So here's a forum game to throw around:
What are your top five favorite franchises included in Smash Bros.?
For me personally:
EDIT: Some of you guys are going in depth, so I might as well too.

- First game series I've ever picked up, and I fell in love with it ever since. I still remember all the hours I spent in Viridian Forest trying to get a Pikachu after shortly leaving Pallet Town with Charmander. I have such an attachment to games like FireRed, SoulSilver, and the Unova games foe a variety of reasons as they all had an impact on me at different stages in my life. It's an amazing series, I know practically every game in the series like the back of my hand, and despite me not being happy with a lot of decisions in modern games, it still holds a very high place in my heart.

- There's honestly not much I can say about these games that no one else hasn't spoken upon. He is the definition of Nintendo for me, so outside of that I'll just move on as everything has been spoken upon for him.

- Like many people, OoT was my very first Zelda game. It left me awed at the world and all the unique characters to be found. I found myself always wanting to come and explore the next iteration and incarnation of the Hero. This one that is heavily nostalgia based, sure, but I still contest that some of the games in the series are my favorites of all time. And they have the strength to back it up.

- Again, my first FE was many other people's, Awakening. I originally picked it up because it reminded me of one of my favorite tactical RPGs, Final Fantasy Tactics. However, I was pulled in through the sheer amount of personality and stakes that the series brings to the table. Alongside the introduction of the Outrealms and finding that this series had more to it than Ike and Marth, made me decide to take a deep dive into it. I found myself enjoying the earlier entries of the games and lost myself in the different continents and stories they had to offer.

- One of the series that I found through Smash Bros. itself, hell I used to think Samus was a robot until I saw her again in Brawl. After I practically got a 100% in that game, I read through all the Metroid trophies to discover more info and realized I needed to play these games.
My first game was Zero Mission and it felt completely unlike any other game I've played before and began to adore it. I slowly became a fan of the entire series after that.
Honorable mentions go to:

Jeez, that looks awful. Like I get someone put effort into this, but it's definitely not that easy to pull off.
Also, I could've sworn you hated us discussing "obvious fake leaks", so why do you bring this one up?