- This one's gonna be divisive, but I'd like to see Gravitational Pull replaced with summoning a Pull Star. Like Gravitational Pull it'd pull in objects, but instead of drawing in items/eliminating projectiles it draws in items, projectiles and other characters. It stays out on stage and has a gravitational pull with a limited range. Once something moves close enough to it starts to be drawn toward it.
Items are effected in pretty much the same way as GP, projectiles are also drawn to it but instead of being rendered useless, they damage the Pull Star which shatters after taking enough hits. (And Rosalina can only have one out at a time of course.) Characters can still struggle against the pull and break free, or perhaps use it their advantage to get close faster, but will take damage upon actually touching the Pull Star which will deal a few weak hits and shatter on its own.
Aside from that, I'd like to see her Uair and Dair nerfed just a tad. And I second Munomario777's idea for set Luma colors. Also, I'd like her to get her Mario Tennis outfit or something as a second costume. I feel like they'd go with the tennis one for some reason. I just don't see them using the Mario Kart biker jumpsuit or the Olympic leotard in Smash.

- Don't really play much with Jr. at all so while I know he needs buffs, I don't know where he needs them. I know this one's a stretch but I would like for Jr. and the Koopalings to have alt colors so we can play as multiple Ludwigs, Mortons, etc.
At the very least just bring it up to 16 costumes so they each get one alt color. An easy one for Bowser Jr. would be to swap his fang bandana for his Shadow Mario one from Sunshine.

- Here's another divisive one. I'd like to get rid of Substitute as counter. I don't want to get rid of the move entirely though, we gotta keep that plush doll.
I'd replace

with either Mat Block, his other signature move, or Spikes.
Mat Block could be used to block incoming projectiles and would remain on stage until taking enough damage. When used up close, it would launch enemies up as a potential combo starter.
Spikes would work pretty much as you'd expect it. He'd drop down some spikes around his general area, and they remain on stage for a little while, damaging enemies who step on them.
Now, going back to Substitute, I have a bit of a weird suggestion; a taunt. In the Pokemon games, Substitute just absorbs some hits for you, so I think it could be a taunt with a special effect. Greninja would disappear and

would appear in his place. After a brief moment, it'd disappear in another puff of smoke and Greninja would reappear. If timed right

would take the hit, there'd just be no counter attack.
I know his Down Taunt already has an effect., but it was just an idea I had. That being said, I know this would never happen as the substitution/counter combo is kind of a big part of the whole ninja motif.

- Another character who I'm not too familiar with aside from the fact a few buffs are probably needed. A Grandmaster costume would be neat though.

- As Drunkle Glow brought up earlier, the spinning attack from her duel with Chrom could be worked in. Honestly she used multiple attacks in that one short scene that she could be given to differentiate her from Marth.
The first few swings in the exchange could be a neutral jab combo.
Maybe an F-Smash at 0:20.
At 0:30 you've got a possible Dash Attack.
Lastly the spinning move could be a

similar to the

's Airborne Assault, though a bit less like that and more like Vergil's Lunar Phase from Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 would be preferable imo.
And of course I'd like to her Counter get replaced as well. With what exactly, I'm not sure yet.
As for cosmetic stuff, Great Lord and "Marth" costumes would be nice. And it'd never happen but that Spring Festival costume from Heroes would be funny. Then there's the Harvest Scramble kimono, the swimsuit from her Summer Scramble concept art. These latter three are definitely not possible though.

- Like you might have guessed, I'd like to see Counter Surge replaced. With what, I'm again, not really sure at this moment, but I'll try to think of something later. For costumes, those Nohr and Hoshidan Royal armor sets would be neat.

- Give her a different set of default Specials plz.

- As much as I like the Electro-Shock Arm, I think it could be replaced as well as the Guardian Orbitars. The Silver Bow is one of his signature weapons so that has to stay, as does the Gift of Flight for recovery. Otherwise I'd like to see a few of his normals tweaked to "Luigify" him a bit.
Going back to his specials, I was thinking of maybe using one of the Cannons as a new Side B. They function like grenade launchers of sorts so that'd be a move no other characters have yet.
The Dark Pit Staff could replace the Guardian Orbitars to be a strong zoning weapon. It's shots are powerful, but leave Dark Pit open if he tries to aim and fire at close range.
And with the stadd being a Special Move, I thought that maybe he could have Unlimited Flight as a new Final Smash. It'd pretty be similar to Yoshi Dragon and Mega Charizard X. Pitoo can fly around freely and fire homing shots from his staff. This one isn't as interesting I know, but I think it still fits him, and I find the main moveset to be more important that the Final Smash.

- More variants as costumes like the two in Mario Kart 8. I like the moveset as it is, so I don't know what really needs to changed aside from further balancing like with most characters.

- Better air game. I know his ground game is supposed to be his thing but I'd sacrifice some attack power if it meant making his Up and Side B go just a little bit farther. Also more colors for his training outfit.

- It's probably only me, but I really wish her neutral jab combo didn't cause a bury effect. It feels odd to me. I'd be fine to see that go in exchange for some general buffs to the rest of her moves.

- Some buffs and more swimsuit recolors plz. And again, as Drunkle Glow already said; replace Riki with Reyn and rename Buster to Enchant.

- Like with Jr., I don't play DH so I don't know what he needs in terms of buffs. I like his actual move-set as it is though maybe the Gunmen could get more utility? Again I'm not sure.

- Buff a few things I guess, design wise he's near perfect imo.

- I like the Galaga grab, just make it suck less.

- Two alts that I want to see; Alpha series Ryu and SFV Beard Ryu.

- Cross Dressing Cloud when?

- Voted for her and love how she was handled, but I do think she needs some more balancing. Slight nerfs and tweaks here and there would hopefully fix her up to where people are okay with her. I think it'd be funny if she had her Peach and Daisy costumes as well, or really just another costume from the Bayo games. Her old costume from the flashback sequence would be cool to see.