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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Sep 12, 2014
So question to everyone? Assuming the Amiibo thing turns out to be true. Who will you unlock instantly?

Me just Bowser, Duck Hunt, King Dedede, King K. Rool, Ridley and Rosalina & Luma. Everyone else though I'll unlock properly.
Just Pit.

Would have Dark Pit too but I could never find him.

Mr. Trumo

Smash Apprentice
Sep 6, 2018
So question to everyone? Assuming the Amiibo thing turns out to be true. Who will you unlock instantly?

Me just Bowser, Duck Hunt, King Dedede, King K. Rool, Ridley and Rosalina & Luma. Everyone else though I'll unlock properly.
I guess I'll just use all the amiibo on my shelf. Though, I'll probably just play the game normally. It's been a while since I've played a game with a lot of unlockable characters. Thank God.


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
Depends on what unlock methods there would be. For the most part I want to earn this entire roster. Though I do want to get Sonic as soon as possible. If for any reason it takes forever to get to Sonic regardless of the method then yeah I'll unlock him with my amiibo. But if it's quick enough I'm sure I'll prefer to unlock him naturally anyway.

I'll also be capable of getting Pac-Man and Mega Man early as well. Luigi too if the starting roster is the Original 8 and not the 12 (I don't think that's been made clear yet). But I probably won't regardless anyway. Sonic's the only exception if it takes hard work to get everybody. Because in that case, I at least want to put that hard work into playing Sonic a whole bunch at the same time.
I have already blocked off December 7th.

Also, it's funny to me that there was an argument that nothing could happen on September 11th. I suppose those same people need to hear about a certain day which was supposed to live in infamy... (I don't claim everyone needs to know American History, but if that's gonna be the argument against 9/11, it never occurred to me to bring up that the game releases on December 7th, which is the day Pearl Harbor was bombed).


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
Isabelle is the new Shadow/Dark Samus when it comes to echo speculation.

I think she could work without even really changing her porportions. Jab is literally Villager's only punching attack, and even that uses cartoonish boxing gloves. And it's not like stretching out a character's limbs for a single attack is anything new to Smash Brothers.

Deleted member

A quick question for everyone!

Who would be the first newcomer/echo fighter you'd be willing to give a try upon unlocking them in Ultimate?
I'll probably just give whoever I unlock first a try as soon as I can, but if I had a choice as to who to unlock first, then either :ultsimon: or :ultrichter:.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
So question to everyone? Assuming the Amiibo thing turns out to be true. Who will you unlock instantly?

Me just Bowser, Duck Hunt, King Dedede, King K. Rool, Ridley and Rosalina & Luma. Everyone else though I'll unlock properly.
Assuming only the original eight are starters (even then I'm only missing Samus), I'd be able to unlock:


And that'd be great because unlocking Chrom would be the first thing I'd do.
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Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2018
I got bored and made this as a silly way to pass the time, enjoy while we continue to wait for the Direct:



Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014

This is the line, not crossing this. Not being a jerk, I just think I should have a little integrity in what I do.

She's a video game character technically but what I think puts her over dudes in say 'xenoverse' is that Figtherz is intended to be a cohesive hyper fighter as opposed to a well-working fan miking game like say everything else just about, Budokai comes to mind.

Those are my thoughts on the matter and other than her that's my END on Dragonball related content.

Otherwise, I hope you like it.
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Handy Man

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2013
Did you paint a Yoshi amiibo yellow?
I got the Charizard and Yoshi amiibo custom painted by The Game Changers. Purple Zard is my Smash 4 main, my brother uses Yellow Yoshi in every Smash game. I plan on getting a custom King K. Rool amiibo as well once I find out what his alt colors are, as I plan on maining the Kremling king in Ultimate. Plus, the custom Jigglypuff amiibo with the sleeping hat is from GandaKris, I bought it from her at EVO 2016.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2018
Zora's Domain
You've already got a better credibility then Marcus sellers already
Here's my leak:
12e: Spheal
16e: Impa
36e: Dixie Kong
38e: Shadow
68: Elma
69 (nice): Bandana Waddle Dee
69e: Isabelle
70: RuPaul (yikes sakurai ://)
71: Carly Rae Jepsen
71e: PSY
72: Gothitelle
72e: Gardevoir
73: Geno
73e: Pinocchio (Shrek)
74: Donkey Kong, but again
75: The concept of existance itself
75e: Banjo-Kazooie


Smash Lord
Aug 10, 2014
I got bored and made this as a silly way to pass the time, enjoy while we continue to wait for the Direct:

Where are the characters that hack the game and ruin it for everyone else? Surely that'd be Wario and Villager at least.
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You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
So question to everyone? Assuming the Amiibo thing turns out to be true. Who will you unlock instantly?

Me just Bowser, Duck Hunt, King Dedede, King K. Rool, Ridley and Rosalina & Luma. Everyone else though I'll unlock properly.
I could unlock every Wii U character since I have a complete Amiibo collection.

But I'll probably just do Inkling so I can play the game with a new character from the start.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Well that's news to me. Didn't know Sakurai of all people would be the guy to name it.
Oh, you more meant the name. Let me look it up a bit more. It's a 100% intended mechanic.

That said, he has used the term Clone and Echo, though.

Smooth Cancelling, that was it.
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Deleted member

This is a 2D fighter. If a character has slightly chubbier arms, legs, or even a body, that's not an issue in a 2D plane. They could just alter the hitboxes a bit. It's not rocket science.
Eh, their legs are about the same size and her arms can either be slightly elongated or the animations could be reworked to suit her shorter arms. The heads are still about the same size so it being a different shape shouldn't be an issue. Their bodies really aren't as different as you're making them out to be
What do your imagination's limitations have to do with what is possible in the game?
This.... isn't really anything adjusting body porportions couldn't change to be brutally honest.

And "Ridley would be a Charizard clone" are the same people who thought Megaman would be a Samus clone, or BK would be a Duck Hunt clone, their opinions aren't relevant.

Most of your issues can be solved with incredibly minor adjustments.
Me, reading these responses that range from complete lack of understanding on how Smash works and outright missing the points I made completely:


Banned via Warnings
Jul 23, 2018
I got the Charizard and Yoshi amiibo custom painted by The Game Changers. Purple Zard is my Smash 4 main, my brother uses Yellow Yoshi in every Smash game. I plan on getting a custom King K. Rool amiibo as well once I find out what his alt colors are, as I plan on maining the Kremling king in Ultimate. Plus, the custom Jigglypuff amiibo with the sleeping hat is from GandaKris, I bought it from her at EVO 2016.
I actually never asked this before but I remember just now.

This question is for Charizard mains out there. Are you upset that Charizard is back being tied to Pokemon tranier? Just curious


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
On the topic of amiibo, I'm only unlocking Pokemon Trainer with them. Although I have basically all of my favorite characters already (minus Riddles and Wolf), I want to have the satisfying feeling of watching the roster grow by unlocking them all the good old fashioned way. I'm only unlocking my main because I miss Squirtle and Ivysaur too badly to wait any longer for them then I have to.


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2013
Location Machine Broke
If Android 21 got in (somehow) before Goku, I'd laugh at the suffering of Goku fans until the heat death of the universe.

So question to everyone? Assuming the Amiibo thing turns out to be true. Who will you unlock instantly?

Me just Bowser, Duck Hunt, King Dedede, King K. Rool, Ridley and Rosalina & Luma. Everyone else though I'll unlock properly.
All of the Amiibo I own that work. So that would be :ultmiifighters::ultzss::ultganondorf::ultmetaknight::ultmewtwo::ultlucina::ultcloud::ultsonic: as well as possibly :ultinkling: and :ultzelda:.

View attachment 163490
There's obviously only one solution
This is the only leak worth talking about

I got bored and made this as a silly way to pass the time, enjoy while we continue to wait for the Direct:

tag urself i'm "Plays Pokemon but only be themselves." Used to trade with others, though, back when I went one of those "Pokemon Leagues" they'd set up for the TCG.

If you had complete control over which characters would be in Smash, who would you have? What would the roster look like?

The point of this is to make a roster that would please you specifically. You can even cut Mario if you so chose.
  • Stage Creator needs to let us put stages on external devices again, like in Brawl. Some other tweaks would be appreciated, but that's the biggest priority.
  • A meaty story mode that isn't swamped in tiresome nonsense. Adventure Mode was too short, and Subspace was balanced around a godawful sticker system. Yeah, miss me with that fake **** k thx.
  • The concept of random drops-- outside of trophies --is gone completely and forever. All CDs unlocked at the start (you still need to unlock the corresponding characters and/or stages, however), custom parts and stickers GTFO, and custom moves are limited to Mii Fighters and Mii Fighters only, which are available OOTB.

Newcomers (*= Echo):
Linkle*, Midna, Cia (+ Lana Echo Fighter), Black Shadow*, Gardevoir (+ Gothitelle Echo Fighter), Rundas, Lyn, Camilla, Tharja, Phosphora, Maybe Pandora, Marx, Suzie, Octoling*, Twintelle (+ Lola Pop Echo Fighter), Elma, Pyra, Alucard, Big Boss*, Raiden, Quiet, Shadow*, Dr. Eggman, Zero (Mega Man X), Chun Li, Cammy, Juri, Sora, Aqua, the entire Organization XIII, 2B (+ 9S Echo Fighter), Jun Kazama (+ Azuka Kazama Echo), Dante, Nightmare (Soulcalibur), Adam Jensen, J.C. Denton (+ Alex Denton Echo Fighter), Chell, Aloy.

Shantae would be a maybe; I'd have to see how they'd handle her moveset before I make any decisions.

With that said... dayum, a roster made exclusively of characters I'd enjoy playing as-- not just enjoy seeing in the series--would be a complete and total ****show. I mean seriously, look at all those Third-parties; look at all that anime swordfighter. If a game came out with this roster, anyone in their right mind would take one look at it and go

Everyone not mentioned is kept in.
Whenever I say "Alt. Costume," I mean Alt. Costume, complete with voice changes as well as different victory poses, taunts, and the announcer says their name instead of the default. Don't give me any of that Palette swap crap.
  • :ultdoc: is made into an alt. costume of :ultmario:. Mario receives Dr. Mario's Down-B, with F.L.U.D.D. converted into an item. Paper Mario is made an Echo fighter of Mario that uses the same neutrals, but different specials.
  • :ultdaisy: is made into an alt. costume of :ultpeach:. Toad is removed from her moveset.
  • Add Waluigi and Toad. I don't care much for them, but I'm sick of people arguing over the former, and I'm seeing of seeing the latter in Peach's moveset. Throw in King Boo, too, because he was fun in Mario Kart Wii, I guess.
  • :ultyoshi: gets in, but only after he serves his sentence for committing tax fraud. :p
  • Yarn Yoshi is added as an Echo Fighter for :ultyoshi:. Gotta overrepresent Yoshi somehow.
  • Ashley is added. I don't care much for her, but we gotta overrepresent Wario somehow.
  • Add Dixie Kong, Funky Kong and a few other requested Donkey Kong characters. I don't care much for them, but DK series needs to get in on the "EVERYONE IS OVERREPRESENTED" bandwagon I'm driving here.
  • Linkle is made into an Echo Fighter of Link. Her primary distinction from Link is that she uses Crossbows instead of a Bow, retains the Clawshot grab, and kick-moves have a flame effect added to them, similar to Ken from Street Fighter.
  • :ulttoonlink: is made into an alt. costume of :ultyounglink: or vice versa. Ravio is made an echo fighter of this character.
  • :ultganondorf: is revamped, using dark magic and his twin swords of Hyrule Warriors. He dawns the appearance of his Hyrule Warriors look, with Twilight Princess Ganondorf and Communist Ganondorf (The red outfit seen here) as alt. costumes. Donate his Smash 4 moveset to an Echo Fighter of Captain Falcon.
  • :ultzelda: is revamped, using the Light Bow and her rapier from Hyrule Warriors. Her costumes are various incarnations of Zelda, including TP, ALTTP/ALBW, BOTW, HW, Skyward Sword, and a Hilda Alt. Costume. :ultsheik: is either made into an Alt. Costume (with their moveset donated to a playable Impa) or an Assist Trophy.
  • Add Skull Kid, Midna, Fi, Impa, Cia (with Lana Echo Fighter), Ghirahim, Vaati and Veran. I don't care much for them (except Midna, Fi, Lana and possibly Veran), but I would very much appreciate it if Zelda had some actual diverse representation for once-- aw ****, I said both "diversity" and "representation" in the same sentence. That's gonna get me into hot water with the "High Guardian Spice is going to be the worst thing to happen since Teen Titans Go" crowd, isn't it?
  • :002: and :007: are replaced with :003: and :009: (with their strength, speed, weight changed. attacks that rely on Squirtle and Ivysaur being smaller, lighter or faster are replaced with attacks that are more appropriate), and all three of :ultpokemontrainer:'s starters are made into their own separate characters.
  • On the subject of Sceptile, Blaziken, and Swampert: EITHER ALL THREE GET IN, OR NONE OF THEM GET IN.
  • On the subject of Decidueye, Incineroar, and Primarina: EITHER ALL THREE GET IN, OR NONE OF THEM GET IN.
  • Either Chesnaught and Delphox are added, or :ultgreninja: is made into a Poke Ball character.
  • :ultpichu: is made into a Poke Ball character.
  • Add Gardevoir, with Gothitelle as either an Alt. Costume or Echo. Also, add Meowth, Lycanroc, Zoroark, and a couple other (NON-STARTER) characters folks are asking for.
  • :ultroy:, :ultchrom:, :ultlucina:, Lyn and three other Fire Emblem Sword Lords are made into alt. costumes of :ultmarth:.
  • :ultike: has his Down-B changed. :ultcorrin: either has their Down-B changed or is cut entirely.
  • Hector, Camilla, and a bunch of other FE Axe-wielders are brought in as a new character.
  • Cecila, Tharja, and a bunch of other FE Magic-users are brought in as a new character.
  • :ultsamus: uses her Metroid Prime Design, and has the ability to change beams using her taunts.
  • :ultzss: is made as muscular as she is in the ending to Super Metroid, and wears a Zero Suit that isn't from Other M (though preferably not the Super Metroid Zero Suit either, as that one looks kinda boring and impractical tbh). Samus keeps the rocket shoes, but they would be colored purple and the "rocket" would be behind the heel, not under it.
  • :ultdarksamus: gets an SA-X alt. costume.
  • Add Rundas and Sylux.
  • Either :ultpit: gets his old Side-B back, or he gets :ultdarkpit:'s Side-B and Dark Pit is made into an alt. costume.
  • Sakurai, I played Kid Icarus: Uprising, and I'm pretty sure :ultpalutena: didn't need no freakin' wings. If it's not part of her recovery, toss that nonsense outta here, and replace them with cooler neutrals/smash attacks in their place. Also, more diverse specials; if she's going to have a counterattack special and a projectile reflector special, they should be on the same special.
  • Add Phosphora, Pandora, Viridi, and Medusa. Hades can be a boss character.
  • Palucina is ****ing canonized.
  • :ultkirby:'s copy ability would hopefully be made a tad more complicated, borrowing all of the character's specials instead of just the neutral.
  • Add Magolor, Marx, Suzie, Adeline, and Bandana Dee. An upgraded Zero-Two called Zero-Three would be the Final Boss character of the above-mentioned story mode, instead of Tabuu. If no story mode, then have Zero-Two as a boss character.
  • Add Slippy and Krystal. I don't like Star Fox, but we gotta overrepresent it somehow.
  • Add Porky. I don't care much for him, but we gotta overrepresent Earthbound somehow.
  • :ultwiifittrainer: is reworked to be stronger and more fun. Wii Fit Balance Board and Reckless Wiimote Guy is added as an assist trophy.
  • Isabelle is added as an echo fighter of :ultvillager:.
  • Octoling is added as an echo fighter of :ultinkling:.
  • Spring Man, Ribbon Girl, Min Min, Twintelle and a couple others are all alt. costumes of a singular ARMS character, with Lola Pop as an Echo Fighter whose shield functions differently...
  • Add Elma and Rex+Pyra as either a tag team or separate characters.
  • Add Alucard.
  • Big Boss is added as an echo fighter of :ultsnake:... or is Snake an echo fighter of Big Boss? :thinkingemoji:
  • Replace :ultsnake:'s Side-B with the Stinger.
  • Add Raiden and Quiet.
  • :ultmegaman: has the bird robot as his default Up-B.
  • Add Zero from the Mega Man X series.
  • Ken is added as an echo fighter of :ultryu:, because **** it.
  • Add Chun Li, Cammy, Zangief and M. Bison.
  • Have Roger Craig Smith voice "YOU'RE TOO SLOW!" for :ultsonic:'s Side-taunt.
  • Either replace :ultsonic:'s Side-B or Down-B. You can't change my mind.
  • Shadow is added as an echo fighter of :ultsonic:.
  • Add Tails, Knuckles, and Dr. Eggman.
  • Add Issac. I don't care much for him, but we've already made the roster so big it's starting to give MUGEN anxiety attacks, so...
  • Add Sora. Maybe add Riku and Aqua as well.
    • If ya'll wanna get ****ing crazy, however, add the entire Organization XIII, including Xion as an Echo Fighter of Roxas.
  • Add 2B, with 9S as an Echo.
  • Add Heihachi Mishima, Kazuya Mishima, Lars+Alisa, Jin Kazama (who uses Devil Jin as his final smash), and Jun Kazama (who uses UNKNOWN as her Final Smash), with Azuka Kazama as an echo fighter of Jun Kazama.
  • Add Dante, Shantae, Doomguy, Shovel Knight, Rayman, Lloyd, Banzo & Kazooie, Crash and Spyro, Nightmare and Ivy Valentine, and all those other obscure third-party folks...
  • Add Adam Jensen and J.C. Denton, with Alex Denton as an echo fighter of J.C. Denton. Alex Denton, like Wii Fit Trainer, includes both the Male and Female versions.
  • Add Chell.
  • Add Aloy.
  • Have the DDLC make a cameo appearance in the game somewhere.
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Mr. Trumo

Smash Apprentice
Sep 6, 2018
Assuming only the original eight are starters (even then I'm only missing Samus), I'd be able to unlock:


And that'd be great because unlocking Chrom would be the first thing I'd do.
Say, that brings up a good question: How will :ultpokemontrainer: work? Will Charizard's amiibo unlock him? Or will you unlock him bu only be able to use Charizard?

Same goes for Mii fighters...


Smash Lord
Sep 1, 2018
Western Massachusetts
Sakurai will put in a newcomer

But it has to be a character that starts with the letter of your first name. Who is it?

My name starts with Q so I'm screwed. Q from Street Fighter or the F-Zero one I guess

Omega Tyrant

Smash Champion
Nov 13, 2009
Schenectady, New York
The 2016 date is based of a date for an image in the artbook. It doesn't confirm anything beyond that image was done then. In an interview, Takahashi confirmed that Rex and Pyra's models were made in house and were the first ones done (with the rest being outsourced). Since the planning began in 2014, its unlikely they wouldn't finish the designs until mid2016, especially as the game was shown off in early 2017. In short, there is no confirmation the designs were done in 2016.
People always point to Greninja when arguing for Rex/Pyra or an Arms character, but always seemingly ignored the interview where Sakurai stated Greninja was an explicit exception for Pokemon, while in that same interview stating that if Awakening released as little as six months later (with its Japanese release being one month before Smash 4's project plan was devised), Robin and Lucina probably wouldn't have been playable in Smash 4.

Also remember the issue with inclusions from future games isn't just if Sakurai would know about the characters' existence or not when deciding the roster, it's that he has no idea how those characters will be received and what their demand for Smash will be until it's far too late into development to do anything about it. Back in December 2015 even if Sakurai knew about those games, he has no idea if Xenoblade 2 will be the hit it became or be a franchise killer like Zip-Lash, and he has no idea if Arms will be Nintendo's next big new IP or be another stillborn franchise like Code Name STEAM; if Sakurai did a future inclusion for those games and they flopped, few people would be clamoring for those characters and them being in Smash over other options would receive quite the backlash, especially in a game like Ultimate that is focusing on fan desires so much, and there's the possibility those games are successful but whatever character Sakurai chooses end up not being popular, still leading to a negative reaction. This is additionally the age of DLC and Smash 4's DLC was hugely successful, why risk putting the developmental resources into a new unproven character for the base game, when you can put those resources instead towards a proven fan favorite and then make the new character for DLC once they prove themselves?

When people think Rex/Pyra and an Arms character will be in the base game, they really have to put aside their recency bias; if Xenoblade 2 and Arms flopped barely anyone would be talking about them for Smash, and now are only making their assumptions about them being in Smash with information Sakurai did not know when he decided the roster.
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Deleted member

So just to be sure anyone who thought previously that those "leaks" had any shed of credibility that had logos and Smash Ultimate having "Time for a Smashing Annoucement!"...
God himself has just made the final judgement.

I rest my case. Can't wait for tomorrow!


Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
This is something I'm surprised Sakurai hasn't done yet.

Putting himself as a very secret playable character in any of the Smash games. I can only imagine what his Final Smash would be. :laugh::p

Moon Monkey

Smash Hero
Nov 20, 2006
The Moon
Switch FC
So just to be sure anyone who thought previously that those "leaks" had any shed of credibility that had logos and Smash Ultimate having "Time for a Smashing Annoucement!"...
God himself has just made the final judgement.

I rest my case. Can't wait for tomorrow!

Jeezus that bottom right image...
Like what font is that?? LMFAO


Banned via Warnings
Jul 23, 2018
So just to be sure anyone who thought previously that those "leaks" had any shed of credibility that had logos and Smash Ultimate having "Time for a Smashing Annoucement!"...
God himself has just made the final judgement.

I rest my case. Can't wait for tomorrow!

Yeah your quite late.

Also Scott is the proper definition of cringe


Laughs and Logic
Apr 8, 2014
Birth Island, FL
Welp, that's enough Smashboards for today.
Imagining your reaction as a caption for your avatar gave me some hilariously LEGO Movie vibes. Thank you.

Side note: LEGO Super Smash Bros. game with appropriate WB Interactive guest characters Maxwell and Scorpion as guest characters would be—dare I say it—awesooome!
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