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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Lord
Jul 10, 2018
Switch FC
6001 9919 2607
But Diddy has Dixie.
But Dixie has Funky and Swanky.

I really have to say, that while this wait is the shortest we’ve ever had for a Smash game, I might argue that in terms of everyone slowly losing their minds that might actually be worse. As soon as the first trailer dropped the game was in its “so close we can taste it” stage. A game is easy to forget about and ignore when it’s due out in 1-2 years, but when we’re going to have this in a matter of months it’s easy for anticipation and excitement to be hard to fight off. Some of the topics I’ve seen made and questions I’ve seen asked in this period have been more buckwild than anything I ever saw in Brawl or 4’s dev cycle, and I think that’s hilarious and goes to show we’re all losing it.

So guys, if you woke up as your Smash 4 main and was married to your Melee secondary, how would your life change?
I would wake up very scared. I’d be significantly smaller than a pebble and married to Ganondorf.
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Radical Bones

Soul King
Sep 23, 2013
Down Under
Switch FC
For the record, I’ve been keeping a list of all characters whose Final Smashes we have not yet seen or heard of in any capacity:
  • Yoshi
  • Luigi
  • Captain Falcon
  • Peach
  • Daisy
  • Young Link
  • Meta Knight
  • Diddy Kong
  • Lucario
  • R.O.B.
  • Wii Fit Trainer
  • Greninja
  • Mii Brawler
  • Mii Swordfighter
  • Mii Gunner
  • Robin
  • Richter
Of these, I suspect Luigi, Captain Falcon, Meta Knight, R.O.B., and Wii Fit Trainer will likely have the same Final Smashes as before. Peach may too, but if so, she and Daisy will have to have different Final Smashes like Pit and Dark Pit. Greninja’s Final Smash may be changed in some way to incorporate Ash-Greninja, but it also may not. Unlike all the other characters I just listed, the Miis are more up in the air; though none of their Final Smashes are incompatible with Ultimate’s Final Smash design, the Miis have received lots of overhauls in design and movepools in general from what we can see, so I wouldn’t be shocked if their Final Smashes followed suit. Richter also likely shares his Final Smash with Simon; after all, he was the one who originated the Grand Cross move, not Simon. It actually makes more sense on him.

On to more interesting topics. Yoshi, Diddy, and Lucario must have reworked Final Smashes because transformations have been removed. I suspect Diddy will still use Rocketbarrel Barage, but it will be an automated attack more along the likes of Super Sonic, except Diddy will most likely stay close to the top of the screen while shooting peanuts downwards. My guess for Lucario is that he will regain Aura Storm from Brawl, but now he will Mega Evolve before performing it. Yoshi, however, is more of a tossup. He could also have a “keep his old transformation but use it to perform an automatic attack sequence”-style Final Smash, but I think it’s more likely that he will perform an entirely new Final Smash using the Mega Eggdozer from Yoshi’s New Island. As bad as that game is, I think that would honestly be the superior Final Smash, but that’s just my opinion. Also, even though they don’t possess a transformation Final Smash, Robin will also require changes to their Final Smash because Chrom is now playable. I suspect it will still remain Pair-Up instead of anything having to do with Grima, though. My guess is that Frederick will replace Chrom, but otherwise the attack will be relatively similar.

That just leaves Daisy and Young Link, and they are by far the hardest to speculate on. In my opinion, the contents of Daisy’s Final Smash will be highly dependent on whether or not they change Peach’s Final Smash; if they don’t, then Daisy’s Final Smash will probably be more personalized, but if they do change it to something less “edible peach” themed, then Daisy will probably just have a variation on that. If Sakurai is willing to delve into more “obscure” territories, I could see Daisy’s Final Smash being based on one of her sports appearances, such as her super move from either Mario Power Tennis or Mario Tennis: Aces (though the latter is probably too recent.) It could even be similar to her Mega Strike in Mario Strikers: Charged. Hell, if he wants to draw back to her origins, he could even have her Final Smash be an attack by Tatanga, though I’m not sure if Sakurai wants to delve quite that deep. I think it’s too hard to pinpoint exactly what Daisy’s Final Smash is going to be, but if I had to guess... I think it’s probably just going to be something generic with flowers involved in some way. I would love to be wrong, though!

Young Link, like Daisy, has the potential to either have a more personalized Final Smash or a more generic one, in this case Triforce Slash. However, given the fact that he’s not technically an Echo Fighter, and given he has arguably more material to work with than Daisy, I think it’s highly likely he will have a completely unique Final Smash. Fierce Deity Link gets thrown around a lot, and even though regular Link still has a color pallete based off of him, I think it’s quite likely a possibility regardless. Obviously it would have to involve a scripted attack sequence since Ultimate has removed all install supers, but even so, Fierce Deity Link is the perfect combination of “badass and true to the character” that I find it highly doubtful Sakurai would pass it up. I also think that he could use a variation on Link’s Ancient Arrow with a Light Arrow instead, (similar to Zelda’s old Final Smash,) or even incorporate the other transformation masks into an attack sequence in some way. At the end of the day though, I don’t think Young Link is going to end up with Triforce Slash.

Worth noting that while we haven’t had any footage or screenshots of Duck Hunt’s Final Smash, his blog update seems to have confirmed that his Final Smash has not changed, so I removed him from the list once I got that information.
Yoshi transforming in some form would be a really great nod to his games. I wouldn't be surprised to see Yoshi Stampede as his FS similar to Melee's opening.

Luigi, Falcon, MK, Greninja, WFT, Mii's will probably be the same.

Peach deserves a new FS. There is plenty they can draw from - Cat Peach would be cool - but I think it's be either Toad related based on how much Toad stands out in her moveset and how expressive the model is. And seeing as they've given Daisy the Blue Toad... it might be the same for her.

R.O.B could have heaps of cool Final Smashes, but his will probably be the same.

YL has to be Fierce Deity or I quit.

Lucario will probably Mega Evolve and send off a giant Aura Sphere similar to his Brawl FS.

I would bloody love it if Diddy also had a stampede like FS riding Rambi - it'd work exactly like Captain Falcons.

And Robin... I dunno, just summons another FE character probs.


Smash Champion
Mar 14, 2018
I always hate this discussion. We are given literally no indication of Ike's sexual orientation. He shows no romantic interest in Soren, ranulf, or elincia or any character at all. Like why can't characters just be friends? Close relationships with non family members that aren't sexual exist.
Because any character who remotely has chemistry or scenes together are instantly given that possibility, no matter how small, that there could be something more, which is what "shipping" really accentuates.

Besides, you KNOW when two characters are coded to be together in a movie and undertones do exist


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Yea I'm not big on older FE games, does he canonically have kids? Because that's the only definitive proof and that's what I'm basing it on.
Marth definitely had kids (otherwise Lucina and Chrom wouldn’t be his descendents in the Altea Royal Lineage)


Smash Lord
Oct 24, 2007
Switch FC
4999 6039 1484
Lucario will probably Mega Evolve and send off a giant Aura Sphere similar to his Brawl FS.
I just want Lucario to have a flippin' Spirit Bomb (Genki Dama for you hardcore elitests) FS. I mean, Aura Storm from Brawl was made up out of thin air. Give it a move where, wherever its standing, wherever its facing, it fires a large blue Aura bomb at the stage.

Radical Bones

Soul King
Sep 23, 2013
Down Under
Switch FC
The sad thing is that the Direct date will be announced, we'll be excited for a bit then we'll go back to talking about headcannons and making **** up.

In the middle of it all, people are trying to start new discussions and just being ignored to talk about if Bowser ever had sex lol.


Rocket Raccoon

Subject: 89P13
Writing Team
Jul 18, 2013
the Milano.
The sad thing is that the Direct date will be announced, we'll be excited for a bit then we'll go back to talking about headcannons and making **** up.

In the middle of it all, people are trying to start new discussions and just being ignored to talk about if Bowser ever had sex lol.

Ok but he did.


Smash Champion
Mar 14, 2018
I see we’re still discussing the sexuality of some characters...

You know that Goku debate doesn’t sound so bad afterall.
Yeah, what the **** are people's problems with this?

There are literally people who posted gross "female bisexuality is hawt" **** which us a total fetish thing and people who talk of how hot certain female and male characters look in this game.

I don't see how this is any worse? Seems like natural progression to talk of sexuality and virginity given the levels we've already reached

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
The sad thing is that the Direct date will be announced, we'll be excited for a bit then we'll go back to talking about headcannons and making **** up.

In the middle of it all, people are trying to start new discussions and just being ignored to talk about if Bowser ever had sex lol.

He did. With Miyamoto.

It’s a canon fact.


Ask not the sparrow how the eagle soars
Jun 5, 2013
taco bell, probablyn't
besides, this is the first actually new set of discussions I've seen in a while, most of the time it's games that get recycled over time, leaks that last half a day, and other Smash related noise. I'd be down for a thread just for conversations like these.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2013
United States
Meh... Funky is overrated. Diddy don't need pants to make the ladies go Hoo Ha!
That's because Dixie wears the pants. Saving Diddy's scrawny ass twice.

Because I care about the structural integrity of this thread, I will now actually say something related to Smash:

Dixie for Ultimate. The girl with the twirl is almost here.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2014
I had to skip some pages so I don't know if this has been talked about already but:


Nothing too special and most likely fake, but hey it's something to talk about.
-Layout is clean, well-made, but doesn't quite seem Nintendo's style to me.
-Acid Ghost is a veeeery interesting inclusion. A quick Google search has results in 2012 as a rumor, with it popping up again occasionally between then and now. Boxart comes up on Google search and the image here seems the same with tweaked colors. The image source is broken. I haven't looked more than a minute into this, so someone can chime in if this game is either confirmed real or fake. I've never heard of it before today.
-Super Remix seems to be a definite nod to the rumored SNES Remix sequel to NES remix
-I can't see Sekiro coming to Switch honestly. Pretty much kills this one for me

Final verdict: looks fake, but kinda interesting


Smash Journeyman
May 3, 2017
Boise, Idaho
Switch FC

guys imm ****ing shakking mmew2kign woul dneverr do this im ****ing cryingg??????????
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Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2018
This topic is much more entertaining than the same roster predictions and text leaks. At least there are actual things like dialogue subtext and timelines that can be analyzed and debated. Certain types of representation are very important to some people so it's not like these topics should be alienated from Smash discussion.


Sep 26, 2013
Honestly, I think we're not going to hear anything until Wednesday.

There's no chance of **** 'leaking' via Famitsu or CoroCoro, so there's really 'nothing' pressing them until NEXT week at the earliest.

The fact that nothing Smash related has leaked kind of proves how lock and key this **** is being kept.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 13, 2018
Magical Citadel of Endymion
I actually think what I said about us going insane was a overreaction. My 3 friends, penny, chip, and tissue all tell me I’m perfectly sane.

I know of a place...with magical charms...

Indoors, Indoors, INDOOORS...

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Y'know. I've seens some people say "who's Richter? I've never even heard of him!" but then turn around and say "OMG I loooooooove Symphony of the Night" and then I have to restrain from shouting FAKE FAN with all my might. Richter is a huge part of the story of that game too so if you've played SotN you know about Richter.
Yeah, I'm not a Castlevania pro at all, but even I knew about Richter beforehand. Even knew about Rondo of Blood and not just SOTN. And obviously I know about Simon.

The only others I knew beforehand were Juilius and Trevor though. I know there's more but I can't remember them all.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2013
United States
You all seriously doubt Wolf? The dude probably has a red light district built right into Sargasso. He's a space criminal with a big bounty for a reason. Probably has a brothel just called "O'Donnell's" at the epicenter of the district.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2018
Zora's Domain
A miserable pile of desperation.
I see we’re still discussing the sexuality of some characters...

You know that Goku debate doesn’t sound so bad afterall.
I genuinely don't understand these reactions beyong being going "ugh, gays". I understand if it's not your thing, but you could try and be constructive towards a different discussion, or maybe try and-- god forbid-- contribute to a topic which doesn't initially interest you? Just some constructive suggestions : )


Smash Ace
Jul 8, 2018
I just don't see what a characters' sexuality has anything to do with Smash ultimate and I don't think this is the thread to discuss it.

On another note. Let's say Geno doesn't get in and we we could have one other character from a Mario Rpg game make it in as a fighter who would you guys pick?

I'd personally want Vivian from Paper Mario she would be pretty cool.
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