One thing on this whole boxes and one character thing.
Since June, we've gotten about a character a month. Ridley in June. Simon and K Rool in August (two months since E3) then Isabelle in September. It seems odd that Nintendo would go the next three months with just one new character. If you look at Smash Wii U, they showed off Robin in July and Shulk in August with the game releasing in September in Japan. Actually, both Smash Wii U and Brawl showed their last newcomer very close to release (about two weeks for both). It seems odd that there would only be one more trailer for the next three months or so.
At the same time, there is actually a lot we haven't been shown. Haven't seen the vault, online or the secret mode. There seems to be enough left that they will talk about it more over the last few months. So, again, it seems odd that there is only one more character.