Hey guys lets do unpopular smash opinions I will start Chrom shouldn't have been in smash ulitmate Chrom is cool but he is a waste of a fire emblem slot
Hmm, unpopular opinions? I have a few...
1. I'm with you on Chrom, but not about being wasted potential for another FE character, I honestly believe FE should not have gotten anything more character-wise this game. As much as I love Chrom, FE has more playable Smash characters than Zelda and nearly matches Pokemon. That's kind of insane. I would have prefered an Echo from an entirely different series to promote some variety in the roster, but meh, what's done is done.
2. I don't believe that Dante leak is as credible as other people believe. Sometimes a guess is just that: Only a guess. To each their own, though.
3. I feel like Pokemon is fine where it's at right now and doesn't need another character. I'd be happy if one I liked got in, but I'd also feel kinda sad as I would've preferred other series and characters.
4. I think Dark Samus is fine as she is. I would've liked a unique character, but it was most likely the Echo or nothing.
5. I think Isabelle was one of the best newcomer additions so far, and I got more hyped for her than Ridley and K. Rool.
6. Pikmin could use a semi-clone.
7. Splatoon could easily have two more characters.
8. I think Waluigi would have been fun and wanted him regardless of memes.
9. I wouldn't mind Goku if it happened.
Please don't hurt me.
10. Geno is cool, but there a lot more interesting characters from SE to pull from.