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For me at least, its not so much denial as not wanting to get my hopes up lol. Do I want a trailer of at least one person revealed? Of course! Are the chances high? Not really. Is there a chance at all? According to the past, yeah. But because its not a 100% certainty, I want to curb at least my expectations. And to be honest, as much as I want a new reveal, I also want to hear information on some games from 'classic' systems; I want to know if there will be SNES and Gamecube games eventually coming to the eShop for Switch and if yes, I want a timetable for when I should expect them. I also really want to know if we'll be seeing mario Maker return because that crap was hella fun.All I know is that Mimique's friend "F" predicted a Nintendo Direct for this week 2 weeks ago for no reason at all. He was right.
Yeah it's not like they didn't do that for Smash4.. Come the **** on, I get not expecting anything in the Nindies, but a 35 minute Nintendo Direct about upcoming 3DS and Switch games? If you don't expect AT LEAST your classic newcomer trailer you are in denial, no offense.
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