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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
I'm not sure you realize this and I've only realized it myself now, but I think Online Service, while it may be a bit underwhelming and needs alot of polishing...is still more cheaper than PS4's online service. I mean, the Family service costs 35$, yes, but it's noticeably VERY cheaper than the stupid PS4's family service which requires you to pay like, 480$.

Although online service might still be a bit underwhelming, the cost difference between that and PS4 is still noticeable and very huge. Sony wants to suck the cash out customers by paying 480$ a year but Nintendo tries to take it kindly by paying only 35$ per year and allowing up to 8 members.

This might be actually worth mentioning when buying the Family membership for Smash Ultimate online service.
The issue isn't the price, it's the quality of the service you're paying for. PS+ regularly gives out big, modern AAA titles and has great servers while Nintendo offers case-by-case cloud saves and the ability to rent, not buy, select NES games, and if history repeats itself, may not offer quality gameplay servers.

Nintendo's Online Service looks like absolute garbage.

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
I just say... let's not and never say it's "obviously" him. There NO Shoe in. Never.

Look at what Happened to Ashley fans who also used the Mii Costume argument.
Now Bandana Dee who top all poll and what not but is nowhere to be seen in any leaks so far...
Or how Shadow was the obvious Echo lock.
Same for Dixie-Kong once we learned that echoes could be somewhat different.

hopefully the box leak is false for all of these fans. But again

NEVER say any Characters is obvious or a shoe-ln. How many times should we say it?
That's not the point I was making. The point I was making was that Mii costumes are direct responses to fan demand in some cases. I was not arguing any point otherwise. BTW I agree with you, no one's a shoo-in, at this point.
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Smash Journeyman
Sep 14, 2018
Not gonna lie, I've felt a bit tired of my main boy Incineroar for the past months due to how tiring speculation surrounding him and only him got, but Vergeben confirming he was our Pokemon rep had me literally clapping and shouting in joy. It reminded how much I love that guy. I'd like to share a tiny story about him if that's alright.

Basically when I got Pokemon Sun, I hated Litten. I thought he was so boring and just a lame cat with red marks on him. Well...then as I selected my starter I realized I didn't actually care for Popplio and Rowlet was used by everyone. So I gave Litten a chance.

In time, I became very fond of the "dumb" little cat, and was astounded at how good he got. As with all Starters I have, I came to really love the guy, and eventually when he became Incineroar, I was so excited. I thought, and still think, he's such a goofy, over-the-top, fun, badass character.

So, that's why I wanted Incineroar before that fateful Vergeben leak but assumed he was just a pipe dream.

So if my boy is really coming home, well...I'll be reminded just why I love that big guy in the first place.
I liked Litten from the start, but good story. A lot of people have the opposite where they liked Litten and Torracat but reject Incineroar.


Eight Leaves One Kame Style
Feb 7, 2008
Newport, Oregon
BTW, what kind of differences from Sonic could Tails have?
Tails has flight and his tails for attacks for starters, and if they wanted to go further, give him various gadgets like Sonic Battle and Sonic Riders did.

Or his dummy Ring Bombs from Tails Sky Patrol.

Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
Not gonna lie, I've felt a bit tired of my main boy Incineroar for the past months due to how tiring speculation surrounding him and only him got, but Vergeben confirming he was our Pokemon rep had me literally clapping and shouting in joy. It reminded how much I love that guy. I'd like to share a tiny story about him if that's alright.

Basically when I got Pokemon Sun, I hated Litten. I thought he was so boring and just a lame cat with red marks on him. Well...then as I selected my starter I realized I didn't actually care for Popplio and Rowlet was used by everyone. So I gave Litten a chance.

In time, I became very fond of the "dumb" little cat, and was astounded at how good he got. As with all Starters I have, I came to really love the guy, and eventually when he became Incineroar, I was so excited. I thought, and still think, he's such a goofy, over-the-top, fun, badass character.

So, that's why I wanted Incineroar before that fateful Vergeben leak but assumed he was just a pipe dream.

So if my boy is really coming home, well...I'll be reminded just why I love that big guy in the first place.
Litten Was my SM starter too (I always wanted a fire cat starter), So it makes me happy to see Incineroar being the likely pick.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
That's not the point I was making. The point I was making was that Mii costumes are direct responses to fan demand in some cases. I was not arguing any point otherwise.
Oh sure then. Sorry for that tiny argument- I was just scared, thinking that you linked the Mii costume to like what Vergeben's said about a second SE rep that he can't name yet because if he's not in he would get backslash.
And everyone thinks it's Geno-

But yeah, while we can be cautiously Optimistic for Geno. Don't count him as a lock in and be warry of that even if he have fan demands.

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
Oh sure then. Sorry for that tiny argument- I was just scared, thinking that you linked the Mii costume to like what Vergeben's said about a second SE rep that he can't name yet because if he's not in he would get backslash.
And everyone thinks it's Geno-

But yeah, while we can be cautiously Optimistic for Geno. Don't count him as a lock in and be warry of that even if he have fan demands.
No arguments here! Just quality debating :)

I hope it's Geno, and I don't know why it wouldn't be, but unfortunately you never know.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Not gonna lie, I've felt a bit tired of my main boy Incineroar for the past months due to how tiring speculation surrounding him and only him got, but Vergeben confirming he was our Pokemon rep had me literally clapping and shouting in joy. It reminded how much I love that guy. I'd like to share a tiny story about him if that's alright.

Basically when I got Pokemon Sun, I hated Litten. I thought he was so boring and just a lame cat with red marks on him. Well...then as I selected my starter I realized I didn't actually care for Popplio and Rowlet was used by everyone. So I gave Litten a chance.

In time, I became very fond of the "dumb" little cat, and was astounded at how good he got. As with all Starters I have, I came to really love the guy, and eventually when he became Incineroar, I was so excited. I thought, and still think, he's such a goofy, over-the-top, fun, badass character.

So, that's why I wanted Incineroar before that fateful Vergeben leak but assumed he was just a pipe dream.

So if my boy is really coming home, well...I'll be reminded just why I love that big guy in the first place.
Just wanted to point it out, but the red symbol on Litten is actually the alchemical symbol for sulfur, which is a neat design touch. :p

Deleted member

Famitsu stating only 103 while Coro Coro is saying 108 is interesting. Perhaps the idea it was a mistake was correct after all? Who knows at this point, lol.

Honestly...I think I'm done with speculation for now. The way I see it, all speculation is gonna be for the next month is going back and forth about box art, and I honestly can't think of anything more to say about it on my front without sounding like a broken record at this point. I'm still staying neutral on it; both team fake and team real have good arguments, but neither side has ironclad proof to disprove either side.

Verge doubling down is interesting. While his leaks will probably prove true in the end, I'm going to always wait and see with text leaks. I know I've said this a lot already, but I just really feel like we shouldn't automatically assume everything little thing he says is 100% because of a previous track record. Plenty of leakers have made text leaks with accurate and inaccurate info in the past (see leakers like Gematsu, Emily Rodgers, Loz, the people who leaked Switch stuff last year, etc). There should always be room for skepticism on both sides of this whole theory IMO.

Assuming we do get Incineroar and Ken, I wish their fans a big congrats and hope they enjoy the characters. I may not get the appeal, but everyone has different tastes. :)

As for me...I dunno, I don't really care about characters anymore. I just wanna see what Spirits is, and then I'm good to wait for release.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
saving this for when it doesn’t happen
Fine by me. I have a ton of screenshots of Box-Deniers ready to make a Smashboards Salt Collage in case the Box Theory is right, so it's only fair. :smirk:

Deleted member

I can't wait for Waluigi to be DLC and all of the "b-but Assists can't b-be promoted!!!" crowd gets a whole lot of egg on their face, and are forced to eat the crow that laid said egg.
Y-You can't rewrite the act now! It's too late!



Worlds Apart, But Still Together.
Jan 31, 2012
I'm not sure you realize this and I've only realized it myself now, but I think Online Service, while it may be a bit underwhelming and needs alot of polishing...is still more cheaper than PS4's online service. I mean, the Family service costs 35$, yes, but it's noticeably VERY cheaper than the stupid PS4's family service which requires you to pay like, 480$.

Although online service might still be a bit underwhelming, the cost difference between that and PS4 is still noticeable and very huge. Sony wants to suck the cash out customers by paying 480$ a year but Nintendo tries to take it kindly by paying only 35$ per year and allowing up to 8 members.

This might be actually worth mentioning when buying the Family membership for Smash Ultimate online service.
It doesn't matter how much the service costs if it isn't worth paying for. Just because a broken couch costs less than a new one doesn't make the broken couch worth buying.

Xbox Gold and PS Plus are twice as much as NS Online but offer more than double of what NS Online offers, and they offer it without the draconian rule Nintendo has.

Did you know your cloud saves will get immediately deleted on NS Online the minute your subscription ends? PS4 doesn't delete them until 6 months after and Xbox doesn't even charge for cloud saves.

Did you know that your family membership requires you to assign roles to everyone on it, because it's designed for parent and children rather than friends? So if you piss off a friend you share your subscription with and they have a higher rank than you in the subscription, they can disable your access to the eShop and some other titles. Like what the **** Nintendo?

Did you know that Sony and Microsoft offer free downloadable games every month for subscription holders, and you get an extra discounts on sales? If you buy enough games at the sale price, the money you save from discounts actually pays for your membership. Meanwhile, we get our Nintendo membership and are granted the privilege of paying extra for controllers and get free cosmetics...

Plus there's voice chat through an app, so you deal with a plethora of wires that is ultimately unnecessary for headphones users if you want to hear your friend and your game through your headset.

And the big selling feature is this library of NES games that people have already played before? The core market for these games are the older people who grew up on these games, but they've already played it before and the younger audiences don't give a damn about 8-bit gaming. I don't even know what this feature is designed to be other than a shoddy replacement of the virtual console, and they even mimicked the slow as molasses roll out of a few titles per month. Hell, Virtual Console at least got new titles every week.

Like hot damn I love my Switch and I've been loyal to Nintendo for twenty years but I'm really tired of how they handle this mess of an Online program. I'm really hoping they don't hit sales targets so they'll be forced to get their **** together to update this sorry excuse of a program to get it in line with the times.

Needless to say, I'm not getting a membership. Just because it's cheap doesn't make it good.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
I don’t think 108 was a mistake. If so, CoroCoro would have quickly made another print with 103, or made a statement on social media. CoroCoro has a Twitter right? I know Famitsu does


Smash Lord
Jul 19, 2014
In what way? Because I can think of a few who don't do anything.
I'm kind of exaggerating, but I do think he's the worst of the plausible Pokemon. Compared to Litten, Incineroar was a massive disappointment. Worst evolution line, in my opinion, in a very long time. Incineroar is literally the first starter evo that I liked fan designs better than the official one. His hands are hideous, his face looks overdesigned and he's another fire starter that should've stayed a quadruped.
Lycanroc, Mimikyu, Decidueye, Rowlet, Buzzwole, Bewear, Golisopod, Tapu Koko, Marshadow, Poipole and Zeroara would be all better choices imo. And those are all as important or more than Incineroar in the anime (minus Decidueye and Golisopod).


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2013
If neither Nintendo or CoroCoro make a statement about 108 being a misprint I see no reason to believe that it was. It is literally false advertisement if it is a mistake and simultaneously untrue and I'm pretty sure that's, like, illegal.

Misery Brick

Smash Ace
Jul 11, 2014
Ecruteak City, Johto
I can't wait for Waluigi to be DLC and all of the "b-but Assists can't b-be promoted!!!" crowd gets a whole lot of egg on their face, and are forced to eat the crow that laid said egg.
Something to keep in mind about Assist Trophies being "promoted":
Sakurai doesn't see that as lesser than a character itself.
He still found some way to represent the character in some form, and in the best way that he personally believed he could've shown them off.
Especially after they spent so much time and work with some of them, making them much more active than previous iterations. I seriously doubt he and the team are going to scrap all that work they did just to try to envision them again.

I mean it could happen, but I seriously doubt it'd occur for this iteration.
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Banned via Warnings
Jun 13, 2018
Magical Citadel of Endymion
No offense but...If you can keep a thing for 35$ each year then this should not be a problem for you. I hope you're not trolling because it means that you have serious issues with money. It's VERY easy to afford that.
“if u cant afford online get a job lolz”

That's how you can tell if someone understands the concept of value or not, and whether they're good with finances. Anyone who says something like that isn't worth listening to, obviously. It's not even a legitimate point, it's coined by brainwashed fanboys who don't have a real point to add to a discussion. You know there's nothing of value in the service when all the Nintendrones can do is deflect and call you poor or a troll. Even Nintendo knows it's a scam, for ****’s sake.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
Ya guys wanna speculate on bosses? I heard rumors that Marx will be one.

Others I'd like to see are

-Any non-Poke Ball Legendary Pokemon
-Dyna Blade
-General Scales w/ King RedEye
-Hades (Also as an recurring antagonist)
-King Boo
-Tiki Tong
-Waluigi (As a joke boss similar to Electricutioner in Arkham Origins and Mysterio in one of the Spider-Man games)

Deleted member

I'm kind of exaggerating, but I do think he's the worst of the plausible Pokemon. Compared to Litten, Incineroar was a massive disappointment. Worst evolution line, in my opinion, in a very long time. Incineroar is literally the first starter evo that I liked fan designs better than the official one. His hands are hideous, his face looks overdesigned and he's another fire starter that should've stayed a quadruped.
Lycanroc, Mimikyu, Decidueye, Rowlet, Buzzwole, Bewear, Golisopod, Tapu Koko, Marshadow, Poipole and Zeroara would be all better choices imo. And those are all as important or more than Incineroar in the anime (minus Decidueye and Golisopod).
Isn't Ash's starter in the SUMO anime a Litten? If Incineroar does get in, that's most likely why it was chosen, along with being really easy to make a moveset for.

Also, just some food for thought for those who feel Incineroar isn't a hype enough final character: Brawl ended with Wolf and Wii U ended with Duck Hunt. Smash's marketing for the past decade seems to be to come out swinging with heavy hitters in the initial reveals, and then temper things down closer to release with the more expected and or smaller additions. The box theory does fit that, so make of it what you will.
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Smash Journeyman
Oct 29, 2014
As soon as I get my Smash Ultimate Special Edition, I am gonna grab the game and Pro controller, then light the box on fire to symbolize my hatred for the box art theory.
I laughed waaay harder at this than I should have. I feel you though. Some other sites that will-not-be-named are almost unbearable with talk about the box theory.


Smash Master
Aug 4, 2009
Theory time!


The only reason why the random button on THIS stage select screen is first is because they can't put it right after Dracula's Castle in this build without messing things up (because there are 5 more options.)

It isn't first in the demo build which has all the slots filled up!

Dee Dude

“Never ask Dee for anything again”
Oct 25, 2015
Kidnapped by Sakurai.
I still don’t know why we haven’t seen :ultyoshi::ultdiddy::ultpeach::ultlucario::ultrobin and whoever else’s FS yet.

Sakurai said they’d all be straightforward and/or cinematic and I doubt he’d keep Yoshi and Diddy’s since their’s are also “avoid the invincible player for a couple of secs”.

Peach’s is a bit more difficult, it’s technically interrupting with the dancing sequence and the players sleeping who can also be attacked anyway.

Robin’s definitely won’t have Chrom and will likely be replaced with another unplayable FE character.

Lucario’s will most likely bring back his Brawl FS but with Mega Evolution.


Smash Lord
Jul 19, 2014
Isn't Ash's starter in the SUMO anime a Litten? If Incineroar does get in, that's most likely why it was chosen, along with being really easy to make a moveset for.

Also, just some food for thought for those who feel Incineroar isn't a hype enough final character: Brawl ended with Wolf and Wii U ended with Duck Hunt. Smash's marketing for the past decade seems to be to come out swinging with heavy hitters in the initial reveals, and then temper things down closer to release with the more expected and or smaller additions. The box theory does fit that, so make of it what you will.
He has both Litten (now Torracat) and Rowlet, while Lycanroc has been his main fighter alongside Pikachu. Not sure if it has changed 'cause it's been a while since I've watched the anime.


Smash Champion
Aug 14, 2018
I don't think anybody has any doubts that Bayonetta is gonna be nerfed to hell, back, and then back to hell again, especially with how Sakurai reacted.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014
Theory time!

View attachment 164694

The only reason why the random button on THIS stage select screen is first is because they can't put it right after Dracula's Castle in this build without messing things up (because there are 5 more options.)

It isn't first in the demo build which has all the slots filled up!
View attachment 164695
I mean, it wouldn't mess things up necessarily, just move it down when more stages are revealed.

I do hope we get more new stages though :/


Smash Journeyman
Apr 13, 2014
Switch FC
Ya guys wanna speculate on bosses? I heard rumors that Marx will be one.

Others I'd like to see are

-Any non-Poke Ball Legendary Pokemon
-Dyna Blade
-General Scales w/ King RedEye
-Hades (Also as an recurring antagonist)
-King Boo
-Tiki Tong
-Waluigi (As a joke boss similar to Electricutioner in Arkham Origins and Mysterio in one of the Spider-Man games)
Plasm wraith would be a really cool one


Eight Leaves One Kame Style
Feb 7, 2008
Newport, Oregon
I don't think anybody has any doubts that Bayonetta is gonna be nerfed to hell, back, and then back to hell again, especially with how Sakurai reacted.
The problem is, her design is just very unfun to fight. I don't think any potential nerfs will change just how much of a frustrating mess of a character she is.

Even if she's way worse, she'll still be able to cheese people with witch time and bat within crap for getting too confident or aggressive, unless they seriously change those.


May 2, 2015
I'll never understand why people believe that ATs can't be promoted to fighters as DLC, but I guess it's another case of the Smash fanbase moving goalposts because "it can only be done inbetween game" even though I clearly remember seeing people believe being an Assist was a death sentence forever and that's why Little Mac would never be playable.
If ATs locked characters out of potential DLC, then might as well have none at all as the whole point of a "consolation prize" gets thrown away.
1. Because its never happened. Just like Third Parties, DLC, Guns, Sexualized characters, and many other things at one point. People like to make up rules and pass them as set in stone when really the rules are......"more like guidelines" to quote a damn good pirate. I want a Cross-series Echo fighter just to laugh when yet another "rule" is broken this go around.

2. "Because then they have stuff on the disc that they would have to disable," even though we can have 8 Ridley's already. "Oh no there are two of the same skin now and my terrible eyes can't tell the difference between a CPU and myself!" So, we can disable (well items in general cause they are obnoxious a day after release :p ) that specific trophy if the character is selected. Boom. Easy-peasy problem solved. Despite the easy solutions people are gonna pretend that this is still a major issue, for some reason.

I know it would be a nonissue, but even I don't think they'll do it. When I think DLC I'm thinking about big names. If I were Sakurai and I got to choose between looking for a "Cloud" or a "Waluigi" (who I already passed up this game) I would 100% look for a new "Cloud." Then again, maybe the fan outcry would steer Sakurai the other way? I dunno.

I will say its a really bad idea to think this is something that could happen. If you still have hope for Waluigi or Ashley this game you should probably put it out. If Sakurai does some crazy **** and upgrades them for DLC, I will actually cry man tears. Realistically its just not gonna happen though.
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