing up Thracia-in-Genealogy as a bad thing (though in hindsight that wasn't clear. XD)
Echoes is Gaiden filtered through the passage of time, it retains most of Gaiden's elements, but filters out some things and replaces them with modern QOL stuff; it's also made with Awakening's engine as a ground work, just like Fates was

Thinking about it, Digimon is
very similar to SMT/Persona.
A lot of the stronger Digimon are manifestations of religious icons and concepts (in some universes, they are even made by humans, Pukumon's bio* even specifically states it was made by a British Hacker).
Pukumon is a punk-rock puffer fish.
Examples include:
- Most of the Seven Great Demon Lords (based on the Seven Deadly Sins and many bare the name of Judeo-Christian demons and fallen angels). Examples include (Lucemon and Demon for Lucifer/Satan, Leviamon for Leviathan, Beelezebumon for Beelzebub, Belphemon for Belphegor, Barbamon for Mammon and Lilithmon for Lilith and Asmodeus).
- The Royal Knights are based on the Knights of the Round Table (some are better fits than others), though one of them is "Jesmon"... basically Dragon Jesus.
- There's a group of Digimon based on Journey to the West (Sanzomon, Gokuwmon, Shawujinmon and ChoHakkaimon)
- The Four Holy Beasts (Harmonious Ones/Digimon Sovereigns in the Dub) are based on Kyoto's Guardian Deities. They rule over Digimon known as Deva (which are a Hindu/Buddhist thing, the Digimon Deva are also based on the Chinese Zodiac).
- There's a whole set of Digimon based on the Greek Pantheon.
- There's a "D'arcmon" (as in "Jeanne d'Arc, or Joan of Arc).
This is very similar to SMT/Persona (especially Persona, where (most of) the Gods and Deities are manifestations of the Human Psyche).