Hmm... if I had to think of each Smash character like a typical class like in RPGs, I'd probably aim for a balanced one:
Warrior (Best single enemy damage and overall boss-killer) -

Tank (For drawing enemy aggro) -

Mage (Elemental breaking character) - :ultrobin
Ranger (Master projectile user) -
I typically prefer teams like this in my RPGs, simply because I like having a party useful for all situations rather than different parties for specific situations, if that makes sense.
Man, that sounds awesome! I would love to see Smash get fun online coop. Splatoon 2's Salmon Run is amazing, so I can only imagine how much fun a boss rush or some form of online Smash Run would be. Here's hoping!
As for what I think it'll be, I'm kinda with you. I feel like there'll also be some story bits as well, and they'll change depending on who you're playing as. While I doubt the mode will have cool CG cutscenes like Brawl, I wouldn't count ingame cutscenes out yet. I could easily see them do textbox scenes similar to Mario Tennis Aces.
Yeah, Salmon Run is probably my favorite part of Splatoon 2, as I prefer cooperative experiences to competitive ones if I had to choose. The feeling you get when overcoming a challenge together can't be beat imo, and Smash could really use some sort of online co-op, even if it isn't tied to Spirits Mode.
A boss rush could work if nothing else, and maybe you could get some free unique costumes or something of the sort by participating in it, similar to how Salmon Run in Splatoon 2 and Mario Tennis Aces tournaments work. There's an idea here, I can feel it!
And yes, I agree with your idea that a text-based story could work in absence of cutscenes. I actually wouldn't mind that approach if that is what they take, as we could still see interactions in that way, and could make for some memorable stories. There could even be some unique conversations in the style of the "Tales of" series depending on which characters you pair together, I can see the potential.
You do realize it doesn't have to have all the characters right? I mean SSE didn't have Jigglypuff, Toon Link and Wolf as part of the story after all.
True, but a key difference here is the fact that with Ultimate, "Everyone is Here!" With SSE, those three were very late additions, so they were relegated to postgame unlocks. They did try to give them some minor cutscenes to when you encountered them in SSE, but it felt more like a nod to Melee's Adventure mode with how you encountered them, rather than being part of SSE; I appreciated having them in at all, but you missed out on their interactions, which kinda hurt a bit honestly (especially in the case of Toon Link and Wolf).
For Ultimate, I would think that every character (in the base roster at least) would have some role to play in Spirits Mode if they wanted to make an overarching story of it. Because "Everyone is Here," I would think that each character would have their own chance to shine if they wanted to take a SSE-style approach to Spirits Mode, as Sakurai would want to please as many people as possible with it; leaving certain characters as postgame unlocks might disappoint fans of said characters, so I don't think we'll be seeing a repeat of this in Ultimate.
Just my two cents anyway, and it really is up to Sakurai how things go down with the mode. As long as it is fun to play, I'm down with whatever Spirits Mode is, whether an SSE-inspired mode, a Melee Adventure kind of mode, a fusion of the two, or even something altogether unique.